• 交互网络课程开发和应用具有十分重要地位和作用。

    The interaction of the online curriculum is of great importance in elearning education.


  • 同样网络课程中,知识点也是信息组织传递基本单元

    Similarly, in the network course, knowledge points are also the basic unit of the organization and delivery of the information.


  • 给出网络课程资源建设过程中,专业术语查询设计基本方法

    The paper provides a basic method for checking technical terms during the process of building network course resources.


  • 网络课程开发过程中,交互设计影响课程质量学习效果重要因素

    During the development of web-based course, the interactive designing is an important factor that influences the quality of courses and learning result.


  • 文章介绍了概念图网络课程应用几种方法以及应用中的不足注意事项

    This article introduces several methods of its application in network-based courses, and the deficiencies and precautions in the process of application.


  • 目前网络课程开发中,着低水平重复开发现象,不利于远程教育长足发展。

    At present, there are some problems such as low-level and redundant development, which is not conducive to the rapid advancement of distance education in the construction of network course.


  • 网络课程教学活动中,师生需要交流协同学习同学之间需要相互讨论经验分享

    In the teaching activity of course of the network, teachers and students need the exchange, study in coordination, need to discuss and share with experience each other between classmates.


  • 网络课程设计中,教学内容的设计尤其是知识点组织编排影响网络学习质量的关键。

    In the design of network course, the design of teaching contents, especially the organization and arrangement of knowledge points affect the quality of learning by the network course.


  • 网络课程教学活动中,如何加强学习交流活动,减少学习者的学习孤独感是一个受到普遍关注的问题。

    How to enhance activities of exchange learning and reduce the loneliness of the learners in Web-based course teaching has aroused much attention.


  • 因而网络课程日益成为教学辅助手段今天,可以尝试开设媒介素养教育的网络课程,充分体现信息时代学习理念

    As network curriculum is becoming the assistant of instruction, we can try to teach media literacy curriculums through network, which can fully embody the new learning theory in this information era.


  • 本文简要描述网络课程相关概念,分析网络课程的相关研究概述,论述了学习动机网络课程中所起到的重要作用。

    Summed up the students learn how to improve the network strategy and motivation in learning strategies that research on the quality of curriculum design inspiration.


  • 建构主义理论指导教学设计远程教育网络教学中的应用主要体现在网络课程资源设计开发网络课程教学过程控制两个方面。

    The constructivist approach in instructional design is mainly applied in the design and development of online course materials and in the monitoring of the teaching processes of the online courses.


  • 网络引起了一场暴风雨般的大讨论课程受到了无数匿名网友支持

    This led to a stormy discussion on the Internet and the university course received a surprising amount of support from anonymous netizens.


  • 从逻辑上讲,这些课程似乎可以变为商品”并低价网络上卖出

    It seems logical, then, that these could be turned into "commodities" sold at the lowest price online.


  • 也许参加过一些课程进修班或者这里那里研讨会但是最大块儿学习非正规的,主要网络让我想起这些日子里为了学习我使用的最多的那些工具。

    Maybe I've attended a class, workshop, or conference here or there, but the biggest chunk of my learning has happened informally, and mostly on the Web.


  • illustrate在网络疯狂2000年左右,注册计算机科学课程人数达到顶峰

    IllustrateEnrollment in computer science programs peaked around 2000, at the height of the dotcom frenzy.


  • 网络课程具有交互性共享性开放性自主性协作特点网络教育占有核心地位

    Web-based Course, with the characteristics such as interactivity, sharability, openness, autonomy, cooperation, occupies a central position in network education.


  • 网络世界里事物变得很快有一新浪微博可能很快代替了但是社交网络重要性以及它们公民权课程将会保留下来这是毋庸置疑的。

    In the online world, things change fast and Weibo could be replaced one day soon but the importance of social networks and the lessons of citizenship they teach will undoubtedly remain.


  • 方法应用工程图学课程中各章节动画以及其他课程课件制作网络教育具有应用前景

    This method can also be used in other chapters of this course and make other coursewares. It has an application prospect in network education.


  • 要求课程进行之前网络论坛上发表至少一项提议

    You are required to make at least one submission to the on-line forum before the next recitation section.


  • 数据传输采用媒体技术使制作的多媒体课程网络上的播放更加流畅

    On data transmission it use the streaming media technology and it make fluent playing in the net.


  • 网络课程作为重要教学资源网络教学中的作用日益突出

    As a kind of important learning resources, the role of online course in online education is also becoming increasingly prominent.


  • 案例讨论实验参与(5%):hst. 035十二个实验课程十个网络上进行的。

    Active participation in case discussions and laboratories (5%). Ten of the 12 laboratory sessions in HST. 035 are web-based.


  • 印第安纳大学评估教育政策中心一份新的报告18个拥有全日制虚拟学校没有校舍所有课程网络上学习。

    A new report from the Center for Evaluation and Education Policy at Indiana University says eighteen states have full-time virtual schools. There are no buildings. All classes are online.


  • 印第安纳大学评估教育政策中心一份新的报告18个拥有全日制虚拟学校没有建筑所有课程网络上学习。

    A new report from the Center for Evaluation and Education Policy at Indiana University says eighteen states have full-time virtual schools. There are no buildings. All classes are online.


  • 印第安纳大学评估教育政策中心一份新的报告18个拥有全日制虚拟学校没有建筑所有课程网络上学习。

    A new report from the Center for Evaluation and Education Policy at Indiana University says eighteen states have full-time virtual schools. There are no buildings. All classes are online.


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