• 有时很惊讶经过深思熟虑的想法通过这个博客

    Sometimes I "m amazed at the thoughtful ideas that come through this blog."


  • 因此婚姻不是随随便便就进入,而是经过深思熟虑,更带着仰慕敬畏上帝心思走进来的。

    Marriage is therefore not to be entered upon by any thoughtlessly, but thoughtfully, reverently, and in the fear of God.


  • 而且牛津大学基金主管桑德拉·罗伯逊(Sandra Robertson)表示,那正是因为几年牛津大学经过深思熟虑后决定效仿哈佛模式。

    And that, according to Sandra Robertson, head of this fund, is because Oxford deliberately decided a few years ago that it would not try to emulate Harvard.


  • 索尼经过深思熟虑后,终于本周宣布的新产品PS3游戏平台发布日期销售价格

    THIS week, after much speculation, Sony finally announced the launch dates and the prices for its forthcoming PlayStation 3 games console.


  • 选举后期,广大地区国家当做众矢之的,这说明出现了一些全新经过深思熟虑的赌博,”他,“觉得可悲也很卑劣。”

    “To bring one country into the crosshairs in so many districts, at such a late stage of the campaign, represents something new and a calculated gamble,” he said. “I find it deplorable.


  • 文字太多场合下有着太多的习惯用法,文字大小又各不相同,而且真实世界中存太多的经过深思和掩饰等等的话语。

    It appears in so many guises in so many places, in so many sizes, and of course the real world is full of reflections, occlusions, etc.


  • 一个教育环境下推出支持交换学习欣赏举措,和经过深思相互彼此力量价值的领悟,积极的记号

    Small steps in an educational setting that promote and support exchanges, learning, appreciation, and thoughtful realizations about each others' strengths and values are a positive sign.


  • 德国飞利浦案中,向零售商行贿可能也是经过深思熟虑商业策略

    At Philips Deutschland the bribery of retailers also may have been part of a deliberate policy.


  • 其次我们情绪波动情况下所作出的决定通常没有经过深思熟虑,它只会我们带来更多麻烦大的压力

    Secondly, decisions we make during these emotional waves are usually not well-thought and usually bring us more trouble and more stress.


  • 成本绿之后就变得很少了,如果一个可持续性政策经过深思熟虑,巧妙地实施了,就几乎可以忽略成本了。Kaestner

    The costs of going green can be "minimal to non-existent if a sustainability policy is carefully thought out and cleverly implemented," Kaestner says.


  • 纳入经验丰富架构师们应用程序方面的最佳实践一个经过深思熟虑精心设计框架

    It's a well-thought-out and well-designed framework that incorporates best practices in application design from experienced architects.


  • 喜欢介绍中看到这些类型渲染图,因为观众展示了已经经过深思熟虑建筑的构造。

    I liked seeing these types of illustrations in presentations because it shows the audience that the techtonics of the design have been thought through.


  • 不能愿望生活应该经过深思熟虑的计划

    You can't exist by hope alone, you have to have some properly thought-out plan.


  • 无论是基于个性固执、还是不愿接受现状,抑或经过深思熟虑后决心把,这点精神总是好的

    And this, whether it is motivated by obstinacy, denial or a sober calculation of the strategic stakes in Iraq, is a good thing.


  • 经过好的模糊处理应用程序中,所有类型方法字段名称经过深思熟虑想出的富有含义的名称变为无意义的半随机名称。

    In a well obfuscated application, the names of all types, methods, and fields are changed from their carefully thought out, informative names into meaningless, semi-random names.


  • 一个经过深思熟虑精巧的答案应该要考虑政策不同阶段决策过程中的不同层级,另外就是每个关键时机当中,这些要素如何发挥不同的角色。

    A well thought-out and sophisticated answer would consider the different "stages" of policy and the different levels of decision-making and how these elements might play differently at each juncture.


  • 相反,一个缓慢经过深思熟虑的过程——一系列微妙细化干预加强空间质量因此所有注意力集中艺术上。

    Instead this has been a slow, considered process - a series of subtle refinements and interventions that intensify the quality of the space, so that all the attention focuses on the art.


  • 本文试图构建资源外取战略框架依据,不仅决定进行资源外取时要经过深思熟虑,具体实践阶段需要进行周密策划控制

    This paper tries to establish the framework and foundation of Outsourcing Strategy. Outsourcing decision-making needs comprehensive plan and control during the period of specific practice.


  • 病人自杀决定必须自愿的、经过深思熟虑的,而且几个月里反复医生申明,以确保不是一时之念,或是暂时精神压抑下做出的选择。

    The decision has to be voluntary, well-considered and repeated to the doctor over months to ensure that the patients are not acting on a whim or are in the grip of a temporary depression.


  • 佩雷斯想法经过深思熟虑犹太人犹太人一起可能闲置希望使犹太人世俗化和使世界更加犹太人” 。

    Peres said that to him the idea was to bring thoughtful Jews and non-Jews together in the perhaps idle hope of "making the Jews more worldly and making the world more Jewish."


  • 佩雷斯想法经过深思熟虑犹太人犹太人一起可能闲置希望使犹太人世俗化和使世界更加犹太人” 。

    Peres said that to him the idea was to bring thoughtful Jews and non-Jews together in the perhaps idle hope of "making the Jews more worldly and making the world more Jewish."


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