• 采用计算机控制试验过程中在线观察试验曲线自动存储试验条件试验结果等数据。

    Adopt computer control, test process online observation test curve; automatic storage test conditions and test results.


  • 利用共聚焦激光扫描高温显微镜几种高温相变以及重熔时氮的释放进行了在线观察

    This paper reports the in-situ observation of the high-temperature phase transformation and nitrogen release of several types of HNS by a confocal laser scanning high-temperature microscope.


  • 研究者物理化学期刊b (The Journal of Physical Chemistry B)在线公布他们观察到的现象:分子其他水分子一种令人惊讶复杂动态方式结合

    What the researchers observed, they reported online in the Journal of Physical Chemistry b, is that water molecules bond with one another in a surprisingly complex and dynamic way.


  • 通过观察300名青少年Rosen发现在线社交网络降低青年学习能力智商

    After observing 300 teenagers study, Rosen found that online social networking can detract from a teen's learning and grades.


  • 无论如何,也许时候我们近距离观察自己在线些什么研究一下自己数码映像了。

    Either way, perhaps its time we all took a bit of a closer look at what we do online and studied our digital reflection.


  • 通过网络赚钱时间并不长,观察如果缺乏经验,在线赚钱最好方法先消除陈旧观念

    I haven't been around long enough to make money online, but from what I have observed, if you're inexperienced, the best way to go about it is to piggyback off a viral concept.


  • 这项研究对5000个个体进行了将近20观察观察结果发表一个英国在线医学杂志上面

    The study, which looked at nearly 5, 000 individuals over 20 years, was published online Thursday in the British Medical Journal.


  • 美国在线可能成为首先拥有数百万[在线]用户运营商。“90年代创建AOL观察网站大卫·卡塞尔指出。”

    AOL would be the first, formative [online] experience for tens of millions of users, noted David Cassel, who ran the AOL Watch Web site in the 1990s.


  • 以下三个步骤观察设置一个hCard(您在线名片)你的网站上过程

    The following three steps will take you through the process of putting.


  • 因为今天典礼在线直播照明设备必须而且已经调整到超出观察原件允许值范围之外。

    Because today's ceremony is being webcast, the lighting level had to be adjusted beyond that is allowable for viewing of the originals.


  • 利用电导实验技术在线跟踪观察吸附固-液吸附二元体系中的行为

    The behavior of adsorbate in solid-liquid adsorption system was observed on-line, by the experimental technology of conduction.


  • 这项研究为许多役中人们无法直接观察量测复合材料结构在线健康监控提供新的技术支持。

    The method developed in this paper can help build the system of online damage detection and health monitoring of composite material structures when they cannot be directly observed or measured.


  • 在线测试通过观察线路上双方协议实体会话进行协议测试的方法,测试中需要判定会话双方状态

    The online test is to test protocol through the protocol session observed online and the states of the session partners needed to be determined.


  • 我们沃尔玛在线食品杂货团队我们的工作是观察人们喜欢怎样寻找或者购买食品

    Here in the online grocery team at Walmart we look at how humans prefer to forage, or shop for food.


  • 固定线表针使人们观察线圈的位置

    A meter needle attached to the coil enables the position of the coil to be observed.


  • 研究人员环境健康观察期刊在线上发表报告显示1970年开始,美国日本男女出生比率开始下降

    But since 1970, the U. s. and Japan have experienced a downward shift in this male-to-female birth ratio, researchers report in the online edition of the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.


  • 医学在线新闻他汀类药物治疗可能有助于预防心房颤动(AF)复发,一项对植入起搏器患者观察研究显示

    MedWire News: Statin treatment may help to prevent atrial fibrillation (AF) recurrence, suggests an observational study of patients implanted with a pacemaker.


  • 有关可降解帖片详情以及小鼠实验观察的帖片免疫接种优势于7月18日发表NatureMedicine。(《自然医学杂志》)在线预览版。

    Details of the dissolving microneedle patches and immunization benefits observed in experimental mice were reported July 18th in the advance online publication of the journal Nature Medicine.


  • 虽然世纪佳缘已经是中国国内最大在线婚恋网站这家公司能不能成长美国相亲网站那样的规模有待观察

    Though Jiayuan has become the biggest online dating site in China, it remains to be seen whether the company can grow to the scale of its u.


  • 例如算术表达式的计算线内看来是从到右地执行操作(JLS 15.6章节),这种执行效果是没有必要其他线程观察到的。

    For example, arithmetic expression evaluation is performed in left-to-right order (JLS section 15.6) as viewed by the thread performing the operations, but not necessarily as viewed by other threads.


  • 生物样品微波辐射后,细胞甚至在线粒体细胞器内可观察较多的颗粒

    In microwave irradiated samples, intracellular lanthanum granules were observed. Even intramitochondrial and intralysosomal lanthanum granules were observed.


  • 生物样品微波辐射后,细胞甚至在线粒体细胞器内可观察较多的颗粒

    In microwave irradiated samples, intracellular lanthanum granules were observed. Even intramitochondrial and intralysosomal lanthanum granules were observed.


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