• 他们大街的一家意大利餐馆吃了饭

    They ate in an Italian restaurant in Forth Street.


  • 不用担心我会做好准备迎接他们的。此期间,我会去费利克斯商量聚会的事情。

    You needn't worry; I'll be ready to greet them. Meanwhile, I'm off to discuss the Fowler's party with Felix.


  • 需要吊起船只克莱德运河高度进入运河港然后进入水轮中较低多拉里。

    Boats needing to be lifted up enter the canal basin at the level of the Forth & Clyde Canal and then enter the lower gondola of the Wheel.


  • 一些地区引用自来水建议婴儿引用

    At some places in Fukushima, drinking tap water is not recommended for infants.


  • 不久我们岛县第一核电厂入口了。

    Before long we, too, are at the main entrance of Fukushima No 1.


  • 日方提议举行中日韩领导人会议开幕式

    Q: Japan proposed to host the opening ceremony of the China-Japan-ROK Leaders Meeting in Fukushima.


  • 在福朗瑟斯担心这件事可能会导致教育资源分配不当。

    Frances worried this might cause a misallocation of school resources.


  • 岛事件发生以前这一行动前景看起来非常乐观

    Before Fukushima, the prospects for action seemed reasonably positive.


  • 核电站,高压喷洒着水柱过热反应堆降温。

    At the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, water cannons spray jets of water to cool overheating nuclear reactors. But scientists say that's like using a squirt gun to put out a forest fire.


  • 放射性元素岛的花椰菜发现,大大超出国家限制范围

    Radioactive cesium was detected in broccoli in Fukushima Prefecture well above the country's limit.


  • 从根本上说在福朗瑟斯同僚们使双向障碍诊断变得容易多了。

    Essentially, Frances and his colleagues made it much easier to get a diagnosis of bipolar disorder.


  • 主要由爆炸周围检测出来持续几天放射性碘所致

    That is mainly because of the radioactive iodine that has already been detected around Fukushima after the explosions and fires it sustained in the past several days.


  • 初次旅行中去园子找到一棵能够确实的长红茶的红茶树。

    On his first trip Fortune expected to find identifiable black tea plants in gardens known to produce black tea.


  • 即使我们当中年过70的,也不能划着桨罗里达太阳下余生

    Even those of us who have reached and passed our 70th birthdays cannot afford to rest on our OARS and spend the rest of our lives dozing in the Florida sun.


  • 名工人被放射线烧伤,另有十七名暴露安全量水平之上辐射中。

    Two workers at Fukushima have so far received radiation burns and 17 have been exposed to levels of radiation considered unsafe.


  • 日本核工业安全协会周三检测到核辐射过去二十四小时内降落。

    Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said Wednesday that the radiation detected at the Fukushima plant had fallen steadily over the past 12 hours.


  • 索尼岛县电池工厂,都靠近影响严重的地区家工厂现已全部关闭

    Sony has two battery factories in Fukushima province, near the worst affected areas, and they are both closed.


  • 罗里达州Palmbay,一个女儿被谋杀父亲就曾经医院候诊室这样

    The father of a woman who had been murdered in Palm Bay, Fla., did that to me once, in the waiting room of the local hospital. Grabbed me and threw me into the door, shouting in my face.


  • 核电站重启一个灾难停产日本核电站又重新启动,这种情况灾难以来还是首次

    Nuclear restart For the first time since the Fukushima disaster, a Japanese nuclear reactor that had gone into shutdown has been brought back online.


  • 赫尔曼,正如此人们急切寻找基本生活必须品甚至这样内陆地区情况也是一样

    Herman says that because of this, people are scrambling to find basic necessities, even in inland areas such as Fukushima.


  • 岛核电厂反应堆中正常情况下控制棒本用来停止裂变反应的,它们已经失去这种效能了。

    In Fukushima's reactors, the control rods were used to shut down the fission reaction, which they did correctly, but they've exhausted their use now.


  • 一位来自巴黎核工业顾问认为即使是岛事件之后阿海珐还是迫切需要降低EPR反应堆成本

    Even after Fukushima, indeed, Areva still urgently needs to bring down the cost of its EPR, argues a Paris-based adviser to the industry.


  • 日本官方表示在福岛第一核电站的核辐射等级不会人体健康造成伤害对于灾难迫近焦虑持续着。

    Officials said that the readings at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant Tuesday morning were not at levels to causeharm to human health, ” but anxiety about impending disaster persists.


  • 日本官方表示在福岛第一核电站的核辐射等级不会人体健康造成伤害对于灾难迫近焦虑持续着。

    Officials said that the readings at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant Tuesday morning were not at levels to causeharm to human health,” but anxiety about impending disaster persists.


  • 生产受污染牛肉喂食了受污染稻草,这些稻草受岛第一核电站爆炸灾难中散发出同位素污染。

    The contaminated meat is coming from cattle that were fed rice straw contaminated with cesium isotopes ejected by the disaster-crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.


  • 岛县一个Iiate村子,因放射性强度过大,卫生部建议这个村子3700名居民不要这些

    In Iiate, a village in Fukushima prefecture, there was so much in the water that the health ministry advised the village's 3700 residents not to drink it.


  • 环保人士马克·林纳展示了许多国家灾难影响下逐步放弃核能这一计划如何导致全球变暖进一步加剧。

    Environmentalist Mark Lynas has shown how phasing out planned nuclear programmes in a number of countries as a result of the Fukushima disaster could add another degree to global warming.


  • 就是岛“撤离直观的感受,这些居民命令防空洞内——那些货车司机最害怕去,去不了的地方

    This is felt most acutely in Fukushima's "exclusion zone", whose residents have been commanded to stay in their shelters-and where lorry-drivers are afraid or unable to reach them.


  • 就是岛“撤离直观的感受,这些居民命令防空洞内——那些货车司机最害怕去,去不了的地方

    This is felt most acutely in Fukushima's "exclusion zone", whose residents have been commanded to stay in their shelters-and where lorry-drivers are afraid or unable to reach them.


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