• 很喜欢你们澳大利亚旅行视频你们玩得开心

    I want to say that I like watching the videos of your trip in Australia. You all have a blast, huh?


  • 对老夫妇非常高兴,因为他们在澳大利亚旅行很愉快。

    The old couple were pleased because they had a pleasant trip in Australia.


  • 新西兰火车为了旅行而不是为了到达任何地方。”雷维恩说,一个来自澳大利亚旅行导游。

    "Here, you travel by train for the journey, not to get somewhere, " explained Raewyn, who was guiding a tour group of Australians.


  • 今年还有别的希望澳大利亚回来的时候,已经着手计划前往斐济,那是个大腹便便旅行们能为自己啤酒肚自豪的国度(斐济以胖美)。

    This year, there's hope for me yet: On my way back through Australia, I have planned a side trip to Fiji, where plus-size travelers are revered for their bulk.


  • 一些流行地区接受疫苗接种的旅行(例如巴西澳大利亚美国秘鲁多哥)中,免疫接种后出现严重不良事件报告并不多见。

    Serious adverse events have been reported rarely following immunization in a few endemic areas and among vaccinated travelers (e.g. in Brazil, Australia, the United States, Peru and Togo).


  • 斯蒂芬1998年两人打算藩市到达澳大利亚穿越太平洋因为追求其它兴趣退出了这次冒险旅行

    He left the adventure in Hawaii in 1998 to pursue other interests as they attempted to cross the Pacific from San Francisco to Australia.


  • 海水涨潮,漂来条海船可以带着毕普不断地旅行,先美国再到日本然后澳大利亚顽强地颠簸甲板蹒跚行。

    The sea flooded in, bringing a ship that could take Bip on his constant travels to America, to Japan and to Australia, and he staggered manfully up and down the pitching deck.


  • 瓦内,名英国31岁DJ品牌顾问洛杉矶旅行遇见了的女友克里曼斯,两人相约澳大利亚再次见面

    Mr Iovane, 31, a DJ and brand consultant, met Miss Clemens, also 31, while he was visiting her home city of Los Angeles and the pair agreed to meet up again in Australia.


  • 旅行安排中,来自美国澳大利亚日本英国影迷们还能够尽情享受大家唱活动。

    On the Tours, movie fans from the United States, Australia, Japan and Britain always enjoy a good singalong.


  • 母亲澳大利亚英格兰或者佛罗里达州旅行,他依然会我打电话。

    The calls came even when he and my mother were in Australia, England or Florida.


  • Mila最近澳大利亚旅行夏威夷航空公司杂志上读到了有关美国大陆、日本夏威夷之间太平洋区域所存有毒塑料垃圾的文章。

    In her journey to Australia as of late Mila read an article upon the Hawaiian Airlines magazine about a toxic plastic mess in the Pacific Ocean between the Mainland, Japan and Hawaii.


  • 这会萨摩亚人、特别是萨摩亚游客免去很多旅行时间困惑,游客以为新西兰澳大利亚时区里。

    It will remove the enormous amount of confusion in our travel times for the Samoans and especially for the tourists who come to Samoa, who keep thinking of the New Zealand and Australian time zones.


  • 放弃国家队是因为真的米兰更努力工作,我自己位置上最好要从澳大利亚旅行回来后,那样浪费很多精力

    I gave up on the national side because you have to really work hard at Milan and I want to be in a position to play my best, but those trips back to Australia would've sapped me of too much energy.


  • 靠做护理工作了一些后,世界各地旅行多年,到处跳舞——澳大利亚的弗拉曼柯酒吧西班牙的弗拉曼柯学校印度海滩

    After saving money doing care work I travelled around the world for years, dancing in flamenco bars in Australia, flamenco schools in Spain and on beaches in India.


  • 加州奥克兰市一个喧嚣街角一家人拦住问路原来他们是从澳大利亚偏僻西北海岸来美旅行的。

    On a noisy street corner in Oakland, California, a family who stopped me for directions turned out to be visitors from Australia's isolated northwest coast.


  • 杜布赞斯基广泛旅行二十二哥伦比亚狩猎苍蝇危地马拉巴西智利澳大利亚几内亚埃及印度印度尼西亚美国西部

    Dobzhansky traveled widely during his twenty-two years at Columbia: hunting flies in Guatemala, Brazil, Chile, Australia, New Guinea, Egypt, India, Indonesia, and the western United States.


  • 杜布赞斯基广泛旅行二十二哥伦比亚狩猎苍蝇危地马拉巴西智利澳大利亚几内亚埃及印度印度尼西亚美国西部

    Dobzhansky traveled widely during his twenty-two years at Columbia: hunting flies in Guatemala, Brazil, Chile, Australia, New Guinea, Egypt, India, Indonesia, and the western United States.


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