• 美国,人们通常在清早打电话别人

    In the United States, it is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning.


  • 清早时过座教堂

    At nine in the morning there passed a church.


  • 记得早上清早醒来时,我感觉到可能性

    I remember one morning getting at the dawn, there was such a sense of possibility.


  • 之后的一时间里,仍然清早海格遇到了麦格

    Sometime after that, but still in the early morning, Hagrid encountered McGonagall.


  • 有没有激动清早醒来,只因为要迎来一天工作

    Ever wonder what it would feel like to wake up excited for another day at the office?


  • 清早睁开眼睛的时候,你留给一个蜜蜂营营鸟声婉转的世界

    When in the morning you open your eyes, I shall leave you to a world a-hum with bees, and songful with birds.


  • 清早羲里,亮光活跃黑暗消极黄昏的暮霭电,活跃不断增强的却是黑暗,昏沉寂的反而亮光。

    In the twilight of the morning light seems active, darkness passive; in the twilight of evening it is the darkness which is active and crescent, and the light which is the drowsy reverse.


  • 1961年八月十八日,加州圣克鲁兹居民清早发现大群乌黑的海鸟屋顶上扑打翅膀街道上布满海鸟的尸体

    On 18 August, 1961, residents in the town of Capitola, California, awoke to find sooty shearwaters slamming into their rooftops, and their streets covered with dead birds.


  • 大学毕业一家人力中介公司找到了工作继续清早晚间兼职做收拾房间的工作。 她一开始收费标准是5小时100美元。

    After college she found work at a staffing agency but continued to take tidying jobs in the early mornings and late evenings, initially charging $100 per five-hour block.


  • 安置一个垃圾桶内的炸弹今天清早爆炸了。

    A bomb planted in a dustbin exploded early today.


  • 清早的时候醒来,然后快速地走进客厅

    I woke at dawn and rushed into the living room.


  • 美国,人们习惯清早给人打电话

    In the United States, it is not customary to telephone somenone very early in the morning.


  • 于来电时间通常为大清早,所以我尽量合适的时间上床睡觉。

    Call time is usually bright and early, so I try to get to bed at a reasonable hour.


  • 所以对于不是自己睡的而言,这样的测量方法会出现诸多问题如果恰好喜欢晚上(清早)不断床边上跳下的……那就不准了。

    This is problematic for people who don't sleep alone, or even if you just have a cat who likes to jump on and off the bed during the night (and early morning).


  • 帐篷里度过了焦躁不安的后,等不及清早的晨曦中。

    After a restless night in the tent, I couldn't wait to get outside into the early morning light.


  • 城里清早起来,见拆毁,坛木偶下,第二只牛坛上。

    In the morning when the men of the town got up, there was Baal's altar, demolished, with the Asherah pole beside it cut down and the second bull sacrificed on the newly built altar!


  • 不用非得六点半哪个节目一样,我也必要清早八点钟工作可以先把孩子送到学校去十点钟开始工作。

    Just like I don't have to watch my show at 6:30, I don't have to do my work at 8 in morning but at 10, after my kids are at school.


  • 好些清早开始,天阴沉沉的了;对面河岸的树林黑影接着过河面上。

    Some days would be cloudy from early morning; the opposite woods black; black shadows moving over the river.


  • 最喜欢地方沙滩如果清早就去的话,会十分的安静舒适

    My favorite place to go is the beach; if you go early in the morning when it is quiet and wonderful.


  • 雇工清早牛奶,然后出去兔子了,因为怕麻烦就没有那些动物。

    The men had milked the cows in the early morning and then had gone out rabbiting, without bothering to feed the animals.


  • 如今这个时节,平时正常变成清早起床、四处购物的疯子

    Tis the season for turning otherwise normal people into up-at-dawn, deal-seeking lunatics.


  • 敢肯定你们疑惑绯闻少女清早干吗

    Gossip girl: I bet you're wondering what gossip girl is doing up so early.


  • 寻找已知的又跟日期时间迁移有关系的信息比较复杂;如果这个时间晚上或者清早的话这样导致报告错误归档的。

    Finding messages relating to known events may be complicated by date and time zone shifting; if the event is in the night or early morning, it may cause a report to appear to be be misfiled.


  • 次日清早亚实突起来,见大仆倒耶和华的约柜就把大衮仍原处

    When the people of Ashdod rose early the next day, there was Dagon, fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the LORD! They took Dagon and put him back in his place.


  • 耶和华使者出去了十八万五千人。清早有人起来一看死尸了。

    Then the angel of the LORD went forth, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians a hundred and fourscore and five thousand: and when they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses.


  • 伯拉罕清早起来,到了从前删耶和华面前地方

    And Abraham gat up early in the morning to the place where he stood before the Lord.


  • 宾利观景台上,我不小心听到这样一段对话:“大清早这么凉,怎么保暖的?”

    Overheard on Bentley's viewing deck: "How do you stay so warm in this morning air?"


  • 鸿海表示2月19日清早juarez等候公司班车夜班工人开始不约而同手帕蒙住脸部”,他们大约有30人左右。

    According to Hon Hai, on the morning of February 19 in juarez, a group of about 30 workers waiting for a company bus after the night shift "began to cover up their faces with bandanas in unison".


  • 鸿海表示2月19日清早juarez等候公司班车夜班工人开始不约而同手帕蒙住脸部”,他们大约有30人左右。

    According to Hon Hai, on the morning of February 19 in juarez, a group of about 30 workers waiting for a company bus after the night shift "began to cover up their faces with bandanas in unison".


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