• 记得没有感恩节时间,我一洛杉矶出生这个美国节日就已经成为墨西哥移民家庭传统

    I don't remember a time without Thanksgiving. By the time I was born, in Los Angeles, this American holiday had become a tradition for my extended Mexican immigrant family.


  • 当时洛杉矶当地时间的上午4点33分,太空站从220英里高空呼啸而过。

    At the time it was 4:33 a.m.local time in Los Angeles as the space station soared 220 miles overhead.


  • 以后Walters公众视野中全身而退了,他很多时间洛杉矶SanGabriel山脉远足,也美国志愿者工作

    After that, Walters essentially withdrew from public life, spending a lot of time hiking in the San Gabriel Mountains outside Los Angeles and doing volunteer work for the U.S. Forest Service.


  • 有一个邻居洛杉矶市区开了一家E-Toy(玩具电子商务--译者注)公司几乎欧洲太平洋资本公司建立同一时间

    The guy that started eToys lived in my apartment building in downtown Los Angeles. And I started my company, Euro Pacific Capital, about the same time he started his.


  • 赛奥先生面露愁容:“问题拍照周一,洛杉矶参加会议,就意味着时间自己一个开环保车型普瑞城市里驾驶一辆庞大而别物的S.U.V.

    “The problem is the shoot will be on Monday, but I will be in L.A. for meetings, which means for four days it’s me alone in this giant, empty S.U.V. in the city of the Prius, ” Mr. Seo fretted.


  • 例如如果洛杉矶工作开发人员希望某个业务流程版本本地时间(utc - 8)上午10变得有效必须业务流程编辑器中指定18:00UTC

    For example, if a developer working in Los Angeles wants a business process version to become valid at 10 a.m. local time (UTC-8), he has to specify 18:00 UTC in the business process editor.


  • 记得没有感恩节时间,我一洛杉矶出生这个美国节日就已经成为墨西哥移民家庭传统

    I don't remember a time without Thanksgiving.By the time I was born, in Los Angeles, this American holiday had become a tradition for my extended Mexican immigrant family.


  • 某种程度来说,洛杉矶经济萧条时间共同承担了许多美国大城市痛苦洛杉矶经济萧条期还有营业税其他地方性的税务收入

    In part, Los Angeles shares the pain of many large American cities during this recession, which has depressed sales taxes and other local revenues.


  • 第51格莱美音乐奖颁奖盛典于2009年28日(北京时间2月9日)洛杉矶斯台中心举行届时美国CBS电视台会现场直播。

    The 51st Annual Grammy Awards will be held Feb. 8, 2009 at Staples Center in Los Angeles and again broadcast on CBS.


  • 大量时间洛杉矶的atine、亚特兰大Jeffrey芝加哥Ikram等全国各地商店里,根据特殊客户的需求潮流,不断开发思路

    He spends a lot of time at stores around the country, at Satine in Los Angeles, Jeffrey in Atlanta and Ikram in Chicago, developing ideas for specific customers and climates.


  • 或许是受到了1950、60年代核微粒遮蔽所的启发,比尔·庞斯BillBounds曼哈顿海滩洛杉矶郊区自建的烟雾报警入口。 时间为1971年。

    Perhaps inspired by the nuclear-fallout shelters of the ‘50s and ‘60s, Bill Bounds stands at the entrance to his underground smog-alert chamber in the L.A. suburb of Manhattan Beach in 1971.


  • 这儿后(洛杉矶),还是得路上花上不少时间,”杰克逊告诉记者,“说过必须这样做(指自驾车回家 译者注),因为这样做感到总前进。”

    "Up here, this has been the recharging time for me, " Jackson told reporters. "I have said I have to have this because this keeps me going."


  • 我们洛杉矶合作关系破裂,我们时间没有过话,洛杉矶觉得他应该愉快的。

    we didn't talk for 5 years after our breake-up in LA He stayed in LA, I think he had a really good time.


  • 加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校(ucla)二年级学习微积分课程Moradian经历了一特别痛苦的时间那之后Mike Moradian就如果学生们教授本人的评级了解越多,那么他们一定从中受益

    After experiencing a particularly rough time in a calculus class during his sophomore year at UCLA, Mike Moradian began to think students could benefit from knowing more about how professors grade.


  • 洛杉矶拥有平滑的学习曲线杰克逊时间找到自己角色使每个人都有意义

    In Los Angeles, he'll have a much smoother learning curve. Jackson will be given time to find him a role that makes the most sense for everybody.


  • 洛杉矶湖人队大部分时间都停滞不前

    The Los Angeles Lakers stayed put for the most part.


  • 洛杉矶自由时间喜欢做的什么?

    What's your favorite thing to do in Los Angeles during your free time?


  • 当时洛杉矶当地时间的上午433分,太空站从220英里高空呼啸而过

    At the time it was 4:33 a. m. local time in Los Angeles as the space station soared 220 miles overhead.


  • 洛杉矶最大、持续时间也最长一场暴风雨天天开车出门客户,坚持完成了那两个繁忙的工作任务

    I survived the biggest rain in the history of LA and successfully accomplished my work tasks by driving to see my clients every day in the middle of the rain during those two weeks;


  • 洛杉矶愈合模型反流性食管炎等级CD中:极大治疗的最佳时间

    A model of healing of Los Angeles grades C and D reflux oesophagitis: is there an optimal time of acid suppression for maximal healing?


  • 15岁时,开始充裕的时间多伦多一家著名的喜剧俱乐部。亚克·亚克斯“进行表演,那儿他使自己的表演技能得以完善。”后来他前往洛杉矶那里开始俱乐部巡回演出。

    At 15 though, he had enough time to start performing at Yuk Yuks. a famous Toronto comedy club where he began to perfect his ability he moved to LA and did the club circuit there.


  • 洛杉矶消防队证实洛杉矶时间午餐时候护理人员召集迈克尔·杰克逊该市豪宅中。

    The Los Angeles Fire Department has confirmed paramedics were called to Michael Jackson's luxury home in the Bel-Air area of the city at around lunch time Los Angeles time.


  • 美国媒体报道,电影泰坦尼克号》中扮演老年美国女演员格洛丽亚·斯图尔特于当地时间25日其位于洛杉矶家中去世,享年100

    American actress Gloria Stuart, who played the elderly shipwreck survivor Rose in the film "Titanic", has died in her Los Angeles home Saturday night at the age of 100, US media reported.


  • 回想起来,一面天的时间打包行李找人接替万佛圣城职务,一面把当时在洛杉矶金轮圣寺的师召回圣城。

    As I recall, he gave me a day to pack and find replacement for my duties at CTTB, while Heng Ming Shr, who was stationed in Gold Wheel Monastery in Los Angeles, got herself back to CTTB.


  • 电视电影中的每个演员某个时间放弃家乡的一切,洛杉矶纽约怀揣着出人头地的梦想。

    Every actor you watch in TV and movies at one point dropped everything in their hometown, moved to LA (or New York) and tried to become famous.


  • 第52格莱美颁奖典礼北京时间2月1日上午(美国当地时间1月31日晚洛杉矶斯台普斯中心举行,爱词霸全程图文直播本次颁奖盛况。

    The 52nd Annual Grammy Awards is taking place on January 31, 2010 at Staples Center in Los Angeles, California.


  • 第52格莱美颁奖典礼北京时间2月1日上午(美国当地时间1月31日晚洛杉矶斯台普斯中心举行,爱词霸全程图文直播本次颁奖盛况。

    The 52nd Annual Grammy Awards is taking place on January 31, 2010 at Staples Center in Los Angeles, California.


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