• 汤逊广告公司干了26从来没有想到下属咖啡

    In my 26 years at JWT, I would never have thought of bringing coffee to an underling.


  • 列入经济学人库(EIU)设计国家能力指数的163之中,仅有34国被评为高度有力,38评为能力中等,而大多数国家被评为羸弱国家(33),被评为国家(58)。

    State capabilities are rated as moderate in 38 countries. The majority of countries have either weak (33) or very weak (58) states.


  • 2009年12月9日,中国驻欧盟使团团长宋哲大使欧盟库“欧洲之友”举办的中欧关系高级研讨会上发表题为“推进中欧合作,塑造美好未来”的主旨讲话。

    Promote China-EU Cooperation to Shape a Better Future


  • 第一买卖1987年买下了当时WPP13威汤逊广告公司。使得《广告时代将其推至题为“称王男人”的头条进行报道。

    His first big deal was the purchase in 1987 of J Walter Thompson, then 13 times bigger than WPP, which led Advertising Age to feature him under the headline, "the Man Who Would Be King".


  • 建立组织——大西洋之作为一家慈善委员会登记

    The organisation he founded, Atlantic Bridge, was registered with the Charity Commission as a thinktank.


  • 哈德森研究所约翰•丰特说:“美国出生美国并不忠诚没有关系父母美国工作他们只有他们两个人时就离开了美国。”

    "Someone [born in America] whose parents were working in the US and left when they were two has no loyalty to the US, no connection," says John Fonte of the Hudson Institute, a think-tank.


  • 苹果应用商店相比市场应用软件数量少得多,并不意味着用户使用软件质量方面无法达到标准。

    The Android Market pales in comparison to Apple's app Store based on number of apps, but that doesn't mean the quality of apps available to Android users aren't up to snuff.


  • 这个年代,电影对话一般刻意地愚蠢化放慢节奏,以便适应观众,而这部电影里面对话则有着神经喜剧里面的速度和撞击

    In an age when movie dialogue is dumbed and slowed down to suit slow-wits in the audience, the dialogue here has the velocity and snap of screwball comedy.


  • 国人民情感一直是亲切的、友好的。

    He said the two peoples always hold cordial and friendly feelings towards each other.


  • 塔马拉指责茨万吉拉伊是个"反白痴",茨万吉拉伊回应说,津巴布韦的老百姓受苦的时候,穆塔马拉先常年国外逍遥。

    Mr. Mutambara accused Mr. Tsvangirai of being "an intellectual midget," and in turn was attacked for being absent from the country for years while his people suffered.


  • 各家公司制造很大相机统一CCD时遇到许多难题已经穷计拙了

    There were all these problems making really large cameras and getting uniform CCDs out of companies that were already pushing the envelope.


  • 岁的平山之说:“希望自己新的一用功、聪明。”他用“晴空万里这个成语表达自己的新年愿望。

    "I want to study harder and become more intelligent this year," said eight-year-old Tomoyuki Hirayama, whose vows were represented by the phrase "Clear blue skies.


  • 伦敦库查塔姆社负责土耳其项目的哈库拉认为,土耳其的加入欧盟有益的。

    Fadi Hakura, who runs the Turkey Project at London's Chatham House, says Turkey would be a useful addition for the European Union.


  • 拥有隔夜利率发言权某个成员资历深厚的库,也可以相同工作

    The same job could have been done by a well-staffed economics think tank with the authority to talk about the overnight rate.


  • 除了主要无线电运营商手机生产商专业经销商网上商城的协议外,乐软件全球拥有一个超过80个国家经销网络

    Through agreements with major telephone wireless carriers, handset manufacturers, specialized distributors and its online shop, Gameloft has a distribution network in over 80 plus countries.


  • 仍然寻找

    Wise men and wise women still seek him.


  • 农村地区考察并了解艾滋孤儿的情况时,他2002年重新定位,将基金会扩大规模工作的重点放到帮助这些孩子身上。

    When he learned about the orphaned children during a trip through the countryside, he reoriented and expanded Chi Heng in 2002 to focus on helping them.


  • 本周该库进行项民意调查结果显示,72%的民众认为达成全球共识之前澳大利亚应该采取措施减少二氧化碳排放量

    A Lowy poll this week found that 72% of those questioned thought Australia should take action to reduce carbon emissions before a global deal is reached.


  • 1979年苏联入侵阿富汗之后不久,弗朗西斯·福山还是兰德公司军事库中年27岁的初级研究员

    Not long after the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, Francis Fukuyama was just a green 27-year-old researcher at the RAND Corporation, the military-focused think tank.


  • 因此广,前提答案计入统计之前,保持沉默

    So there is wisdom in numbers—as long as those numbers keep quiet until they’re counted.


  • 比如电能工业库“电力研究中心”(EPRI)2009年针对各类途径对2030年前目标排贡献率做了分析

    For example, a 2009 analysis by the Electric Power research Institute (EPRI), the industry's research arm, looked at how much various approaches would contribute to carbon reduction by the year 2030.


  • 北京大学2008新年联欢晚会,时任北大校长演唱了一首流行歌曲隐形翅膀》。

    Xu Zhihong, the former President of Peking university, won over the public in 2008 for his rendition of the popular song "Invisible Wings" during the university's New Year party.


  • 北京大学2008新年联欢晚会,时任北大校长演唱了一首流行歌曲隐形翅膀》。

    Xu Zhihong, the former President of Peking university, won over the public in 2008 for his rendition of the popular song "Invisible Wings" during the university's New Year party.


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