• 随着我们成长,我们学会控制情绪,情绪可控时便不会左右我们的行为,很多方面是一好事。

    As we grow up, we learn to control our emotions so they are manageable and don't dictate our behaviors, which is in many ways a good thing.


  • 精神和心灵成长哪个方面需要更多耐心坚持呢?

    In what area of your spiritual growth do you need to be more patient and persistent?


  • 影响力十分强大——尤其是促进网络移动通讯技术成长方面

    The forces of influence are strongparticularly given the growth of the Web and mobile communication technologies.


  • 思考问题灵命成长中,有哪些方面需要更多耐性坚持

    Question to Consider: In what area of my spiritual growth do I need to be more patient and persistent?


  • 改善儿童生存状况促进儿童健康成长发育方面婴幼儿喂养一个关键领域

    Infant and young child feeding is a key area to improve child survival and promote healthy growth and development.


  • 最近逛过鞋履,你也许已经注意高跟鞋的高度成长-不仅仅是普及方面

    If you've browsed a shoe department lately, you may have noticed that high heels are growing-and not just in popularity.


  • 目前巴西中国印度就业方面全都出现强势成长

    Brazil, China and India are all seeing strong growth in employment.


  • 效率的提高甚至公司成长壮大方面起了重要作用最近一年里就新增三个雇员

    Being more efficient has even played a role in helping the company grow and hire three new employees in the last year.


  • 已经有一些关于乐观主义的研究完成了尽管过于乐观持一点保留意见,但没有否认乐观主义促进个人成长方面所扮演角色

    There have been various studies carried outon optimism and while I have a few reservations on extreme optimism, one can’t deny the role optimism plays in enhancing your personalgrowth.


  • 上帝希望人生方面获得成长人生的波折中历练。

    Don't Waste your TroublesGod wants you to grow in every dimension of your life and growth involves change.


  • 充分发挥双方资金技术研发人才市场方面互补优势促进共同成长

    We will leverage the respective strengths of Chinese and German SMEs in capital, technology, R&D, human resources and market to promote common development.


  • 研究结果表明,相对于传统方式成长起来的青少年同性恋家庭的孩子社会学术总体能力方面更为出色。

    Compared to the traditionally reared teens, adolescents with lesbian parents rated significantly higher in social, academic and total competence, according to the study.


  • 他们都有不同组成成分以及作用植物成长防卫以及繁殖个方面扮演着非常重要的角色

    They have different origins and functions, and serve essential roles in plant growth, defense and reproduction.


  • 孩子不仅成长过程中保持稳定的情绪,而且接受他人观点方面更好——这是我们这种社会依赖性物种最重要技能

    Children not only grow up more emotionally secure, they are better at taking another's perspective - a skill critical to our socially-reliant species.


  • 或许学习那些成长过快他们财务产品质量失去控制公司案例可以鼓励更加冷静扩大我的业务,我们试图过度扩张后重组方面浪费了太多的时间,或许此过程中失去了很多机会。

    Perhaps studying cases about companies that had grown too fast and lost control of both their finances and the quality of their products would have encouraged me to expand at a more sober pace.


  • 方面鲜有一些库里成长起来的小企业,而这些小企业往后彻底颠覆了其他企业经营模式

    On the other hand it has few enterprises emerging from garages to wreck everyone else's business model.


  • 随着乔布斯的逐渐成长公开演说方面取得了长足进步,直至成为科技界毫无争议的,最具鼓动力的“摇滚巨星”(确实如此原谅这样赞美他)。

    As he grew into himself, he got much better at public speaking until he became downright inspirational, and indisputably the tech industry's (really, please forgive me) rock star.


  • Columbus地理成像系统导航工业方面快速成长玩家

    Columbus is a rapidly growing player in the geographic imaging systems and navigation industry.


  • 一个成长市场地区任何清洁(cleansing)供应商解决方案提供商遇到首要问题就是可用数据方言语言学方面不一致。

    In a growth market region, the very first challenge any cleansing vendor or solution provider encounters is the inconsistency in dialects and linguistics of available data.


  • 我们将会探讨一下儿童这些方面心理如何成长的,它们人与人之间又是如何不同的,它们大脑中怎样连接,以及它们又是怎么因为疾病损伤而被切断

    We will look at how these aspects of the mind develop in children, how they differ across people, how they are wired-up in the brain, and how they break down due to illness and injury.


  • 青岛我们成长历程中的重要组成部分非常高兴看到青岛通过赛事诸多方面取得了收益。

    Qingdao has been an important part of our journey and I am very pleased to see how they have benefitted in so many ways.


  • 大会了解许多正式小组中,也从我进行的非正式谈话中,这了一种知识方面兴奋成长

    I learned a lot at the conference, both from the official panels and from the unofficial conversations I had, and that gave me a feeling of intellectual excitement and growth.


  • 像这样游戏其他方面艺术性快速地成长起来了,我们尝试着改变游戏的大方向初衷的情况下推进我们工作

    Like every other aspect of the game the artistic direction grows organically, we try stuff and things that work pull us in their direction and things that don't are changed.


  • 方面子女成长过程中,父母扮演帮助子女养成自立的角色因为自立对子女的未来成长至关重要的。

    On the other hand, in children's personal growth, parents ought to play a role as a person who helps children develop self-dependence, which carries more significant to children's future life.


  • 一般预防中,检察机关应从文化市场教育工作法制宣传三方面入手,采取合理措施未成年营造良好外部成长环境

    In general prevention, the procuratorate should take reasonable measures from cultural market, education work and legal publicity and build a good exterior growth environment for the juveniles.


  • 担任州长期间推动就业成长方面良好记录

    He also has a strong record growing jobs while governor.


  • 如果具有成长机会公司信息方面高度对称我们理由预期这些公司债务不多

    If firms with high growth opportunities have high information asymmetry, then we would expect these firms to have less debt.


  • 真正了解我们争论原因我们可以情绪方面得以成长,而这样影响我们整个生命

    Truly knowing our reasons for arguing enables us to grow emotionally in ways that will affect our whole being.


  • 真正了解我们争论原因我们可以情绪方面得以成长,而这样影响我们整个生命

    Truly knowing our reasons for arguing enables us to grow emotionally in ways that will affect our whole being.


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