• 所以接下来一周我们考虑支撑结构

    So some support structure that's in view for the coming week.


  • 接下来一周收到来自40家商店的定货单。

    By the following week, she'd gotten him orders from 40 stores.


  • 接下来一周中,父母指控刺痛消失了

    During the week that followed, the sting of my parents' accusations faded.


  • 希望接下来加入我们评论部分分享想法

    I hope you'll be joining me throughout the week and sharing your thoughts in the comments section.


  • 接下来一周皇家学会重申观点的时候,不仅仅对此表示怀疑。

    When he repeated this point at the Royal Institution the following week, I wasn't the only one to raise an eyebrow.


  • 膝盖还是的,接下来的一周梅尔·伍德接受治疗

    The knee is still very swollen and he will continue to receive treatment at Melwood this week.


  • 接下来希望你们有时间加入一起模仿篇经典的演讲

    By the next one week, I hope you guys can join me, let's imitate this speech together.


  • 接下来一周我们几乎天天见面邀请住处这件事正是求之不得的。

    We went to see movies, had dinner out, and after a week of seeing each other almost every day she invited me up to her place. A casual affair, that's what I needed.


  • 中国气象主管部门周二表示接下来一周热浪席卷华中地区华南地区将降雨

    A heat wave will sweep China's central regions in the coming week, while rains are forecast for the south, the meteorological authority said Tuesday.


  • 接下来的一周他们名字袖子穿上袖子上写名字的衣服意思就是表露心迹。

    They would wear these names on their sleeves for one week. To wear your heart on your sleeve now means that it is easy for other people to know how you are feeling.


  • 施密特数位同事此次汇报准备幻灯片,描述了接下来一周加州监管机构会晤后果

    For that briefing, Mr Schmidt and several colleagues prepared a slide on the potential outcomes of a meeting with California regulators scheduled for the following week.


  • 接下来一周一个有趣的时刻全球金融市场一些主要关键的市场到达关键突破时刻

    Within the next week, an interesting time juncture should occur in the global financial markets as several cycles in some key markets will reach some make or break moments.


  • 角膜擦伤,悲催的诊断他们给开了抗生眼药水眼罩,这接下来一周成为了整个医学院的笑柄。

    I was diagnosed with a corneal abrasion, given antibiotic drops and an eye-patch, and became a laughing stock at medical school for the next week.


  • 今天我们将要一些程序并且你们接下来一周你们自己的程序,今天晚上七点,习题集1会发布网站上

    So today is about writing some programs and empowering you to write your own starting this coming week when Pset One goes out via the website tonight by 7:00 p.m.


  • 其他消息马尔基奥尼、特雷泽盖图多尔帕罗扎内蒂莱罗塔列兰特仍然养伤中,不会接下来一周里面进入比赛名单。

    In other related news, Marchionni, Trezeuget, Tudor, Paro, Zanetti, Giannichedda, Legrottaglie and Mirante are still injured for the Bianconeri and will not be available for the next upcoming weeks.


  • 切尔西将会4月初首先主场迎战巴伦西亚接下来的一周西班牙进行第二回合比赛不过肯扬也表示如果能先客后主更好了。

    Chelsea will host the Spanish club at Stamford Bridge in early April and then travel to the Estadio Mestalla a week later, and Kenyon admits he would have rather played at home in the second leg.


  • 这场天文盛事传送一道正面能量到地表周围赛特隧道,促使这些量子奇点虫洞开始转化。 总而言之,我们可以预料接下来的一周,光明势力将会非常地活跃。

    This cosmic event will send a wave of positive energy towards the plasmatic Tunnels of Set around the surface of this planet and will be a trigger for their transformation.


  • 一周接下来几天里继续这个实验,于是办公室度过30小时当中,我完成25小时的工作,效率超过80%。

    I continued this experiment for the rest of the week and ended up getting about 25 hours of work done with only 30 hours total spent in my office, for an efficiency ratio of over 80%.


  • 诗篇》给了我们处理情感的第三条方法——对于开场白恐怕接下来的都会再讲一遍。

    And what you have in the Psalms, it is a general introductory word I'll probably say every week, is the Psalms give us a gospel-third way with your feelings.


  • 接下来整个大家分享我从《如何你的面前保持真实》中所学的。

    Throughout the rest of the week I’m going to share with you what I think I’ve learned about How to Be Authentic with People Who Love You But Don’t Understand You.


  • 接下来整个大家分享我从《如何你的面前保持真实》中所学的。

    Throughout the rest of the week I'm going to share with you what I think I've learned about How to Be Authentic with People Who Love you But Don't Understand you.


  • 接下来里,伊拜尔一周七天工,每天工作12个小时,日复一日不停地打着毛线,受游客青睐昂贵巴基斯坦毛毯正是由这样的一个个小结组成的。

    For six years, Iqbal worked 12 hour days, six days a week, tying the tiny knots that make up the expensive Pakistani carpets coveted by tourists.


  • 有关官员接下来一周非洲联盟如期坎帕拉举行大型会议索马里预计成为一个主要议题

    Officials say the African Union will hold its big meeting in Kampala this coming week as planned. Somalia is expected to be a major issue.


  • 巴拉克回到德国来参加周六斯图加特迎战北爱尔兰比赛,并且他们将会在接下来一周的周三客场迎战圣马力诺

    However Michael Ballack is back for Germany who entertain Republic of Ireland in Stuttgart on Saturday and then visit San Marino the following Wednesday.


  • 接下来一周比赛很复杂我们赛程很艰难接下来几场比赛我们没有太多的时间用来恢复。

    The following week will be complicated. Our schedule is tough and we'll have little time to recover between our next few games.


  • 接下来计划进行全体委员会审定之前一周时间整体考虑一下整个农业法案

    His plan is then to take a week to consider the farm bill package as a whole document before plunging into a full committee markup.


  • 接下来计划进行全体委员会审定之前一周时间整体考虑一下整个农业法案

    His plan is then to take a week to consider the farm bill package as a whole document before plunging into a full committee markup.


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