• 第一问题时间最多

    I spent most time on the first question.


  • 留言板上贴出了一个问题

    I posted a question on the message board.


  • 一次独家采访中告知那家杂志:“所有问题源于饮酒。”

    He told the magazine in an exclusive interview: "All my problems stem from drinking."


  • 会议出了个大洋相—起来忘了要问问题

    I made an ass of myself at the meetingstanding up and then forgetting the question.


  • 如果他们注册时有问题告诉

    If they have problems with registration, please let me know.


  • 几个关于毕业生招聘工作中的问题吗?

    Can I ask you a few questions about your work in graduate recruitment?


  • 几年报纸一个专栏同样关于搭便车问题

    A few years ago, I asked the same question about hitching in a column of a newspaper.


  • 不是这个问题

    I'm not putting the question to you.


  • 回到水污染问题上来,看看2012年澳大利亚进行一项研究

    To return to the problem of water pollution, I'd like you to look at a study conducted in Australia in 2012.


  • 一直等你亲自这个问题对此一直迟钝缓慢

    I've been waiting for you to ask me the question yourself, and you're being obtuse and slow about it.


  • 个不正常家庭长大的,所以乱发脾气的一问题

    Because I grew up in a dysfunctional family, anger is a big issue for me.


  • 是个常见问题一个巡回演讲人们问到问题

    It's a common problem, the one I'm asked about most when I'm on the lecture circuit.


  • 老板销售数字问题差点发生争执。

    I was on a collision course with my boss over the sales figures.


  • 如果会上提出这个问题支持你。

    If you raise it at the meeting, I'll support you.


  • 私人行医问题不敢苟同观点

    I don't go along with her views on private medicine.


  • 这个岛屿太平洋上;不能具体哪里因为仍然购买问题进行谈判

    The island's in the Pacific Ocean; I'm not at liberty to say exactly where, because we're still negotiating for its purchase.


  • 拒绝原则问题上妥协

    I refuse to compromise my principles.


  • 一直考虑这个问题

    I've been giving it some thought.


  • 建议,眼下还是政治问题表现尽可能谨慎些。

    I would suggest that for the time being you behave as circumspectly as possible in political matters.


  • 多亏英语老师年内问题儿童变成了模范学生

    Thanks to my English teacher, I turned from a problem child into a model student in just one year.


  • 推销员回避回答一些问题时,相信脸上可疑的微笑

    I didn't trust the fishy smile of the salesman when he avoided answering some of my questions.


  • 大选当天仍然认为艾尔因为好的势头,并且争议性问题上的主张都是正确的。

    Going into election day, I still thought Al would win because he had the momentum and he was right on the issues.


  • 哥伦比亚大学努力学习,在我思考问题时候周围学生就迅速出了答案。

    I am making my way through Columbia University, surrounded by students who quickly supply the verbal answer while I am still processing the question.


  • 只是小组作业遇到问题

    It's just that I am having trouble with my group project.


  • 最早是从策略大师加里·哈尔处听到这个问题一直自己这个问题

    I first heard this question from strategy guru Gary Hamel, and I ask it of myself all the time.


  • 回答这个问题以前,需要阅读食物教程

    Before we can answer that question, you need to read my GRUB tutorial.


  • 相信,就连门口那儿影子回答这些问题

    I really believe my shadow, by the door there, can answer them!


  • 乐意课间课后回答大家的问题这个硬件软件点什么

    I'm happy to take questions during break and after, to actually making this hardware do something in software.


  • 提出可持续性方面面临问题挑战

    I'll pose some of the questions and the challenges we are facing in the area of access in sustainability.


  • 旧金山大主教谈话时角色试图改变这个问题的看法。

    When I speak to my archbishop in San Francisco, his role is to try to change my mind on the subject.


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