• 我们人生中我们总是遇见好人坏人

    We can always meet bad and good people in our life.


  • 我们同样可以确信上帝一直我们人生施行他的作为。

    We, too, can be certain that God is working in our lives.


  • 我们人生有时自己最有帮助的问题是:“是否真的助长这种愤怒情绪?”

    There are times in all of our lives when it's most helpful to ask, "Do I really want to feed this anger?"


  • 今天妈妈致力于我们人生中做出一点贡献帮助解决这些挑战

    Today your mother and I are committing to spend our lives doing our small part to help solve these challenges.


  • 相信人天生来就是一个缺少伴侣的人所以我们人生中我们就是寻找我们不见另一半

    I believe that we are born with a piece missing from our soul and we go throughout our life looking for that missing part.


  • 友谊朋友我们人生中扮演重要角色我们虽然友谊视为当然,但常常并不明了自己是如何结交朋友的。

    Friendship friends play an important part in our lives, and although we may take friendship for granted, we often don't clearly understand how we make friends.


  • 我们人生往往目睹经历某些我们难以理解事情往往我们相信,祂知道祂自己甚么。

    Often in life we see and experience things that don't seem to make sense to us, and just as often we are called to trust that God knows what he is doing.


  • 我们人生中不免很多贝利一样,走向辉煌那一刻因为某些原因伤,可是的贝利坚强告诉我们没有什么过不去的。

    In our life, can not help but have a lot of people would like Pele, toward a glorious moment, the injured because for some reason, but to tell us with his Pele strong, Nothing to make life difficult.


  • 这座艺术王国,对变幻无常人生而言难以接近,我们看来,艺术主流有时过于单调呆板。 inaccessible tothe ...chancesof life,即艺术的王国让生活莫测的变数不得其门而入。而不是人生本身难以接近。prevailinglight直译为普照的光明似乎就行了。

    In this kingdom of art, inaccesible to the capricious chances of life, it seems to us that the prevailing light is sometimes too uniform.


  • 我们脑海形成许多期望,期望他人什么,期望我们什么样的人生,期望别的司机如何表现……不过这些想象,并不真实

    We build these expectations in our heads of what other people should do, what our lives should be like, how other drivers should behave … and yet it’s all fantasy. It’s not real.


  • 我们脑海形成许多期望,期望他人什么,期望我们什么样的人生,期望别的司机如何表现……不过这些想象并不真实

    We build these expectations in our heads of what other people should do, what our lives should be like, how other drivers should behave... and yet it's all fantasy. It's not real.


  • 此次采访霍金驳斥了后有来生观念强调通过充分利用我们人生发挥自己地球上潜能需要

    In the interview, Hawking rejected the notion of life beyond death and emphasised the need to fulfil our potential on Earth by making good use of our lives.


  • 船上还有晚餐篝火边拉给我们背诵描写淘金热文学作品——一首罗伯特.塞维斯诗,或者杰克.伦敦的传奇,有关艰苦卓绝和荒诞不经的人生以及寒冷死去

    On the boat, and at the campfire after dinner, Kyla recites from the literature of the gold rush - a poem by Robert Service or a tale by Jack London, accounts of hardship, folly and dying of cold.


  • 爸爸沉思有时候想起甜美一生那些不平常时候我们应该记住目的地并不是人生重要的,重要的是过程,人生旅途陪伴着我们的人才是最重要的。

    Sometimes I think of all the marvelous times in this sweet life,” he mused. We should all remember that it’s not the destination that counts in life, but the JOURNEY.


  • 2005年和记者谈话斯利姆阐述了人生:“财富必须作为责任显现出来,而不是一种特权我们责任创造更多的财富。”

    Speaking to reporters in 2005, Slim described his philosophy: "wealth must be seen as a responsibility, not as a privilege." The responsibility is to create more wealth.


  • 隐藏两个盒子位置一样,我们确信这样重要人生问题一个答案

    Just like the location of the hidden ball inside one of those two boxes, we're convinced that there's a right and a wrong answer to such important life questions.


  • 成为爸爸每个男人渴望人生经历婚姻这个安稳环境我们开始了自己的家庭

    Being a father is a dimension of manhood that just about every guy wants to experience — and marriage is the most stable and secure environment in which to start a family.


  • 相反心理素质的确非常重要我们应该倡导大家平时的生活学习工作不断地锻炼自己沉稳,不焦不躁的心理素质,唯有这样才可以艰难困苦而不倒,实现自己的人生价值。

    Conversely, psychological condition is really critical and we should try our best to cultivate a strong will with great composure in our life, study and work.


  • 移交权力那些关押的人和解承诺树立一个全人类应当追求典范不论是国家生活还是我们

    His commitment to transfer power and reconcile with those who jailed him set an example that all humanity should aspire to, whether in the lives of nations or our own personal lives.


  • 天涯海角我们虽然很少联系可是人生中留下无限美好不会因为岁月流逝而逐渐淡去,今天生日一切顺心,安逸

    The ends of the earth although we seldom contact, but in my life you leave infinite good, not fade away as the years passed, today is your birthday, all, comfortable!


  • 我们如果我们开发自我意识,不对第一种创造负责,我们就会让别人环境错误改变我们的人生

    In our personal lives, if we do not develop our own self-awareness and become responsible for first creations, we empower other people and circumstances to shape our lives by default.


  • 复一年,我们询问他们工作家庭生活、他们的健康状况,当然我们询问过程并不知道他们的人生将会怎样

    Year after year asking about their work, their home lives, their health, and of course asking all along the way without knowing how their life stories were going to turn out.


  • 正如鼓舞所激发的,史蒂夫·乔布斯永远是我们这个时代伟大的人物员。”萨科称赞美国勇气工作时如是说。

    "As inspired as he was inspiring, Steve Jobs will remain one of the great figures of our time," Sarkozy said, as he paid tribute to the American's courage in both his work and personal life.


  • 不要害怕人生必然会出现一系列挑战,正是因为面对这些挑战应对这些挑战的过程我们逐渐的增强自己能力拓展自己的人生智慧。

    There is nothing to be feared in our life, for it's just during the process of facing and tackling various challenges that we have constantly developed and strengthened our capabilities and abilities.


  • 分享我们故事的过程渐渐意识到了不是每个人生有趣的,很多有趣的之所以有趣是因为后天的经历。

    As we Shared our stories with each other, I began to realize that not everyone was born interesting; in fact, the majority of us became interesting as we experienced different things in life.


  • 帮助我们行走…帮助我们尊严走完我们余下人生我们回报一个微笑以及在我们心里不曾间断无穷尽的爱。

    Help us to walk... help us to live the rest of our life in love and dignity. We will pay you with a smile and by the immense love we have always had for you in our hearts.


  • 船上还有晚餐篝火边拉给我们背诵描写淘金热文学作品——一首罗伯特·塞维斯诗,或者杰克·伦敦传奇,有关艰苦卓绝和荒诞不经的人生以及寒冷死去

    On the boat, and at the campfire after dinner, Kyla recites from the literature of the gold rush - a poem by Robert Service or a tale by Jack London, accounts of hardship, folly and dying of cold.


  • 船上还有晚餐篝火边拉给我们背诵描写淘金热文学作品——一首罗伯特·塞维斯诗,或者杰克·伦敦传奇,有关艰苦卓绝和荒诞不经的人生以及寒冷死去

    On the boat, and at the campfire after dinner, Kyla recites from the literature of the gold rush - a poem by Robert Service or a tale by Jack London, accounts of hardship, folly and dying of cold.


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