• 首先我们判断自己某些方面别人还是比如吸引力智力受欢迎程度

    First, we decide whether we are superior or inferior to others on certain dimensions, such as attractiveness, intelligence, popularity, etc.


  • 这种现象产生原因于受到刺激突触可以受到刺激的突触附近窃取一些其所合成一系列蛋白质

    This occurs because the weakly stimulated synapse can steal or hitchhike on a set of proteins synthesized at or near the strongly stimulated synapse.


  • 遗憾的是,V7之前默认ssl密码选择包含一些明显非常密码

    Unfortunately, prior to V7, the default SSL cipher selection of strong includes some notably weak ciphers.


  • 原因WindowsVista中默认已经关闭了密码开启密码。

    Cause: on Windows Vista, weak encryption ciphers have been disabled and only stronger ciphers are enabled by default.


  • 演示应用程序这样范围

    In my demo application, I have used ranges like Short, Weak, Good, and Strong.


  • 众所周知自然界中四种基本的相互作用力电磁力相互作用力相互作用力万有引力

    Well, as you all know, there are four fundamental forces in physics: electromagnetism, strong nuclear interaction, weak nuclear interaction and gravity.


  • 甲壳素一定面积增加有助于使酵母细胞发酵罐底部解决那里可能成为

    Chitin increases the surface area in the must which helps keep the yeast cells from settling to the bottom of the fermenter where they may become weak and stressed.


  • 瘢痕疙瘩组织边缘CTGF表达呈现由过渡现象

    Transitional phenomenon was observed from strong to weak expression of CTGF protein at the edge of keloid tissue.


  • 实际上类型检查的下面,不同语言会对应着,一个定型范围

    And in fact, under type checking, different languages sometimes fall on a spectrum from weak to strong typing.


  • 然后增加情感力量如果一面墙上创建一个一边非常,一边非常能量传输中你创造运动

    Then you increase the emotion and the power. If you create a wall of fields on either side, so one side is very powerful and one side is very weak, in transferring energy you create motion.


  • 参差时变动目标显示(MTI)滤波器运动杂波背景下检测目标缓解问题一种有效方法

    The optimal stagger time-variant MTI filter is an effective method to detect weak target in strong moving clutters and alleviate the blind speed problem.


  • 得出新广义相对论等效原理等效原理成立,等效原理不成立的结论。

    We conclude that the weak and the mid-strong equivalence principle is still satisfied but the super-strong equivalence principle is not satisfied.


  • 钢筋混凝土结构抗震设计中,“保证结构延性一个重要设计概念

    In aseismic design of reinforced concrete structures, "strong shear weak bending" is an important design conception to guarantee the ductibility of the structure.


  • 本文中等极性极性玻璃毛细管研究基础极性和非极性固定液硫酸钡改性表面上的情况作了详细的研究。

    Based on the research in the medium and strong polar glass capillary column, the coating on the barium sulfate micro crystal modified surface with apolar and weak polar liquid phase is investigated.


  • 根据准公共信息竞争性上存差别又进一步细分竞争信息竞争信息。

    And according to the difference of competitiveness, quasi-public information is further fractionalized into weak and strong competitiveness information.


  • 状态分类方面我们首先给出了绕马氏正则本质之间关系常返的一些性质

    On the aspect of the classification of states, first we study some properties of weak recurrence and the contact between recurrent and properly essential in skew product Markov chains.


  • 标记性方面,汉语联合短语标记性,英语标记性。

    In markedness, the Chinese CP is weak and English CP is strong.


  • 保护剂玻璃转变温度反玻璃化转变温度明显差异,则反映它们玻璃化能力方面

    The distinct otherness in glass transition and devitrification temperature of five polyalcohols reflected the feebleness and power in the aspects of glass transition ability.


  • 保护剂玻璃转变温度反玻璃化转变温度明显差异,则反映了它们玻璃化能力方面的

    The distinct otherness in glass transition and devitrification temperature of five polyalcohols reflects the feebleness and power in the aspects of glass transition ability.


  • 广群中引入了模糊关系、模糊素关系及模糊关系的概念,讨论了它们之间的关系及其基本性质

    The notions of fuzzy prime relations, fuzzy strongly(weakly) prime relations on a groupoid S are introduced, and their fundamental properties and relations are discussed.


  • 本文介绍一种噪声信号检测中的高速数据采集缓冲系统。

    A high speed data collector and buffer, applied to detect weak signal in strong noise, is described in the paper.


  • 一方面,附加C紧集”的条件得到收敛结果。

    On the other hand, we obtain the strong convergence theorem under a condition weaker than "c is compactness".


  • 针对噪声背景中的信号检测问题,经典随机共振处理方法的基础利用良好去噪特点,提出随机共振加小波去噪检测信号的方法。

    Concerning the detection of weak signal in stronger noise background, a novel method was proposed in terms of stochastic resonance processing and by using the better de-noise feature of wavelet.


  • 该文论述了噪声背景利用分析检测带腔雷达目标信号方法

    A new method based on Time Frequency Analysis (TFA) for detecting weak signal under strong noise background from radar target with the cavity embedded is described in this paper.


  • 相当条件下扩散系数退化时,证明了方程解的不合流性。

    Under the general conditions on the coefficients, when the drift coefficients are non degenerate, the non confluent property are proved.


  • 结果表明对于聚焦光束湍流大气传输,湍流效应条件下,光斑扩展受遮拦比影响较大;

    The results show that the obscuring ratio has obvious influence on the beam spreading in weak turbulence.


  • 儿童不顺从时,母亲控制策略容易导致儿童的顺从行为,控制策略则容易导致儿童的情境性顺从行为。

    When children were not compliant, mothers immediately low control strategies could obtain committed compliance and high control strategies could obtain situational compliance.


  • 复合面,随坡面的土壤侵蚀表现沉积

    On compound slope field, the soil erosion displayed strong, week and depositional on steep, gentle and concave slopes, respectively.


  • 结论胃溃疡愈合过程粘膜egfr表达

    Conclusion It was from weak to strong that expression of EGFR in gastric mucosa during healing human gastric ulcer.


  • 结论胃溃疡愈合过程粘膜egfr表达

    Conclusion It was from weak to strong that expression of EGFR in gastric mucosa during healing human gastric ulcer.


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