• 正交试验应用过程中一些不容忽略的问题

    Orthogonal trial method still has some problems that can not be ignored in practice.


  • 应用过程许多学者更进一步探讨更深刻的认识

    Many scholars have further explored and recognized in the process of clinical application.


  • 指出渗透汽化技术在应用过程问题未来研究方向

    The existing problems and the research direction of pervaporation technique were also put forward.


  • 新的模式应用过程很让人兴奋,但如果滥用的话就会变得适得其反。

    New models are exciting in their application, and destabilizing in their misuse.


  • 目前使用离线式IC公用电话系统应用过程中着种种难以解决问题

    There are many problems in the off_line IC card payphone system used at the present time. It is very difficult to solve those problems.


  • 应用过程中,需纤维外部加上反光曾然后通过施加电子信号来控制振动

    This involves covering the fibres with a reflective coating, and then controlling their vibration by applying electrical signals.


  • 介绍泡沫沥青废旧沥青再生基本原理主要应用做法以及应用过程特点

    The foam bitumen and asphalt recycling scrap basic principles and practices of major applications, as well as features in the application process are introduced.


  • 贴聚苯外墙外保温应用过程诸多问题影响到了居住建筑正常使用

    There are many problems in the course of using of outer benzoic board in wall, which affected the normal use of residential buildings.


  • 介绍了红外线气体分析仪基本原理检测原理,及其应用过程中故障分析处理

    The basic and detection principle of infrared gas analyzer have been introduced in this paper, and its failure analysis and treatment during application have been also discussed.


  • 地膜应用过程中覆盖面积没有减少透光率降低成本降低具有较好的经济效益

    The covering areas of the mulching film did not reduce, the light transmittance did not lower down, however the cost decreased and good economic benefit could obtain.


  • 数十耐火生产企业实践验证产品应用过程中具有起爆、不粉化、不开裂特点

    Dozens of refractory manufacturers have proved in practice that the product has not detonate, non-powder, non-cracking characteristics in the application process.


  • 本文着重研究谨慎原则我国会计实务应用在应用过程主要问题对策进行探讨。

    This paper focuses on the principle of prudence in the application of accounting practice, and in the application process are the main problems and countermeasures are discussed.


  • 单片机应用过程中干扰必不可因此,单片机抗干扰问题的解决,是单片机应用重要环节

    Jam is inevitable in SCM application so as that it is an important tache of SCM application to find the key to the problem of SCM anti-jamming.


  • 两口介绍了SDI - MWD无线随钻测量仪器应用过程中易出现问题采取的技术措施

    Taking two Wells for example, this paper introduces the most common problems and the countermeasures while using it.


  • 介绍CAXA电子图版系统特点通过实例说明了CAXA电子图版使用方法,以及应用过程中一些技巧

    This paper introduces the features of CAXA electrical plate system , and describes the applying methods for CAXA electrical plate and some skills in its application by using actual examples.


  • 风险投资家风险投资决策过程中面临许多不确定性因素投资决策的传统方法NPV法应用过程中弊端日益显露。

    There are many uncertain factors facing risk investors in risk investment decision-making and NPV method has shown problems in practice.


  • SPIN应用过程中同样面临状态空间爆炸问题,它采用归约策略减少状态空间需要遍历存储状态数目

    SPIN adopts the partial order reduction strategy to reduce the number of system states that needs to be visited and stored in the state space to solve the model checking problem.


  • 本文指剂车辆齿轮油应用进行了考察,结果显示不同粘指剂在应用过程中对油品的低温性能、增粘效果、剪切安定性形成不同的影响。

    In this paper, properties of automobile gear oil used different viscosity improvers, such as viscosity, brookfield viscosity, low temperature fluidity, shear stability, etc. are studied.


  • HTMLParser一个现有HTML进行分析快速实时解析器,事实上应用过程更为惊叹于HTML Parser给你带来一些周到处理

    HTML parser is one of the existing HTML for rapid real-time analysis of the parser, in fact in the application process even more amazing in your HTML parser to bring you some thoughtful treatment.


  • 随着组织SOA采用过程的推进,组织采用能够促进上述概念基础结构产品应用程序

    As an organization progresses in its SOA adoption, it adopts infrastructure, products, and applications that promote the concepts described above.


  • 但是涡旋压缩机国内应用时间不是长,使用过程故障分析不多

    But in the application of domestic scroll compressor time also is not too long, the use of fault analysis in the process are few.


  • 由于可以一个相对较大容器不间断生产氢气因此这样一些些应用过程中,氢气的产生可以低于车载系统产生率。

    In such applications, the hydrogen production rate can be lower than it is aboard a vehicle, as the hydrogen can be produced around the clock in relatively large tanks.


  • 空调应用过程中,冷冻水一次变频技术得到了广泛研究

    In the application of central air-conditioning, the technology of variable-frequency primary pump has been widely studied.


  • 实际应用基础上总结提出硅棒使用过程中应注意事项

    On the basis of actual application, it sums up the notice items during the use of silicon carbide.


  • 针对白口铁实际应用过程耐磨易破碎现象,白口铸铁通过添加合金元素适当热处理手段生产合金丸。

    In regard to non wear resistance of the white iron shot in the practical application process, alloy iron shot have been produced by means of adding alloying element and proper heat treatment.


  • 补偿基础应用逐渐广泛但是具体应用过程中补偿基础常常会出现较大沉降的现象,甚至补偿、超补偿基础也不例外。

    Compensated foundation is applied more and more widely, but its settlement usually happens in practical application, even for full compensated foundation and overfull compensated foundation.


  • C51语言应用过程,对配置文件设置、编写应用程序编译应用程序、连接应用程序时容易出现问题进行分析并提出解决方法

    During the use of C51 language, the problems of the configuration of the file, edit program, compile program, link program are analyzed and the methods of which are given.


  • 服装教学应用过程某些结论复杂部位的档差往往令人费解

    In the process of teaching and practicing in the garment grading, some conclusions either variations of more complex position often make us obscure.


  • 服装教学应用过程某些结论复杂部位的档差往往令人费解

    In the process of teaching and practicing in the garment grading, some conclusions either variations of more complex position often make us obscure.


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