• 太平洋西北部美国华盛顿州的普吉特海湾地区常见鹿

    Two species of deer have been prevalent in the Puget Sound area of Washington State in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.


  • 为了报复警察逮捕他们领导人武装分子北部冲直撞。砍刀弓箭毒害箭头,但凡中的东西,他们统统用来袭击警察

    In retaliation for the arrest of their leaders, militants went on the rampage in several northern states, attacking the police with anything that came to hand, from machetes to bows and poison arrows.


  • 马兰豪南部是棕榈树最为集中地方,分布巴西半干旱地区东北部亚马逊雨林交界地区。

    The trees are most heavily concentrated in the south of Maranhão, in the transition zone between Brazil's semiarid northeast and the Amazon rainforest.


  • 北卡罗来纳北部领地是不断变化的,但是大部分3887平方英里之间

    Red Wolf territories in northeastern north Carolina vary in size, but most are estimated to range between 38 to 87 square miles.


  • 北部地区检察官帕特里克•费兹格拉德已经2006年氏的前任了监狱,现看来,这一幕将重演

    Patrick Fitzgerald, the tireless federal prosecutor for Illinois's northern district, put Mr Blagojevich's predecessor in jail in 2006 and shows no signs of slowing down.


  • 北部中部几个人口数量减少,很可能将失去一部分众议院议席,南部的席位数有望增加。

    Several states in the north-east and Midwest have lost population, and will probably lose seats in the House of Representatives (and electoral-college votes) to states in the South.


  • 对此感到忧心,直到有一天下午阿肯色北部瓦克的咖啡厅里遇见了个人。

    I was worried about it until I met a man in a cafe one afternoon in Newark, in northeast Arkansas.


  • 罗杰出狱之后德克萨斯一家过渡教习所待了个月随后阿肯色北部我们一个朋友开的一家中途加油站工作

    After he got out of prison, Roger served six months in a halfway house in Texas, and then moved to north Arkansas, where he worked for a friend of ours in a quick-stop service station.


  • 墨西哥湾的大片橘子渐黑表明烟雾尤卡坦地区移向北部

    Red and darker tones of orange over the Gulf indicate that smoke is also moving north from the Yucatan region.


  • 北部亚利桑那天气专家预测司机赶路途中会有强风飞雪

    In northern Arizona, weather experts predicted strong wind gusts and blowing snow as drivers got on the road.


  • 南苏丹北部科尔多凡内战期间来自巴山邻近尼罗河州的叛军南部战斗,他们希望能逃离北部控制

    In the north Sudanese state of south Kordofan, rebels from the Nuba Mountains and neighbouring Blue Nile state fought alongside the south during the civil war in the hope of escaping northern control.


  • 支持小泽选区腹地,日本北部靠近市的地方,静静矗立着由岩石构建的胆大坝

    AT the heart of Ichiro Ozawa's constituency near Oshu City in North-East Japan stands the huge Isawa dam, built of rock.


  • 北部几个河水还支撑着庞大的养牛业

    In the northern states, its water supports cattle empires.


  • 墨西哥法医专家西北部锡那罗亚墓穴发现至少12具尸体

    Forensic experts in Mexico have found at least 12 bodies buried in shallow graves in the northwestern state of Sinaloa.


  • 你们要是觉得阿肯色西北部有一块地,我愿意带你们去看看。” “有人媒体关系的特点自怜自爱。

    If you believe that I’ve got some land in northwest Arkansas I’d like to show you; Some say my relations with the press have been marked by self-pity.


  • 令人费解是,火车缓缓驶出华盛顿联邦火车站后,穿行弗吉尼亚北部郊区总是不时停驶

    Trains creep out of Washington's Union Station and pause at intervals, inexplicably, as they travel through the northern Virginia suburbs.


  • 加利福尼亚北部普卢默斯另一个地区,它也许飞行传统的赏秋游客关注范围下面。

    Plumas County, in northern California, is another area that has perhaps flown under the traditional leaf-peeper's radar.


  • 尼日利亚北部茨那州的一个村庄里,妇女们玉米叶子。

    Women husk corn at a village in Katsina state in northern Nigeria.


  • 纽约北部所大学英语系教书就是说时不时会上大一作文课那种论文写作速成班

    I teach in the English department at a college in upstate New York, which every now and then means teaching freshman comp, a kind of crash course on writing coherent papers.


  • 北部一些,仅有不足5%的妇女读写

    Less than 5% of women are able to read and write in some northern states.


  • 上个月杜兰戈北部,一些囚犯晚上监狱里释放后谋杀了附近18个社交常客。

    Last month in the northern state of Durango, a group of prisoners was apparently released from jail for the night to murder 18 partygoers in a next-door state.


  • 仅有800平方英尺空间内,体现了圆方的独特组合,并富有纽约北部当地的建筑风格。

    With only 800 sq feet of space, the Silo House is a unique arrangement of circular and orthogonal elements, giving a nod to the upstate New York architectural vernacular that surrounds it.


  • 在州北部农场,“向前探了点身子,酒杯。”

    "We have a farm upstate," he says, leaning forward a bit, picking up his wineglass without the least bit of theater or pretense.


  • 65年前墨西哥北部机密城市工作科学家向南走,来到一个机密地点,试验他们的‘小器物’。

    Sixty-five years ago, scientists working in a secret city in northern New Mexico journeyed south to yet another secret location to test their "gadget."


  • 据该国官员称,全球低迷的经济环境下,他们想推动澳大利亚北部这个每年收入达180亿美元旅游业而此举正是其中关键

    The campaign is a key element in a drive to promote the northeastern Australian state's 18 billion dollar a year tourism industry during the tough global economic climate, officials say.


  • 美国北部已经联合起来,颁布区域性温室气体计划,这一数公共总量控制与交易制度协议一月一号开始实行。

    In America, ten north-eastern states have grouped together to form the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a cap-and-trade scheme among utilities that starts running on January 1st.


  • linux经历开始于还是佛蒙特北部一个相对较小的地方——柏林顿开出租车时候

    My experience with Linux started when I was a cab driver in Burlington, a relatively small town in northeastern Vermont.


  • 墨西哥海军塔毛利帕斯(Tamaulipas)北部一个家厂发现了72俱尸体

    Mexico's navy discovered 72 dead bodies at a ranch in the north-eastern state of Tamaulipas.


  • 墨西哥海军塔毛利帕斯(Tamaulipas)北部一个家厂发现了72俱尸体

    Mexico's navy discovered 72 dead bodies at a ranch in the north-eastern state of Tamaulipas.


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