• 希望展望未来自己自信,也更乐观

    I want to feel more confident about myself and more optimistic when I look to the future.


  • 之所以展望未来时不象以往那么乐观,自己的理由

    She had her own reasons for being less sanguine than ever in hopeful views of the future.


  • 之所以展望未来时不象以往那么乐观,是自己的理由

    She had her own reasons for being less sanguine that even in hopeful views of the future.


  • 展望未来时,我从心里坚信终有一天,这些孩子们展翅高飞实现他们梦想

    As I look forward, I know in my heart some day my former students will become whatever they can dream.


  • 我们展望未来时具备潜力,是我们21世纪建设一个更美好世界空前机会

    This is our potential as we look towards the future, our unprecedented opportunity to build a better world in the 21st century.


  • 第十三中国东盟领导人会议上双方回顾过去展望未来就进一步深化中国与东盟合作达成广泛共识。

    At the 13th ASEAN-China Summit, leaders of both sides reviewed the past, looked into the future and reached wide consensuses on deepening China's cooperation with ASEAN.


  • 展望未来Diallo还是很愿意回到酒店工作但是希望是洗衣房

    Looking to the future, Diallo says she would love to goback to working in a hotel, but maybe in the laundry.


  • 展望未来妇女女孩保护自身健康方面继续面临着挑战障碍

    Looking forward, there are continued challenges and barriers that women and girls face in protecting their health.


  • 如果展望未来鸽派正确得以色列安全以及犹太国身份唯一保障就是大范围无人居住的西岸建立适当巴勒斯坦国

    If you look ahead, the doves are right: the sole guarantee of both Israel's security and its Jewish identity is the creation of a proper Palestinian homeland in a largely settler-free West Bank.


  • 展望未来盖茨通过嵌入桌面的微软的新产品“MicrosoftSurface”来展示一家网络商店订制一架滑雪板的过程。

    Providing a glimpse into the future, Mr Gates demonstrated a device called a Microsoft Surface that embeds a computer in a table top, showing how he could customise a snow-board in a shop.


  • 我们秉持这种精神价值,庆祝一百周年的同时,亦展望未来

    It is in this spirit that we celebrate our Centenary and look into the future.


  • 展望未来我们时代一个势头不能向前冲刺

    Looking ahead, our present era is, in a block of the momentum can not be driven forward sprint.


  • 回顾过去展望未来认为一个新的亚欧伙伴关系必须建筑相互尊重平等互利基础上

    When we look back on the past and into the future, I believe that a new partnership should be constructed on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefits.


  • 最后总结研究结论同时,指出本文的研究局限展望未来的研究方向

    Finally, while summing up the conclusions of the study, the author pointed out the limitations of this research, and looking to the future research direction.


  • 展望未来随着谈话记录订立名人二重唱的推出,我们可能很快看到苏珊·波尔的专辑排行榜出现。

    Looking forward, with talk of record contracts and celebrity duets, it is very likely that we'll soon be seeing a Susan Boyle album in the charts.


  • 新的一年回望过去展望未来细细品味中国车市

    In the New Year, we should look back the past and look forward INTO the future and careful think deeply China auto market.


  • 然而展望未来过去的几十年一样,我们精力集中收益部分

    Going forward, however, our focus will be on the earnings segment, just as it has been for several decades.


  • 展望未来,泰纳·瑞斯预期管材(OCTG)需求推动活动中东活动北美持续水平较高趋势继续下去。

    Moving forward, Tenaris expects the trend to continue with oil country tubular goods (OCTG) demand boosted by higher activity in the Middle East a sustained level of activity in North America.


  • 无法展望未来情况下创造历史确保曼联第十九次联赛冠军后弗格森爵士照例选择向前看不是向后看

    You can't make history without looking to the future, and Sir Alex Ferguson typically preferred to focus forwards rather than backwards after securing United's 19th league championship.


  • 展望未来野博士同事评估更多的小型和大型的动物模型治疗进一步确认治疗的安全性和有效性。

    Moving forward, Dr. Boye and her colleagues will evaluate the treatment in additional small and large animal models to further confirm the treatment's safety and efficacy.


  • 展望未来我们相信,鑫鹏远公司我们共同努力下,一个具有自主知识产权国际化公司将大家走来。

    Look forward to the future, at the joint efforts of us all, we believe that an internationalized corporation Xinpengyuan which retains autonomous intellectual property rights is walking up to us.


  • 2011117日,庆祝成立五周年,山东滨奥飞机制造有限公司滨州饭店举行回顾展望未来”答谢会。

    Jan. 17, 2011: To celebrate a 5-year anniversary, SBAAI holds a Reciprocal Reception of "5 Years Review and Future Outlook" in Binzhou Hotel.


  • 今天,版纳植物园回首过去展望未来庆典时刻,我们不禁这样一个问题为什么我们,以及版纳植物园努力保护热带森林

    Why do we and XTBG even want to conserve tropical forests?It is importrant to ask this question in the context of celebrating the past and future of this Garden.


  • 今天,版纳植物园回首过去展望未来庆典时刻,我们不禁这样一个问题为什么我们,以及版纳植物园努力保护热带森林

    Why do we and XTBG even want to conserve tropical forests?It is importrant to ask this question in the context of celebrating the past and future of this Garden.


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