• 提议之中。

    Your proposals are still under examination.


  • 新的证据表明警方时撒了谎

    New evidence showed the police lied at the trial.


  • 小说的校样

    She was checking the proofs of her latest novel.


  • 委以期间保护任务

    He was given the task of protecting her for the duration of the trial.


  • 案情始末判时真相大白。

    The full story came out at the trial.


  • 律师们阅合同小号字

    His lawyers are poring over the small print in the contract.


  • 结果出来之前拒绝给予任何评论

    He refused to comment until after the trial.


  • 第8不再假装是日本人。

    On the eighth day of questioning, she dropped the pretence that she was Japanese.


  • 在审过程中,始终把自己成是受害者

    Throughout the trial, he portrayed himself as the victim.


  • 案子为由拒绝进一步的评论。

    He declined further comment on the grounds that the case was sub judice.


  • 合同条文

    The terms of the contract are under review.


  • 国务院的一位女发言人巴基斯坦援助配置核之中

    A State Department spokeswoman said that the aid allocation for Pakistan was still under review.


  • 去年8月以来,在审工资发放公司中,三分之一已经强行实施工资冻结长达1年。

    A third of companies reviewing pay since last August have imposed a pay freeze of up to a year.


  • 期间她就随身带着张照片吗?

    Did she take this picture with her during the trial?


  • 在审中泄露了秘密

    She broke out the secret under questioning.


  • 就要开始了。

    Now the trial was to take place.


  • 在审开始之前他们不会任何事情记录

    They can't have anything to put down yet, before the trial's begun.


  • 目前理中。

    It's a trial at the moment.


  • 至少判中看来这么做为了点钱养家糊口

    Probably at least it seemed in a trial that he did it to get some money to feed his family.


  • 法院没有发布正式起诉书诉讼程序前的阶段

    The court has yet to issue formal indictments, and the proceedings remain in the pre-trial phase.


  • 安永会计师事务所使用人工智能系统合同

    One accounting firm, EY, uses an AI system that helps review contracts during an audit.


  • 过程指控犯他也无法说服听众相信是清白的。

    He was accused of a crime at the trial and meanwhile he could not convince his audience to believe his innocence.


  • 以色列警方提出起诉后,以色列检察官总理内塔尼亚胡的指控。

    Israeli prosecutors are reviewing charges against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after Israeli police called for his indictment.


  • 听说一种新发明药物可以说实话恐怖分子时可能会派上用场

    I hear a newly-invented drug can make people tell the truth and it may prove useful in questioning terrorists.


  • 人们普遍担心一些被捕无辜的人,他们罪行反对AK

    There is widespread concern that some caught up in the trials are innocent people whose crime is to oppose AK.


  • 卡萨伯尽管最近抱怨食物可能注入毒素在审过程中对证词基本漠不关心

    Kasab has sat through the trial largely indifferent to the testimony, though he has complained recently that his food might be laced with poison.


  • 福特汽车公司这份成本效益分析备忘录时被公之于众,大为震怒判定巨额赔偿

    When this memo of the Ford Motor Company's cost-benefit analysis came out in the trial, it appalled the jurors, who awarded a huge settlement.


  • 目前正的对Crafer家族农场收购一个出口收入大部分依赖乳制品行业国家引起相当大担忧

    This bid for the Crafer family's farms now under review has stirred up the considerable concern in a country that mostly depends on the dairy industry.


  • 我们此时在审你们申请书

    We are at this moment reviewing your application.


  • 讯时改变了先前的陈述

    Trial In the trial, she changed her previous statement.


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