• 最后实证分析基础上我们给出政策建议总结全文

    Finally, on the basis of the empirical analysis we give policy recommendations and summary.


  • 最后实证分析基础上得出结论指出文章不足之处

    Lastly, draws the conclusion in empirical analysis's foundation, and has pointed out the article deficiency.


  • 最后本文实证分析结论基础之上提出了一些具有针对性的政策建议

    Finally, on the basis of empirical analysis conclusion, this paper has propsed some targeted policy Suggestions.


  • 论文最后实证分析基础上就能源汽车销售推广提出相关建议

    In the end, the paper gives some relevant recommendations on the sales promotion of new energy automobiles on the base of empirical analysis.


  • 实证分析中,三种情况计算渔业资源乘数验证模型的正确性。

    In empirical analysis, we calculate three conditions of the fishery resources multiplier to verify the correctness of the model.


  • 实证分析基础上,提出提高绍兴纺织企业集群竞争力可行性对策

    The paper then proposes some plausible countermeasures to improve the competitiveness of Shaoxing textile enterprises cluster.


  • 实证分析结合相关理论基础上得出公证赔偿案件应当实行证明责任倒置的结论。

    On the basis of Empirical analysis in the light of the theory, notarial redress cases that should introduced the reversal Burden of Proof.


  • 实证分析基础上,笔者结合中国上市公司特点影响机理进行进一步阐释

    On the basis of the analysis, the author then gives the further explanations on the influence mechanism combining characters of China's listed companies.


  • 实证分析中,运用收益一盈余回归模型,研究股权结构不同盈余反应系数影响

    In the empirical analysis, I used return-earnings regression model to analyze the influence that different ownership structure on the earnings response coefficient.


  • 实证分析中,首先利用T检验验证品牌延伸前后消费者品牌信任品牌忠诚变化

    In the empirical analysis, it firstly tests that the change of brand trust and brand loyalty before and after the brand extension by T-test.


  • 最后实证分析基础提出了企业管理中间商行为从而构建顾客忠诚的渠道策略

    Finally, some manage strategies are put forward on the base of the result of the empirical research to control distributor's behavior and get customer loyalty.


  • 实证分析基础上,针对我国大学知识创造能力方面问题提出相应管理策略

    On the basis of the analysis, the research puts forward the relevant management strategies aiming at the existing problems of universities knowledge creation capability in China.


  • 实证分析基础上,影响上市公司并购财务绩效的原因进行了分析探讨提出政策建议

    On the basis, the paper discusses the causes that influence the financial effects of Mergers and Acquisitions listed companies and offers some policy suggestion.


  • 为了避免控制权选取标准不同而造成影响实证分析选取严格标准稳健性检验

    In order to avoid the control of different selection criteria impact of selected empirical studies were made more stringent standards of robustness test.


  • 实证分析部分,笔者采用检验格兰杰检验、聚分析对前文的观点予以数据支持

    During the empirical studies, such approaches as the co-integration test, Granger-causality test and categorization are adopted to support the previous conclusions from the perspective of data.


  • 实证分析最后部分基于风险补偿收益率之间关系,本文探讨了噪声交易者风险的定价问题

    In the last part of empirical analysis, based on the relationship between risk and return, pricing of noise trader risk is discussed.


  • 最后论文实证分析结果相关研究基础上,建立了基于个人-工作契合理论员工敬业度模型

    At last, this paper established an employee engagement model based on the P-J fit theory, by the result analysis and relative studies comparison.


  • 实证分析基础上,不同角度提出了规范股东行为政策建议相关监管部门提供政策参考。

    Based on the empirical testing, this paper proposes some Suggestions from various dimensions for the supervisory bodies concerned on restricting expropriation misbehaviours of large shareholders.


  • 实证分析基础上本文进一步强化上海银行间同业拆放利率的基准利率地位提出相应的政策建议

    On the basis of the empirical analysis, this paper propose appropriate policy recommendations in order to further strengthen the position of Shibor.


  • 受数据获取限制,实证分析首次发行新股公司上市前后业绩变化时,是以“医药、生物制品”行业进行的。

    One is the change of listed companies "outstanding achievements before and after coming into the market, the other is case of transgression in the market for new stock issue."


  • 文章实证分析宁波市江东城乡深度融合现状和问题基础提出进一步推进江东区城乡深度融合政策建议。

    Based upon the existing problems of integrative exercise of Ningbo Jiangdong District, the writer proposes some practical measures on promoting the process of the integration of urban and rural areas.


  • 实证分析方面本文分析区位城市指标局限性基础上,提出投入产出分析作为服务产品流的重要分析工具

    From the area of empirical analysis, the input-output analysis method is proposed as an important analyzing tool based on studying the quota limitation of location quotient and urban flow.


  • 卫生人力资源这个复杂领域很难获得准确数据进行情况分析

    In the complex field of human resources for health, finding accurate data and analyzing situations has proven difficult.


  • 本文犯罪调查基础上,立足实证研究论证犯罪成本结构,对犯罪直接成本、犯罪机会成本和犯罪风险成本进行了分析

    Based on the positive research and survey, the paper argues the structure of crime costs, and analyses crime direct costs, crime opportunity costs and crime risk costs.


  • 本文犯罪调查基础上,立足实证研究论证犯罪成本结构,对犯罪直接成本、犯罪机会成本和犯罪风险成本进行了分析

    Based on the positive research and survey, the paper argues the structure of crime costs, and analyses crime direct costs, crime opportunity costs and crime risk costs.


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