• 20世纪80年代电线铅中毒几乎使它们濒临灭绝。

    In the 1980s, electrical lines and lead poisoning nearly drove them to dying out.


  • 关于巨型动物争论很大程度取决于确定古老骨骼埋藏它们沉积物年代技术

    The debate about megafauna pivots to a great degree on the techniques for dating old bones and the sediments in which they are buried.


  • 其他现代建筑师一样使用了金属玻璃层压板木材材料今天我们对这些材料习以为常它们20世纪40年代象征未来

    Like other modern architects, he employed metal, glass and laminated wood materials that we take for granted today but that in the 1940s symbolized the future.


  • 与熊猫的联系要追溯到20世纪80年代中期,那时我一个电视节目上作为西方电视记者,首次被允许拍摄一个这样的特别机构,它们护理从野外的饥饿中解救出来的熊猫。

    My connection with pandas goes back to my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s, when I was the first Western TV reporter permitted to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild.


  • 这两宗交易它们那个年代说明互联网一个很大自相矛盾,就是它们前提恰好一半一半

    Both deals, in their respective decades, illustrate a great paradox of the Internet in that the premise underlying them is precisely half right and half wrong.


  • 它们由于1990年代纳赛尔湖调水而形成的,是尼罗河阿斯旺大坝后面形成的人工湖

    They were formed in the 1990s by diverting water from lake Nasser, an artificial lake formed behind the Aswan High Dam on the river Nile.


  • 地质学关注沉积物,通过它们地质学家可以揭示过去,特别是地球地质年代跨越一个地质年代那些巨大时间跨度。

    Geologists care about sediments, hammering away at them to uncover what they have to say about the past-especially the huge spans of time as the Earth passes from one geological period to another.


  • 朋友图书馆那里借一些年代较早的影片依偎沙发上观赏它们

    Borrow old romantic films from friends or the library and watch them, snuggled up on the sofa.


  • 其他茶叶不同,它们采摘不久最适合饮用,而普洱茶年代越久,口感越好

    Unlike other types of tea, which are consumed not long after harvest, Pu’er tastes better with age.


  • 记得学校午餐的那个年代有时候它们的确味道佳,这我必须承认

    "I remember when I used to get school lunches, sometimes they didn't taste so good, I've got to admit, " Obama said.


  • 它们所处的那个年代,古埃及人类们只是形成规模不大农耕小村落,零星地散布罗谷上

    They come from a time when Egypt was populated only by small farming communities living along the Nile Valley.


  • 70年代以前60年代的《黑暗阴影》以前,它们怪物角色会冲出来英雄

    Before the 70's, before the character in Dark Shadows in the 60's they were monsters; there was always someone there to rescue the girl.


  • 这些(1970年代史密斯发现,因此赢得诺贝尔)可以潜伏已经没有DNA细胞尸体中合成基因组作用切断它们

    These enzymes (discovered in the 1970s by Dr Smith, in work that won him a Nobel prize) would lurk in the DNA-free cadaver and cut up the synthetic genome before it was able to do its stuff.


  • 那些扭曲严重的邦如哈利亚纳Punjab看似从19世纪80年代开始数十年来比例一直倾斜,它们显示一些最大进步

    The states with the worst ratios, Haryana and Punjab, seem to have had skewed ratios for decades, going back to the 1880s. They now show some of the biggest improvements.


  • 然后二十世纪六十年代,会员国开始世卫组织未能卫生服务方面支持它们

    Then, in the 1960s, Member States started telling WHO that it had failed to support them with their health services.


  • 1940年代的大背景下,几乎书本内容同样反正统它们作者——杰出的女性

    Almost as unorthodox as the books' contents, in the climate of the 1940s, were their authorsthree remarkable women described by libertarian journalist John Chamberlain in his memoir.


  • 到了上世纪70年代失业通货膨胀之间替代关系似乎消失了,它们同时增长,而这就是所谓的滞胀现象

    But in the 1970s, the trade-off between unemployment and inflation seemed to evaporate; both rose at the same time, a phenomenon known as stagflation.


  • 它们上一次流行20世纪60年代70年代第一环保风潮和嬉皮士运动期间

    The last time they were in fashion was in the 1960s and 1970s, during the first environmental and hippy movement.


  • 二十世纪六十年代早期几年里,试着一种颜色画布点点或是之字,这种画他称之为“染色体”,但是最后他得出了这样的结论,即时间它们有序

    For some years early in the 1960s he had played around with dabs and zigzags of monochrome paint on canvases which he called “Chronomes”, but he concluded that time was more orderly than that.


  • 尽管触觉力回馈系统(触感技术)已经遍地是。 但从五十年代以来它们从没享受过游戏或者是娱乐产业上主流意义成功

    Although tactile feedback systems (Haptic technology) have been around since the 1950’s they have never enjoyed mainstream success in the gaming or entertainment industry.


  • 上世纪90年代它们一同开始驱散消除乡村偏远延伸地带工作机会。

    But in the 1990s, they began dispersing en masse, chasing jobs in the remote reaches of the country.


  • 19世纪90年代市场危机显现之时,许多富有国家削减对IMF的增资额度,因为它们担心资金充足的IMF引诱贫穷国家采取一些鲁莽轻率的决策。

    After the emerging-market crises of the 1990s many rich countries were keen to scale back the fund, for fear that a big IMF would tempt poor countries to run reckless policies.


  • 类移动电话20世纪90年代推出时,它们第一前辈产品不同的,因为它们数字化的,可以发送文本消息

    When these were introduced in the early 1990s, they were different from their first generation predecessors because they were digital and could send text messages.


  • 事实上即使它们最流行时代里,这些退休金计划也没有普及80年代,只有大约三分之一业者加入它们

    These pensions never were as widespread in fact as they are in popular legend—when the number of such plans peaked in the 1980s, they covered only about one-third of the workforce.


  • 它们最初六十年代晚期通讯中被用于控制机电电话交换机

    They were first used back in the late 1960s in communications to control electromechanical telephone switches.


  • 1885年它们英国列为灭绝的生物,19世纪50年代80只繁殖的雄鸟归来。

    They were judged extinct in the UK by 1885 but then made a comeback so that by the 1950s there were some 80 booming males.


  • 它们60年代70年代来到美国它们本来东南亚市场人们当做宠物买卖

    They came to the United States in the late 1960s or early 1970s from markets in Southeast Asia where people were selling them as pets.


  • 公司间图书馆拥有众多的计算机编码教科书它们旁边置放着一大堆可以追溯至上世纪60年代金融学术期刊

    The firm has not one, but two libraries, where textbooks on computer coding are stacked near academic finance journals dating to the 1960s.


  • 公司间图书馆拥有众多的计算机编码教科书它们旁边置放着一大堆可以追溯至上世纪60年代金融学术期刊

    The firm has not one, but two libraries, where textbooks on computer coding are stacked near academic finance journals dating to the 1960s.


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