• 生命最后给了我们李白诗集想这为了感谢父亲医疗帮助咨询吧

    During the last few weeks of her life she gave us an anthology of Li Po's poetry, I suppose as a way of thanking my father for medical help and counseling.


  • 生命尽头几乎失明看见的只有:得克萨斯州上空硕大云朵”,通过放大镜一朵花。

    At the end of her life, almost blind, she saw what she could: the "mighty big clouds" above Texas, or single blooms through a magnifying glass.


  • 生命,除之外,不要其他男人

    She wants no one else in her life but him.


  • 生命四十泰勒只是名人不再是一个电影明星

    For the last 40 years of her life, Ms. Taylor became nothing but a celebrity, no longer a movie star.


  • 生命这个时期怎样榜样将会影响将来怎样做女人

    How you model this time in her life will lay the groundwork for how she feels about being a woman.


  • 生命中的最后几年中生活圈子仅仅局限人和朋友

    In the last years of her life she returned to a smaller circle of family and friends.


  • 生命尽头身体变得娇小了,差不多都没有洋蓟植物高了

    She had become so small, at the end of her life, that she was barely taller than the artichoke plants.


  • 认识道生命主权预定但同时了解道人的责任

    Joni recognized God's sovereignty and predestination in her life, but she also knew about human responsibility.


  • 几年的病情一直稳定自己非常感谢生命出现的这些

    But she has been stable for several years and says she has the people in her life to thank.


  • 母亲生命最后几年里变得非常非常消极很难让人说话。

    My mother, in the last years of her life, became very negative, and it's hard to listen.


  • 知道生命最后时刻发生什么事,我知道一直忍受巨大压力

    I do not know what transpired in the final hours of her life, but I do know she had been under a tremendous amount of stress.


  • 这个可怜小女孩生命最后时刻看到外祖母天国里对微笑

    The poor girl had seen that her grandmother smiled at her in Heaven at the last minute of her life.


  • 生命后期作为谋杀神秘小说历史故事以及父亲传记写作者取得很大的成功

    Later in life, she enjoyed a successful career as a writer of murder mysteries, historical works and biographies of her parents.


  • 生命中的最后时刻一如视频那样,过好接下来个小时、每一分钟

    In her last moments, as she was in the video said, she is going to have her next every hour, every minute.


  • 公教艺人张德兰大家分享演艺生涯工作婚姻等等,以及天主教信仰生命中扮演角色

    Catholic singer, Teresa Cheung, shares with us about her career, evangelization work, marriage, and the important role that her Catholic faith has played in her life.


  • 然而生命历程走完之前承担一项使命成千上万受苦受难儿童悲惨遭遇,告诉全世界。

    However, towards the end of her life, she undertook a mission, to bring the tragic plight of so many million of suffering children to the attention of the rest of the world.


  • 然而生命历程走完之前承担一项使命成千上万受苦受难儿童悲惨遭遇,告诉全世界。

    However, towards the end of her life, she undertook a mission, to bring the tragic plight of so many millions of suffering children to the attention of the rest of the world.


  • 1872年后就很少离开院子了生命中的最后几年中的生活圈子仅仅局限人和朋友

    And after 1872 she rarely left her house and yard. In the last years of her life she returned to a smaller circle of family and friends.


  • 维林加的妈妈7岁时就去世了,可以理解埃德,理解在她生命如此重要的一天铭记父亲的心情。

    Thee photographer, whose mother died when she was 7, said she understood Eding's wanting to remember her father at such an important moment in her life.


  • 生命第一赫本同意牺牲自己非常珍惜隐私利用自己的人气换取大众联合国儿童基金会工作关注

    For the first time in her life Audrey agreed to sacrifice her 7 cherished privacy and used her celebrity to draw attention to UNICEF's efforts.


  • 接着说:“查理的时候莎拉告诉无法形容我儿子生命中的意义。起初我不明白这句话,但是我知道了。”

    She continued: "When Charlie died, Sarah said I had no idea how special he had been to her - but now I do."


  • 事实上生命最后几个月里一直强忍着自己,以至于去世整整的时间里我常常会痛哭,来哀痛的离开。

    In fact, I was so determined to be "strong" during her last months that even after her death it took me a full year before I could cry and truly mourn her loss.


  • 但是盖尔对这块画板神奇却深信不疑,因为生命孤单时刻,这句留言就像是个神迹,一个宝藏“那里等着找到它”。

    But Gail believes this-that at the loneliest moment of her life, a surprise and a treasure, a message of love, "was put there for me to find."


  • 但是盖尔对这块画板神奇却深信不疑,因为生命孤单时刻,这句留言就像是个神迹,一个宝藏“那里等着找到它”。

    But Gail believes this-that at the loneliest moment of her life, a surprise and a treasure, a message of love, "was put there for me to find."


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