• 右边远远的地方,认出那是希法

    Distantly, to her right, she could make out the town of Chiffa.


  • 布朗控制哈珀斯镇控制三个地方

    Without firing a shot, Brown now controlled the three places he wanted in Harpers Ferry.


  • 18每次选举都会投票,甚至包括一些地方性选举,比如只是选举学校董事会理事会这样的规模。

    I have voted in every election since I turned 18, including off years and off-off years, where only things like school boards and town councils were on the ballot.


  • 难民营于1984年首次建立共有9个这样难民营,定居点里是建立倒钩的铁丝网后面的竹子建成的房屋蔓延距离边境小镇索镇不远的地方。

    The refugee camps were first set up in 1984; there are now nine of them, settlements of bamboo-built houses behind barbed wire spread out not far from the border town of Mae Sot.


  • 马卡其它地方,家庭行动项目不仅仅局限于将提供补助与不间断上学卫生所的检查联系一起,它还包括其它方面的内容,因为贫困人口不仅仅

    There and elsewhere, Familias en Acción goes a step beyond linking payments to continued school enrollment and clinic visits, because the poor lack more than money.


  • 故事发生这样个雪后早上靠近马里兰州牛津镇的地方,的一个朋友一扇巨大窗户摆放早餐餐具

    It was on such a morning, near Oxford, Maryland, that a friend of mine set the breakfast table beside the huge window, which overlooked the Tred Avon River.


  • 伊朗边境线靠近叙利亚边界地方,哈奈根Khanaqin直到辛贾尔镇(Sinjar),防御线蜿蜒横亘伊拉克的北方。

    FROM the market town of Khanaqin, on the Iranian border, all the way to Sinjar, near the border with Syria, a fortified line snakes across northern Iraq.


  • 这个事故发生周五梅克巴博叫拜楼祷告北方摩洛哥一个位于拉巴特东南140公司(97英里)的地方。

    The incident took place during Friday prayers at the Bab al-Baradeen mosque in Meknes, a town in northern Morocco located 140 km (87 miles) southeast of Rabat.


  • Parachute以北,离215国道地方,山脉被泥巴路划分成十字形,钻机天然气星罗棋布

    A FEW miles up county road 215, north of the town of Parachute, the mountain valleys are criss-crossed with dirt roads and dotted with drilling RIGS and natural-gas Wells.


  • 战火万尼(Wanni,位于斯里兰卡腹地)的其他地方爆发的时候,好几千家庭汇集基利诺奇镇。

    Thousands of families converged on Kilinochchi when battles broke out elsewhere in the Wanni.


  • 这个购物什么地方

    Where is the shopping area in this town?


  • 可以一如英国乡村一样完美舒适地方花费$100,000自己购买宽敞的维多利亚式别墅或者花费相对更低的资金类似库克一样有点边缘的某个地方购买一个阁楼。

    You can buy yourself a vast Victorian town-house in a perfectly pleasant area like English Village for $100,000, or a loft in somewhere a bit edgier like Corktown for considerably less.


  • 非洲这个唯一清晰标志垃圾黑人工作者聚集地方

    The only clear sign that the town is actually in Africa is the throng of black workers who pick up the trash before it can hit the ground.


  • 海滨小镇独自沿着荒寂无人主干道行走着,寻找一个可以打电话地方。我的抛锚联系汽车协会

    I was walking along the deserted main street of a small seaside town looking somewhere to make a phone-call, My car had broken down outside the and I wanted to contact the Austomobile Association.


  • 特镇享受美食,得很开心,并且学习到了很多东西。沃特镇是一个全家度假的好地方

    Eat, have fun and learn in watertown! Watertown is a great place for the family to take a vacation.


  • 山西省临汾市尧都区县镇村附近,有一个叫做绿色港湾”的地方

    Yaodu District in the County of Linfen City, Shanxi Province at the end of Zhencun nearby, called a "Green Harbour" place.


  • 家乡山镇,虽说不是很大地方,却是一个很有灵气的一个名镇。

    My hometown is in ji hills although not a big place it is a very intelligent and a town.


  • 另一个地方男子杀害了一名女子有人目睹了杀人男子坐出租车逃走了。

    In another part of the town, a man killed a woman with a knife and was seen to run away in a taxi.


  • 故事发生这样个雪后早上靠近马里兰州牛津镇的地方,的一个朋友一扇巨大窗户摆放早餐餐具

    It was on such a morning, near Oxford Maryland, that a friend of mine set the breakfast table beside the huge window, which overlooked the Tred Avon River.


  • 汉曾郡隆镇这个地方,雷妮拉布拉多犬总是身边

    In Romsey, Hampshire the Labrador is constantly at Margie's side.


  • 汉曾郡隆镇这个地方,雷妮拉布拉多犬总是身边

    In Romsey, Hampshire the Labrador is constantly at Margie's side.


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