• 目前为止,世界各地不同组织已经进行了多次搜索包括澳大利亚人使用射电望远镜威尔士帕克斯进行的搜索。

    So far there have been a number of searches by various groups around the world, including Australian searches using the radio telescope at Parkes, New South Wales.


  • 1987年泛亚班拿成为国际航空运输协会(IATA)威尔士的第一家认证代理商

    In 1987 Panalpina became the number one IATA accredited agent in NSW.


  • 参议院Jim DeMint指责这个法案“提高了死亡”(法案只是2010年暂停了房地产税,实际上这个税种得到恢复,只是原计划中恢复得少)。

    Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina complains that the deal "raises the death tax" (in fact it would reinstate the estate tax, suspended in 2010 only, at a lower level than planned).


  • 印第安纳了间咖啡屋,咖啡屋后面还有屋子,我就度过一周大部分时间。

    I own a coffee shop in Southern Indiana. I have a room in the back where I spend most of the week.


  • 幅作品中,莱·罗纳葬礼上,哀悼者庄严悲伤似乎属于摄影师

    In another print (shown above) the dignity and grief of mourners at a funeral in South Carolina seem almost to belong to the photographer too.


  • 产电占整个国家电力83%,并且人口最多的新威尔士比例更高。

    Coal generates about 83% of the country's electricity, and even more in New South Wales, the most populous state.


  • 苏丹北部科尔多凡内战期间来自巴山邻近尼罗河叛军战斗,他们希望能逃离北部控制

    In the north Sudanese state of south Kordofan, rebels from the Nuba Mountains and neighbouring Blue Nile state fought alongside the south during the civil war in the hope of escaping northern control.


  • 佛罗里达亚利桑那其它重创住房市场外国人置业比重日益上升

    Foreigners have accounted for a growing share of home purchases in South Florida, Southern California, Arizona and other hard-hit markets.


  • 近期评估报告表明较为凉爽地区例如澳洲威尔士维多利亚塔斯马尼亚等地的桉树林大约有640吨/公顷碳储存能力

    In Australia, recent estimates show that eucalyptus forests in cooler regions such as southern NSW, Victoria and Tasmania have a carbon-carrying capacity of about 640 tonnes a hectare.


  • 塞伦高中共有三人获得这项奖学金,分别是另外两个要好的朋友—乔治里安和迈克迪我爸议员我写了推荐也接受了一系列的面试

    My dad got state representatives to send letters of recommendation on my on my behalf, and I went through a battery of interviews for the program. My friends made it.


  • 澳大利亚威尔士格拉夫附近两个渔民正驾船行驶烟雾笼罩的的克拉伦斯河上

    Two fishermen navigate the fog-fringed Clarence River near the town of Grafton in New South Wales, Australia.


  • 澳大利亚昆士兰威尔士20匹马于亨德拉病毒

    More than 20 horses in the Australian states of Queensland and New South Wales had died of the Hendra virus.


  • 威尔士中方共同努力,进一步开拓双方经贸文化教育科技等领域的合作

    The state would like to work with China in expanding economic, trade, cultural, educational and technological cooperation.


  • 在南威尔士帮助下,乔治位于北卡罗来纳水源学院

    Social workers at home in Aberdare, South Wales, helped Georgia get all the way to Wellspring Academy of the Carolinas in North Carolina's Blue Ridge Mountains.


  • 1994年,RicardoLemos(真名)两位朋友巴西东北部布哥买下了药局连锁店

    In 1994 Ricardo Lemos (not his real name) and two friends bought a chain of pharmacies in Pernambuco, in Brazil's North-East.


  • 苏丹宣布动荡科尔多凡停火两周。数月来,已有20万逃离这里进行避难。

    Sudan declared a two-week ceasefire in the restive state of South Kordofan, where 200, 000 people have fled from their homes in recent months.


  • 4月16日,警察部门交界塔毛利帕斯费尔附近发现了一个万人坑从坑中挖出了183具尸体

    On April 6th police discovered mass graves near San Fernando, a town in Tamaulipas state near the border with the United States, which so far have yielded 183 bodies.


  • 3第1个期间地处该国另外3,即布拉、贝努埃河流,也发现了该病毒

    During the first week of March, the virus was detected in three additional states, Anambra, Benue, and Rivers, located in the southern part of the country.


  • 佐治亚山核桃公司杰夫·沃恩(JeffWorn)刚刚印度回来,一个食品展会上展出了他的山核桃

    Jeff Worn of the South Georgia pecan Co. just traveled to India, where he served pecans at a food show.


  • 卡罗来纳哥伦比亚基尔伯恩小学资深教师华莱士年级的班里男孩子们学习拼写air(空气)”。

    The boys in veteran teacher Aba Wallace’s first grade class at South Kilbourne Elementary in Columbia, South Carolina, are learning to spell the word ‘air.’


  • 一些进行完全的家宴领唱者例如马萨诸塞纽顿市的lumiere或者Spago。Spago1984年开始加利福尼亚举行家宴

    Some have full-fledged Seders with rabbis and cantors, as at lumiere in Newton, Mass., or at Spago, which has held a Seder in Southern California since 1984.


  • 人口接近700万威尔士已知儿童虐待性头部外伤病例只有不到一半最终能罪犯进行起诉。

    In NSW - with a population of just under seven million people - less than half of known cases of abusive head trauma in children result in prosecution of perpetrators.


  • Chukwuma soludo父亲simeon soludo是前任中央银行总裁十月布拉(anambra)被绑架,Chukwuma soludo有望成为

    The father of Chukwuma Soludo, a former central-bank chief, was seized at the end of October in Anambra state, where his son hopes to become governor.


  • 2005年,一个名叫GabrielaFlores22岁墨西哥外来工莱·罗纳被捕

    In 2005, Gabriela Flores, a 22-year-old Mexican migrant worker, was arrested in South Carolina.


  • 东部森林阿巴拉契亚山脉(包括大烟山脉森林内)东北延伸到缅因(直抵边境),树冠高度明显(比西部)低多。

    In the east, canopy heights generally decrease along a gradient from the Southern Appalachians (including the forests of the Great Smoky Mountains) to Maine (far northeast corner of the country).


  • 我们动身前往密歇根,来到了印第安纳本德市,一直待找到一家电话公司上班的工作。

    We started out for Michigan, got as far as South Bend, Indiana and stayed long enough for me to get a job at the phone company.


  • 热带气旋奥斯瓦尔德引发暴雨继续昆士兰中部地区肆虐,目前降雨带已进入威尔士,并一直悉尼推进

    Torrential rain from the remnants of Cyclone Oswald continues to fall across central and southern Queensland and well into the state of New south Wales all the way down to Sydney.


  • 运送犯人威尔士已经停止1840年实现一个缺口劳动力供应

    The transportation of convicts to New South Wales had ceased in 1840 bringing about a shortfall in the Labour supply.


  • 运送犯人威尔士已经停止1840年实现一个缺口劳动力供应

    The transportation of convicts to New South Wales had ceased in 1840 bringing about a shortfall in the Labour supply.


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