• 半月不要从事体力劳动冷水劳动,避免受寒

    In the half moon not do in hard physical labor and labor, avoid cold under cold water.


  • 下了我们可以看见整洁棕色小木屋坐落半月形卵石海滩尽头海滩的一端瀑布溪流跌落冰冷灰色海水中。

    As we motored up, we could see the trim brown cabin sitting at one end of a half moon of pebble beach; at the other end, Cascade Creek tumbled into the glacial gray waters of the bay.


  • 小组已经受伤的膝盖半月板上直接打印细胞重建组织而且AAAS会议上20分钟内用硅原子打印了一个耳朵。

    His group has printed cells directly into the meniscus of an injured knee to reconstruct it, and at the AAAS meeting, he printed an ear out of silicon in about 20 minutes.


  • 为了准备半月第二马拉松比赛今天早上22英里差不多18英里的时候,天降暴雨,一卡车倾泻到身上。

    I ran a 22-miler this morning in preparation for my second marathon later this month, and at about mile 18, the heavens opened up and poured water on me by the truckload.


  • 埃弗拉应该可以热刺比赛伤愈归队,但是费迪南德将要伤停一个半月左右因此更多年轻中卫机会提上了红魔的议事安排。

    Evra should be back for the clash with Tottenham but Ferdinand will be out for around a month-and-a-half, thus presenting more opportunities for the younger defenders in the Reds' ranks.


  • 志得意满地回忆起当时的情形:“我们今年春天整个欧洲造成了巨大的影响,我们葡萄牙援助计划接近半月。”

    "The Finns party made a huge impact last spring all over Europe," he remembers with satisfaction. "The Portuguese bailout was on the hook for nearly one-and-a-half months because of us.


  • 普林斯顿要求两个半月之内做完

    Princeton wants them done in two months.


  • 美联储美国经济褐皮报告书中指出,六月七月半月经济活力中等程度的上升

    The Federal Reserve observed a modest rise in economic activity in June and the first half of July in its beige book report on the American economy.


  • 次空袭中受伤,然后巴基斯坦医院里住了一个半月

    He was wounded in an airstrike and spent a month and a half recovering in a hospital in Pakistan.


  • 离开人世前四个半月杰斐逊重病身,债台高筑家庭贫困感到忧心如焚,于是提笔这位知心好友写了封信。

    Four and a half months before he died, when he was ailing, debt-ridden, and worried about his impoverished family, Jefferson wrote to his longtime friend.


  • FDA基于瓦斯可以患者肿瘤5半月内都增长的研究,批准了阿瓦斯丁的使用许可。

    FDA gave its blessing based on a trial showing it offered breast cancer patients an extra 5.5 months of "progression-free survival," time when their tumors weren't growing.


  • 临时工人忙碌其他季节性产品生产,比如colomba这种鸽子状的复活节产品,春季的1半月时间里,都是热销产品。

    Temporary workers are also hired to bake other seasonal cakes such as the colomba, a dove-shaped Easter treat, which keeps them occupied for a month and a half in the spring.


  • 志得意满地回忆起当时的情形:“我们今年春天整个欧洲造成了巨大的影响,我们葡萄牙援助计划接近半月。”

    "The Finns party made a huge impact last spring all over Europe," he remembers with satisfaction."The Portuguese bailout was on the hook for nearly one-and-a-half months because of us.


  • 4月份半月金融股表现要好于全球股市总体水平,不过本刊出版时,美林证券(Merrill Lynch)花旗集团(Citigroup)的财报尚未公布

    Financial stocks outperformed global markets over the month to April 15th, ahead of results from Merrill Lynch and Citigroup which were due tobe released after the Economist went to press.


  • 四百年前,由亨利·哈德森掌舵半月”号荷兰船只小岛Mannahatta靠岸

    FOUR hundred years ago a Dutch ship called the Halve Maen (Half Moon), Henry Hudson at the helm, arrived at the tiny island of Mannahatta.


  • 2008年月,波兰兹罗提(注:波兰货币)相对欧元稳步7月半月,兹罗提欧元汇率为3.2.

    The zloty strengthened steadily against the euro during the first seven months of 2008, hitting a record high of Zl 3.2:euro 1 in the second half of July.


  • 不同寻常运营停转批露后的2个半月后,贝尔斯登的股东们都期望批准一个特殊会议上提出并购议案

    Nearly two-and-a-half months after the extraordinary tie-up was revealed, Bear Stearns (BSC, Fortune 500) shareholders are widely expected to approve the proposed takeover at a special meeting.


  • 收集者们一般A等级材料售出以后才出手。”John Siroldo——马萨诸塞州沃特墩城半月杂志古董与艺术》的创世纪人兼出版商展览会上展示了这场景

    "Collectors are going after A-level material, " John Smiroldo, founder and publisher of Antiques and Fine Art, a bimonthly magazine based in Watertown, Mass., said of the auction and show scenes.


  • 人体半月时间空间上也是一个平衡开放系统,能形成和保持耗散结构。

    The human knee meniscus is also an opening system rather than the balance at any time and any where.


  • 中间腺体无;雄蕊的侧生的半月1

    Median glands absent; lateral ones semilunar or 1 on each side of lateral stamen.


  • 维密秀开演之前我会一个半月时间大量跳绳。

    I do lots of jumping rope for about a month and a half before the show.


  • 接下来十年里,五颜六色的指甲油纷纷登场,不仅如此,1936年还有半月美甲刷子红色指甲油细心涂抹

    In the following decade, color begins to be introduced, and not only that, but the 1936 manicure even includes a half-moon shape carefully formed using a brush and red polish.


  • 这个赛季原本有梦幻般的开局,但是坑爹的U19国家队受伤之后缺阵三个半月时间

    Having started the season so promisingly, Wisdom was ruled out for three and a half months after getting injured while playing for England U19s.


  • 太阳水星天王星木星半月汇集白羊座关系里。

    The Sun, Mercury, Uranus, and Jupiter will all be in Aries and your house of relationships during the latter part of the month.


  • 过去四个半月阿富汗服役而这就是英国哈里王子

    What he's been doing for the last four and a half month is serving in Afghanistan, that was Britain's Prince Harry.


  • 过去四个半月阿富汗服役而这就是英国哈里王子

    What he's been doing for the last four and a half month is serving in Afghanistan, that was Britain's Prince Harry.


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