• 最后,与法国政府关系密切人士私下抱怨,认为欧元区成员国应该同意一些财政社会协调例如抑制企业税率劳动力成本方面竞争

    Finally, figures close to the France government have murmured, euro-zone members should agree to some fiscal and social harmonization: e.g., curbing competition in corporate tax rates or labor costs.


  • 我们社会统计数据许多方面低估了与劳动力市场相关的困难程度

    There are also many ways our social statistics underestimate the degree of labor-market-related hardship.


  • 如果欧洲经济发生重大变革包括劳动力产品市场以及公共机构方面那么英国可能加入联盟

    If significant reform of Europe's economies took place, including its Labour and product markets, and its institutions, it might well be that Britain would participate in such a union.


  • 除了它们缺点东欧经济体提高劳动力市场增多产品方面表现出比老欧盟成员国灵活性

    The east European economies, for all their faults, have shown more flexibility in both Labour markets and in what they produce than have many older EU members.


  • 全球化劳动力市场建设就业岗位流动方面什么作用

    What is the role of globalization in shaping labor markets and job mobility?


  • 但是拉丁美洲要素生产力水平落后甚至更多资本科技劳动力整合有效性方面也是相同的情况。

    But Latin America lags even further behind in total factor productivity, or the efficiency with which it combines capital, technology and Labour.


  • 通用汽车很多部门一样,萨博劳动力成本以及汇率品牌声誉方面面临的挑战限制业务计划

    Like many GM divisions, Saab's high labor costs and challenges related to currency exchange and brand reputation constricted the business plan.


  • 此外亚洲开发银行还敦促亚洲各国流动工人地区之间更加容易地流动,弥补不同地区之间劳动力供应方面差距

    In addition, the report urged countries in Asia to make it easier for migrant workers to move about the region, to help fill gaps in labor supplies.


  • 由于投资率低于中国特别是基础设施方面并且劳动力市场面临瓶颈,因此,引发通胀上涨情况下,印度可能中国保持同样的增速。

    India cannot grow as fast as China without igniting inflation because of its lower investment rate, particularly in infrastructure, and Labour bottlenecks.


  • 城乡结构中,研究城市化农村剩余劳动力转移实际上一个问题两个方面

    In the urban and rural structure, have studied the urbanization and rural transfer of surplus labor, this is two respects of a question in fact.


  • 衰退时期繁荣时期劳动力资本设备方面出现更多失业就业不足现象。

    There is more unemployment or underemployment of Labour and capital equipment in the slump than in the boom.


  • 由于对这种劳动力税赋提高的预期,获取生产技能方面年轻一代可能选择降低投入因为由此赚得更多薪水以赋税形式流失。

    In anticipation of much higher Labour taxes, younger generations may choose to invest less in acquiring productive skills - because the higher salaries they would win as a result would be taxed away.


  • 不过中国劳动力成本方面明显优势基础设施、技术以及国内消费市场方面就更是如此。

    But China still has pronounced advantages in terms of Labour costs, to say nothing of infrastructure, technology and consumers.


  • 本篇论文从实证角度分析人力资本二元劳动力市场发挥作用影响因素,强调需求方和制度性因素就业报酬方面的影响。

    This paper focuses on the discussion that the influence of dual labor market on human capital by scientific analysis, and stresses the influence of consumer and system rule on employment and reward.


  • 就业方面中国目前结构性失业问题,但是更为严重问题还是劳动力供给总量大大超过了市场需求

    Currently, besides structural unemployment, another serious problem in respect of employment China is facing is the excess of the total volume of workforce supply over demand.


  • 大量研究表明生产者服务业推动国民经济增长调整产业结构以及促进劳动力就业等方面发挥重要作用

    Numerous studies show that producer services is playing an important role in promoting economic growth, industrial restructuring and employment.


  • 无论是吸纳劳动力增加财政税收、我国GDP增长方面有着不可磨灭的贡献

    Whether absorbing labor, increasing tax revenue and promoting GDP growth for our country and so on, They have an important contribution.


  • 劳动力市场分割一研究领域,实证研究主要集中在劳动力市场分割所带来不平等问题方面,忽略了劳动力市场分割经济增长影响

    In the field of Labour market segmentation, little research has addressed the testing of the influence of the segmentation of Labour market on economic growth so far.


  • 方面我国农村剩余劳动力必将继续城镇流动:方面,城镇再就业压力持续加大

    On one hand, our rural surplus labor is moving to cities and towns; on the other hand, the pressure of reemployment in cities and towns is increasing.


  • 中国农村剩余劳动力转移任务非常艰巨,作为农村剩余劳动力转移主渠道乡镇企业吸纳劳动力方面的能力下降

    The task of transferring rural surplus labor force is arduous in China today. However, as the most main way of absorbing rural labor force, the role of township and village enterprises is descending.


  • 福建省晋江市作为沿海发达地区的代表,农村劳动力转移就业方面自身特点

    As a nonesuch in developed coastal areas, Jinjiang city has some own characteristics of rural labor employment.


  • 扩大劳动力方面,他们会最先考虑女性然后退休人员,最后是外国人

    In terms of expanding the work force, the 'priority is this order: women, the elderly and foreigners.


  • 南京具备成为国际生产制造中心产业基础,劳动力资本力、地理区位方面具有优势不足之处于制造技术产业规模

    Nanjing has advantages in labor, capital, industrial structure and economic geographic location, but is lack of high manufacturing tech and industry of scale.


  • 方面越密集劳动力市场中,这些工作计划附加值可能越低

    On the other hand, the added value of such programmes may be lower in tighter labor markets.


  • 方面越密集劳动力市场中,这些工作计划附加值可能越低

    On the other hand, the added value of such programmes may be lower in tighter labor markets.


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