• 刑罚难熬的时刻一直脑中

    She was always on my mind in the toughest moments during the torture.


  • 刑罚罚则刑罚的具体运用上,缺乏可以依据的共同原则

    In the application of penalty, there is no common principle to base on.


  • 刑罚进化不同历史时期累犯制度设立的理论根据也各不同。

    In the different periods of the historical evolution of punishment, the fundamental theories based on the regulation of recidivist are different.


  • 刑罚中,体现为关于刑罚前提根据、式根据实质根据认识

    It is embodied, in penalty, as cognition of the bases of precondition, modality and substance.


  • 刑罚目的整个刑罚理论基石,在刑罚目的理论报应预防论的争论由来已久。

    The purpose of penalty is the basis of the whole penalty theory. The dispute between the theory of retaliation and the theory of prevention has lasted for a long time.


  • 减刑我国一项重要刑罚执行制度刑罚执行领域经常广泛地被应用司法实践中发挥着重要的作用。

    Commutation is an important executive system of punishment. It is often widely applied in the area of execution of punishment and plays an important role in judicial practice.


  • 死刑不但丧失了以往刑罚体系中的核心地位而且限制减少死刑乃至废除死刑已成为世界性潮流趋势。

    The death penalty has lost its previous dominant status in the criminal penalty system and it has become a universal orientation to restrict, reduce and even eradicate death penalty.


  • 联邦法官决定刑罚往往严重依赖美国量刑指南这些指南对于动物打斗案件来说已经过时,而且极其不完善

    But federal judges often rely heavily on the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines when they determine penalties, and in the case of animal fighting, those guidelines are outdated and extremely inadequate.


  • 量刑指南确定刑罚如果发生动物搏斗那这些指南就已经过时了,而且非常不充分

    Sentencing Guidelines when they determine penalties, and in the case of animal fighting, those guidelines are outdated and extremely inadequate.


  • 联邦法官决定刑罚往往过分看重美国量刑指南,而这些指南对于动物打斗案件来说很不完善且早已过时。

    Federal judges often rely heavily on the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines when they determine penalties, and in the case of animal fighting, those guidelines are outdated and extremely inadequate.


  • 这里没有尺度估算去衡量我们单单刑法两者之间画出等号或者刑罚补救,直到我们觉得足够为止。

    There is no metric or calculation for a crime and the punishment it should receive. We simply draw an equals sign between the two and tinker with the punishment until it feelsequal to the crime.


  • 患有肝病如此严厉刑罚面前倒下,不几天死去了;汤普森也几乎同一时间成了一个精神错乱者

    Sudds was suffering from liver disease; he sank beneath the severity of his punishment, and in a few days he died — while Thompson, about the same time, became insane.


  • 就是为什么我们必须这些价值我们家园蓬勃发展,从而得到提升,这就是什么禁止折磨刑罚关闭关塔那摩监狱

    That is why we must promote our values by living them at home - which is why I have prohibited torture and will close the prison at Guantanamo Bay.


  • 中世纪欧洲,放逐严厉的刑罚因为人们身份是以社会角色地位界定的。

    In medieval Europe, it was the worst punishment possible, because people's identities were defined by their role and place in society.


  • 对手们讲道,他们筹集资金遇到困难,原因一些的赞助商由于害怕税收审核所带来的刑罚而退缩了。

    Her opponents say they have had trouble raising money because some would-be donors have held back for fear of a punitive tax audit.


  • 2008年,墨西哥非法入境最高刑罚监禁降至处以罚金。

    In 2008 the maximum penalty for illegal entry to Mexico was reduced from ten years in prison to a fine.


  • 巴欧诺Calipatria的州立监狱同样接受终生监禁的刑罚,2002年9月21日心脏病发

    Buono died of a heart attack on September 21, 2002, in Calipatria State Prison where he was serving a life sentence. [Wikipedia]


  • 事实上18世纪早期记载海盗几乎使用其他刑罚方式跳板根本就没那么重要。

    In actual fact, while pirates seem to have used almost every other torture under the sun, walking the plank does not feature in any account from the early eighteenth century at all.


  • 就是为什么许多情况下,法庭许多案件不能充分刑罚

    This is why in many cases the full penalty cannot be made in cases of the court of law.


  • 行政刑罚制度立法体系应当自由、财产刑资格主导程序上适用司法程序

    Free penalty, fine penalty and qualification penalty are leading ones in the legislation of the administrative punishment system, and judicial process are applicable.


  • 刑罚公平性方面分析康德等量报应论追求刑罚与犯罪严重性上的等同性。

    Analyzed from the equity of penalty, Kant's theory of nemesis with equal quantity pursues the equity between the penalty and the crime in seriousness.


  • 社区矫正具有巨大的优越性,但究竟这一新的刑罚执行方式我国是否可行,需要认真探讨问题

    Although Community Correction has huge superiority, whether go through smoothly in our country is a problem needed to discuss.


  • 社区矫正具有巨大的优越性,但究竟这一新的刑罚执行方式我国是否可行,需要认真探讨问题

    Although Community Correction has huge superiority, whether go through smoothly in our country is a problem needed to discuss.


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