• 一个变态老师布置的利己的家庭作业几个星期瑞典被公布。

    If ever there was a self-serving homework assignment handed out by a perverted teacher it was the one given out in Sweden a couple of weeks back.


  • 几个星期后告诉父亲,“爸爸最想的事打破女子长距离赛跑纪录。”

    After a few weeks, she told her father, "Daddy, what I'd really love to do is break the world's long-distance running record for women."


  • 有时候我们某些东西弄坏了只是几个星期后我们发现到我们缺少的东西,需要东西替代

    Sometimes something we have will break and only after giving it a few weeks we'll realize we don't miss it and it doesn't need replacing.


  • 很显然男性遭受冲击将会女性倍,因此几个星期后,他们逛街时将面临的死亡威胁更多。

    Men suffer twice as much as women, apparently, and are, therefore, in greater danger of dying on the High Street in thecoming weeks.


  • 洪水饥荒一样,最高浪潮退去数个星期几个破坏程度最高。

    Floods, like famines, do their worst damage in the weeks and months after the highest waters have subsided.


  • 结果得到确认时,几个星期继续临床样本做进一步再检测,以便危险评估提供最为可靠基础

    While these first results are reassuring, further retesting of clinical specimens will continue over the next few weeks to provide the most reliable possible foundation for risk assessment.


  • 儿子几个星期妻子东西把儿子衣服塞起来,上面一个看起来他们的儿子一样。

    In the weeks after the abduction, his wife took to stuffing their son's clothes and placing a ball on top of them to look like a head.


  • 几个星期进入高中四年级时,沉浸少年国家”的兴奋之中,同时也决心好好利用少年时代的最一次机会

    A couple of weeks later, I started my senior year in high school, still on a high from Boys Nation, and determined to enjoy my last shot at childhood.


  • 星期一个房地产行业团体报告二手房销售- - -房产市场占主导地位几个月的增长八月份出现下降

    On Thursday, a real estate industry group reported that sales of previously owned homes - which dominate the housing market - fell in August after several months of gains.


  • 科学家计划几个星期后佛罗里达海域仪器进行检测如果成功的话他们取得人类动物交流领域的重大突破

    They are hoping to test the machine off the Florida coast in the next few weeks, and, if successful, it will be a huge step in establishing communication between humans and animals.


  • 几个星期美国研究者们MINOS实验探测到了总共62个电子中微子——13多个超过电子中微子本底偏差。

    A few weeks later, researchers at the MINOS experiment in the US detected a total of 62 electron neutrinos - 13 more events than the background of electron neutrinos.


  • 爬了几个陡峭山坡终于克罗地亚找到了一家自助银行,是我德国沿着多瑙河骑行四个星期看到的第一家。

    Eventually I found an autobank in Croatia but not before climbing several steep hills - the first I had seen in four weeks of following the River Danube from Germany.


  • 过去几个星期费力地读完这些无休无止的指责得到一个惊人发现

    But I've been wading through all the nonstop commentary over the last few weeks and I've made a startling discovery.


  • 只要想想看——很短几个星期后拥有漂亮、苗条健美身体了。

    Just think - in a few short weeks a beautiful, slender, athletic body can be yours.


  • 警员们必须仔细梳理这些纪念品因为海水里浸泡几天甚至几个星期很多物品已经损坏

    Police had to delicately comb through the keepsakes, since many of the items were damaged, after being soaked in seawater and mud for days or weeks.


  • 相对平静7月份形成鲜明反差美军伊拉克城市地区撤出几个星期有275名伊拉克丧生

    The toll in August contrasts with a relative lull in July, when 275 Iraqis were killed in the weeks immediately following the withdrawal by U.S. forces from Iraqi towns and cities.


  • 法国呆了几个星期,韦瑞生活承诺冲昏头脑,决定买下奈庄园。

    Within weeks of arriving in France Verey is bewitched by the promise of a new life and decides to buy the Mas Lunel.


  • 重型装备到达几个小时泥石流再次爆发,持续了晚上,重新阻断通往舟曲的一条主要道路。接着星期了几暴雨,幸存者帐篷里乱成一团。

    Survivors huddled in tents under more rainstorms on Thursday, after a new overnight mudslide blocked a key road into Zhouqu only hours after heavy equipment had begun arriving.


  • 从长远来看,如果几个星期对它的兴趣消退了,那么无论是闪亮的吉他还是专业跑步被堆角落里落满灰尘

    But if your interest is going to wane after a couple of weeks, that flashy guitar or professional treadmill is just going to end up gathering dust in a corner.


  • 迪斯尼乐园”待了几个星期它们回到迷宫的时候。

    So, after a few weeks in Disney World, they go back into the water maze.


  • 2010年5月Amadeus西班牙上市几个星期公司的管理层被问到是否出售Opodo”时,他们表示没有这方面的打算”。

    In May 2010, just weeks after the successful IPO for Amadeus in Spain, officials said there were “no plans for doing so” when asked about whether the agency was up for sale.


  • 有些争论缠讼几个星期后得以解决

    Other disputes have dragged on for weeks before reaching resolution.


  • 他们诺亚买下幢房子几个星期见面的,斯来的时候自酿酒和不伦瑞克炖肉,他们酩酊大醉和讲故事中度过了他们见面的第一晚。

    They had met a couple of weeks after Noah bought the house, when Gus had shown up with some.


  • 知道只是希望四处奔波了几个星期后我们能够一点成绩

    I just hoped, you know, after we'd been running round a few weeks, we'd have achieved something.


  • 几个星期以前沿着内陆河道驾船前往弗吉尼亚的时天夜里决定停泊卡罗来纳乔治敦,拜访老朋友

    While taking my boat down the inland waterway to Florida a few weeks ago, I decided to tie up at Georgetown, South Carolina, for the night and visit with an old friend.


  • 美国其他国家试图海军巡逻的方式遏制索马利亚海盗劫持活动今年早些时候减少几个星期又开始增多

    The U. S. and other countries have tried to stop Somali pirates with naval patrols, but the hijackings have increased in recent weeks after a lull earlier this year.


  • 美国其他国家试图海军巡逻的方式遏制索马里海盗劫持活动今年早些时候减少几个星期又开始增多

    S. and other countries have tried to stop Somali pirates with naval patrols, but the hijackings have increased in recent weeks after a lull earlier this year.


  • 美国其他国家试图海军巡逻的方式遏制索马里海盗劫持活动今年早些时候减少几个星期又开始增多

    S. and other countries have tried to stop Somali pirates with naval patrols, but the hijackings have increased in recent weeks after a lull earlier this year.


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