• 超过50 %英语共同使用采取直接间接拉丁语

    Over 50% of English language, in common use, is taken, directly or indirectly, from the Latin language.


  • 因为共同使用权进行“打头”能力内涵强调力量这里非常重要。”

    Because power in common usage carries the connotation of "hit-over-the -head" or "make you" capabilities, it is very important to stress that power as used here is more than that.


  • 12审判陪审团共同使用法律刑事民事审判除非陪审团审判的权利法律上是各方同意豁免

    The trial or petit jury of 12 persons is used in trials of common law, both criminal and civil, except where the right to a jury trial is waived by consent of all parties at law.


  • 相反今天我们人类共同使用超过7000种不同语言这些语言不是随机分布地球上的。

    Instead, today, our species collectively speaks over seven thousand distinct languages, and these languages are not spread randomly across the planet.


  • 相反今天我们人类共同使用超过7000种不同语言这些语言不是随机分布地球上的。

    Instead, today our species collectively speaks over 7,000 distinct languages, and these languages are not spread randomly across the planet.


  • Postcrossing 网站上,需要使用一种共同的语言,也就是英语,因为它被广泛使用

    A common language is required and in postcrossing that's English since it's widely spoken.


  • 很难在共同遵循协议使用相关功能消费者提供者之间进行建模

    It would also be difficult to model communication between consumers and providers that follow a protocol for using a set of related functional capabilities.


  • 博尔瓦特共同努力倡导蒸汽机棉纺工业使用

    Boulton and Watt worked together to pioneer the use of the steam engine in the cotton spinning industry;


  • 但是对于这个示例,这个更改不是必须的,因为我们一个共同浏览会话上下文中使用这个特殊页面

    For this example, though, it won't be necessary because we'll only use this particular page in the context of a co-browsing session.


  • 证券文档(20833个)使用实际证券符号名称表示美国交易的大多数股票共同基金

    Security documents (fixed at 20833) represent the majority of US-traded stocks and mutual funds and use actual security symbols and names.


  • 虽然元数据AOP共同使用特别有用,但是会过度使用危险

    While metadata is extremely useful when used in conjunction with AOP, there is a danger of overusing it.


  • 俄罗斯,与他人共同使用同一注射针头传播HIV病毒主要途径,疫病暗中流行,传染不断上升。

    Sharing needles among injecting users is one of the primary means of spreading the HIV virus in Russia, where a hidden epidemic has seen transmission rates spiral.


  • 注意AUTHENTICATION参数实例级上设置的,这意味着相同实例中创建数据库使用共同身份验证模式

    Note that the authentication parameter is set at the instance level, meaning that databases created in the same instance share the authentication mode.


  • 欧洲共同使用欧元15个国家承诺担保新的银行负债充实景况不佳银行资本

    In Europe, the 15 countries that share the euro have now promised to guarantee new bank debt and to inject capital into ailing Banks.


  • 这样窥探之所以能够实现是因为一个独特的咔嚓声,此声键盘所处的位置打字者的力度及其的位置使用的键盘类型共同决定。

    Such snooping is possible because each key produces a characteristic click, shaped by its position on the keyboard, the vigour and hand position of the typist, and the type of keyboard used.


  • RMC中定义使用任务软件工程中的定义很多共同

    Defining and using tasks in RMC intentionally has a lot of commonality with how use cases are defined and used in software engineering.


  • 讨论collabform .html页面之前需要了解一些关于如何联合使用ClickToCall小部件共同浏览功能的重点。

    Before discussing the collabform.html page, there's something important to know about using the ClickToCall widget in conjunction with co-browsing capabilities.


  • 科索沃MetohiaMontenegro它们塞尔维亚共同使用南斯拉夫第纳尔之前2004年以前多年使用欧元

    The autonomous province Kosovo and Metohia and Montenegro have both been using the euro for several years as of 2004, prior to which they Shared the Yugoslav dinar with Serbia.


  • 课堂使用科技,能同侪家人他人共同合作。

    Work cooperatively and collaboratively with peers, family members, and others when using technology in the classroom.


  • 他们使用XY这样密码自称未知”。但是我们确定他们每个国家都属于一个共同分母轴心中世纪坐标

    They use secret code names like 'x' and 'y' and refer to themselves as' unknowns', but we have determined they belong to a common denominator of the axis of medieval with coordinates in every.


  • 这本二零零一年论文涵盖共同问题图像处理方式他们解决方案科学技术不同领域使用广泛。

    This book consists of twenty-one papers that collectively cover a broad range of image processing problems and the way in which their solutions are used in different areas of science and technology.


  • 社会用语本族社会现实具体存并且广泛使用的、共同化的语言。

    Public expressions refer to those widely and commonly used in a native language from our society.


  • 所有移动电话网络共同采用一种新的数据库使得手机失窃后不能使用

    A new database has been launched jointly by all mobile phone networks to enable mobile phones to be disabled when they have been stolen.


  • 一些利益我们共同复印机安装测试视频使用

    Of interest to some, is our use of common copier paper mounted to the sub straight in testing and videos.


  • 对喻体所作语义学语用学研究表明人类共同本性特征知识决定了人们使用喻体时具有共同理念审美取向

    A semantic and pragmatic research into the vehicle reveals that the similarity of human notions and aesthetic orientation derives from the similarity of human nature, characteristics and knowledge.


  • 一个共同例子使用图形教育人体解剖

    A common example of graphics in use to educate is diagrams of human anatomy.


  • 使用相同模型的情况下,发送接收者应该没有共同的模型能够容易地理解信息和进行区域语义相互操作。

    By using the same model, both sender and recipient should be able to more easily understand the message making regional semantic interoperability much easier than if there were no common model.


  • 使用相同模型的情况下,发送接收者应该没有共同的模型能够容易地理解信息和进行区域语义相互操作。

    By using the same model, both sender and recipient should be able to more easily understand the message making regional semantic interoperability much easier than if there were no common model.


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