• 儿子篮子河里取水,篮子没有任何变化

    The basket had no difference after the son used it to get water from the river.


  • 拉希姆绳子一端儿子牙齿上一端系全尺寸商用直升机上

    Rahim tied one end of a string around his son's tooth, and the other end to his full-sized commercial helicopter.


  • 母亲儿子葬礼上恸哭

    Mother weeps at the funeral of her son, who was a soldier of the elite special forces.


  • 但是儿子眼中,赫本却一直忧伤自我怀疑所困扰

    But to her son, she was a woman beset with sadness and self-doubt.


  • 儿子诺亚出生后的十一天内丹尼尔无法想象硬是强迫自己回去工作

    Eleven days after his son Noah was born, Daniel cannot imagine tearing himself away to go back to work.


  • 家庭成员认定儿子成长过程中,批评儿子参与不能胜任男性工作。

    Family members claim that he criticised the son for not being involved with, or competent at, male pursuits as he grew up.


  • 美国公共广报电台报道,布雷特维塞母亲在儿子被捕烧毁60名画。

    According to PBS, after Breitwieser was arrested, his mother burned over 60 of the stolen masterpieces.


  • 儿子艰难漫长康复期里,艾尔决定家人一起,很理解并且钦佩这个决定。

    Al decided he had to be there for his family during his son's long, hard recovery, a decision I understood and admired.


  • 如此认为女儿乐趣儿子那里所不能体验的,儿子需要给予太多干预

    Because of this, I think it's possible to enjoy daughters in ways you don't enjoy boys, who need so much more intervention.


  • 儿子不幸遇难之后凯西·艾登正是靠着温斯顿·丘吉尔句振聋发聩口号支撑下来的。

    These strong words by Winston Churchill became part of a mantra that helped to sustain Kathy Eldon after her son's tragic death.


  • 儿子足球比赛上因为裁判的误判凑过去揍完全可取的行为,正是酒精的作用。

    Getting in the referee's face and shoving him around a bit over an unfair call at your son's soccer tournament is completely uncalled for, yet this is what alcohol tempts us to do.


  • 奥尔德姆正视自己问题名患者多年交道。显然,该患者的行为儿子痛苦中发挥了一定作用

    Oldham worked for several years with the man, whose behavior had clearly played a role in his son’s misery, getting him to face up to his problem.


  • 奥尔德姆正视自己问题名患者多年交道。显然,该患者的行为儿子痛苦中发挥了一定作用

    Oldham worked for several years with the man, whose behavior had clearly played a role in his son's misery, getting him to face up to his problem.


  • 儿子几个星期里妻子东西儿子衣服塞起来,上面一个看起来他们儿子一样。

    In the weeks after the abduction, his wife took to stuffing their son's clothes and placing a ball on top of them to look like a head.


  • 组建一个四人团队包括自己同名儿子托尼·奥赖利。

    He is putting together a four-man team, including his son and namesake Tony O'Reilly Jr.


  • 13岁的儿子不知怎么拥挤的人群里走散了。

    His thirteen-year-old son somehow got separated in the crush.


  • 公共场合发言总是和他儿子的话截然不同

    His public statements have always been in marked contrast to those of his son.


  • 彻夜守护病重儿子病榻旁。

    She kept vigil at the bedside of her critically ill son.


  • 是的考虑儿子玩具

    Yes. I'm thinking of buying a toy for my son.


  • 周后老人收到一封信儿子另一名士兵医院死亡

    After a few weeks, the old man received a letter saying his son had died while taking another soldier to a hospital.


  • 为了儿子钢琴方面长足的进步一个暑假晚上母亲儿子听钢琴家音乐会

    Wishing to encourage her young son's progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a pianist's concert on a summer holiday evening.


  • 每个男人都希望自己儿子某种程度上自己的克隆体

    Every man wants his son to be somewhat of a clone.


  • 看到人们排电话电脑的长队,很惊讶儿子2004年的时候如此耐心排队等着我们联系。

    I see the lines for phones and computers and marvel that my son would be so patient to wait in a line like that to connect with us when he was here in 2004.


  • 天晚饭父亲注意到儿子地板木头

    One evening before supper, the father noticed his son playing with a piece of wood on the floor.


  • 儿子移居澳大利亚一个撞车事故中身亡

    One son went to live in Australia and the other one was killed in a car crash.


  • 一直培养儿子雄心大志。

    She had always nurtured great ambitions for her son.


  • 他们儿子无能为力地看着他们消失海浪之下。

    Their son watched helplessly as they vanished beneath the waves.


  • 他们儿子无能为力地看着他们消失海浪之下。

    Their son watched helplessly as they vanished beneath the waves.


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