• 所谓临时禁令,就是侵权诉讼诉讼应权利人的请求,由法院作出的迫使侵权停止实施的或者即将实施的侵权行为,保护权利人利益的措施。

    Preliminary Injunction means the court forces the infringers to stop ongoing infringement or events that are about to happen upon obligee's request before or during infringement litigation.


  • 三星声明中指出这次的专利诉讼同时韩国日本德国提出,涉及专利侵权

    The patent lawsuits, filed in South Korea, Japan and Germany, involve infringement of up to five patents, Samsung said in a statement.


  • 今年诉讼案件欧洲一起,美国起,从事音乐产业类官司的律师网络侵权薄公堂。

    THREE big court cases this year-one in Europe and two in america-have pitted music-industry lawyers against people accused of online piracy.


  • 1950年至1975年间,巡回法院四起专利诉讼有三无效侵权

    Between 1950 and 1975, three out of every four patents in the circuit courts were ruled invalid or not infringed.


  • 数字(2.2%)达到了历史最高点:因为这种侵权案件花费美国GDP的比例接下来5年中持续下降,这某种程度上是由《2005年集团诉讼公平》的种种限制所致

    That marked a peak: the share of American GDP represented by such litigation costs fell in each of the following five years, thanks in part to restrictions in the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005.


  • 文中笔者进一步给出了恶意诉讼侵权责任判断标准

    In the article, the author also further gives determining criteria of malicious litigation tort liability.


  • 专利侵权诉讼被告以与第三者的合同来进行抗辩

    In a lawsuit of infringing patent, defendant often carries on a plea by concluding a contract with a third party.


  • 由于诉讼民事判决书单列知识产权侵权案件的判决书中,诉讼也是单独明,计算合理开支范围内

    Since the legal cost is singled out in civil judgments, therefore the legal fees are listed separately, not included in the reasonable expenses range, in the judgments of IPR infringement cases.


  • 瑞典电信业巨头英国意大利德国中兴提起了专利侵权诉讼,中兴通讯起诉爱立信中国子公司

    ZTE has filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Ericsson's China unit after the Swedish telecoms giant filed patent lawsuits against ZTE in Britain, Italy and Germany.


  • 部分中,主要研究恶意诉讼侵权责任内涵性质恶意诉讼行为特征进行了探讨

    In this part, mainly research malicious prosecution tort liability's connotation, characteristic, and discuss the feature of malicious prosecution action.


  • 医疗纠纷近年社会普遍关注热点尤其是医疗侵权诉讼举证责任的分配问题

    Medical disputes is the focus of attention of society in recent years, especially the allocation of the burden of proof in the medical tort suit.


  • 专利侵权诉讼之间辉瑞兰伯西超过立普妥继续芬兰西班牙葡萄牙丹麦罗马尼亚

    Patent infringement litigation between Pfizer and Ranbaxy over Lipitor will continue in Finland, Spain, Portugal, Denmark and Romania.


  • 医疗纠纷侵权诉讼实行举证责任倒置积极意义

    In the medical malpractice tort action to implement the burden of proof reversal, has its positive significance.


  • 侵权行为法中,控制污染典型的诉讼妨害案件

    Under tort law, the typical action brought to control pollution is a nuisance case.


  • 本文引言部分,对研究恶意诉讼侵权的背景、意义、研究现状及研究方法做了简要的阐述。

    Then it uses the method of empirical analysis to probe on features and problems in judicature of malicious prosecution in China.


  • 因此商业秘密侵权诉讼不能实行举证责任倒置

    Therefore, the principle of inverted evidential burden can not be applied to the litigations over trade secret infringements.


  • 新闻侵权抗辩事由是新闻侵权诉讼媒体记者针对原告的诉讼提出自己免除减轻承担其民事责任理由

    Deraignment refers to that media and journalist have the right to put forward its reasons why it should be relieved from or mitigate the civil liability in the tort lawsuit.


  • 但是一些特殊侵权诉讼传统举证责任分配方式受到了越来越多的挑战质疑

    However, in some special tort litigation, the traditional allocation of the burden of proof has been challenged and questioned growly.


  • 引入民事诉讼制度以后,垄断侵权损害有了新的救济途径

    The introduction of civil litigation system makes the monopoly damage get new relief rights.


  • 同一时间他们可以自由联邦法院提出专利侵权诉讼因此他们已经能够使自己IP最多

    At the same time, they're free to bring patent infringement suits in federal court, so they've been able make the most of their own IP.


  • 相关法律法规不健全的情况下,专利侵权诉讼实践一系列问题

    Because the related laws and regulations are incomplete, a series of problems exist in tort action on patent in practice.


  • 这起诉讼最高法院做出裁决开始受理长期延误版权侵权案件之后不久提出的。

    The case was filed shortly after a Supreme Court ruling allowed copyright infringement cases to go forward even after long delays.


  • 新闻名誉侵权诉讼多数情况下涉及方当事人新闻媒体,一方是认为自身名誉权遭受侵害的相对人。

    In the situations of news reputation lawsuits most of time, it involved two parties. One party is news media the other is who think are infringed.


  • 遗憾地是,这些诉讼很大程度都限制损害美国资本侵权问题范围内。

    Sadly, this is tied up in the much broader tort-law problem that bedevils American capitalism.


  • 确认侵权诉讼自新世纪以来我国知识产权领域出现种新型诉讼

    As a rule, victim plaintiff and tortfeasor doubted defendant, but confirming not tort suit changes the roles of two parties.


  • 急剧增多网络侵权诉讼中,电子证据证明案件事实中的关键作用日益凸显

    In the rapidly expanding Internet infringement actions, the pivotal role of electronic evidence in ascertaining the facts in issue is increasingly prominent.


  • 美国影响英国德国日本发达国家专利侵权诉讼采用等同原则

    Under the influence of America, many developed countries, such as England, Germany and Japan have adopted the doctrine of equivalents in the patent infringement action.


  • 诽谤诉讼中,媒体报道失实侵权责任主要言论主体承担,媒体承担过错责任。

    In the case of libel suit, the speech subject should mainly take the responsibility for rights impairment with unauthentic news of media, while the media merely have a responsibility of error.


  • 诽谤诉讼中,媒体报道失实侵权责任主要言论主体承担,媒体承担过错责任。

    In the case of libel suit, the speech subject should mainly take the responsibility for rights impairment with unauthentic news of media, while the media merely have a responsibility of error.


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