• 他们文艺复兴时期重新演绎了传统戏剧

    They took classical theater and reproduced it in the Renaissance time.


  • 然而,文艺复兴时期同样材料用来对抗的“本性”,按照佛罗伦萨的传统精细的雕刻细节

    Yet during the Renaissance, this same material had been used against its "nature", in the Florentine tradition of sharply carved detail.


  • 多利女皇时期大部分新娘只能穿传统民族服装只有上层社会人才穿代表权力身份的白色礼服

    Queen of the Victorian era, most brides can wear the traditional national costume, and only representative of the upper classes can wear a white dress of power and identity.


  • OECD报告中将自杀率升高归因于社会融合弱化家庭赡养老人传统的退化”,以及上述时期多半处于快速增长状态的经济

    The OECD report attributes the rise to 'weakening social integration and erosion of the traditional family support base for the elderly, ' as well as a fast-changing economy over much of the period.


  • 意大利科尼大学迈克尔·吉博特(Michael Gibbert)注意到,长久以来,西方国家困难时期革新进取的传统,从他们二次大战期间表现即可见得。

    Michael Gibbert, of Italy's Bocconi University, notes that the West also has a long tradition of inventiveness in hard times, demonstrated during the second world war.


  • 个“改变电影规则者”,或是“令人满意地使电影返璞归真者”:一个被传统好的、被华美装饰不列颠时期电影,它可以单调2d影院看到。

    It is a don 't-change-the-game-er, or yet a jolly-well-change-it-back-er: a traditionally mounted, handsomely furnished British period movie, available at a cinema near you in dead-level 2d.


  • 实践安东尼一世亲王辖区传统音乐带了回来,统治时期唱诗班儿童巴拉丁伯爵礼拜堂歌唱礼拜歌曲。

    This practice carries on a tradition from the reign of Prince Antoine I, during whose rule a choir of children sang the liturgies in the Palatine Chapel.


  • 1990年代到2000年代信贷膨胀时期传统观点认为债务不是问题

    During the credit boom of the early 1990s and 2000s the conventional view was that it did not matter.


  • 通常相信直觉理论证明直觉理论要容易例如传统观点认为经济萧条时期犯罪率应该上升

    INTUITIVE theories are often easier to believe in than to prove. For instance: conventional wisdom says that the crime rate should rise during a recession.


  • 房产信用过热时期低收入人群比较容易拿到贷款购买传统房子

    During the boom, it became much easier for people with low incomes to get mortgages to buy traditional homes.


  • 物质丰富时期,心形戒指也许畅销但是,为法国珠宝商担任品牌总监GeoffroyMedinger心形戒指并不那些更为传统的图形那样能长久的保持价值

    Heart-shapes may have been popular in more plentiful times but Geoffroy Medinger, the French jeweller’s UK brand director, says they don’t hold their value as well as more conservative cuts.


  • 保罗解释道,“圣诞节一习俗是维多利亚时期受到阿尔贝亲王德国传统坦南鲍姆圣诞树双重影响所普遍开来的。

    Christmas really took off for the Victorians because of the influence of Prince Albert and the German tradition of the Tannenbaum Christmas tree。


  • 使用母亲节想出一个新的家庭传统然后重复一些重要时期做的事情。

    Use Mother's Day to come up with a new family tradition, then make it something you repeat at significant times.


  • 儒学作为中国传统思想文化主体部分各个历史时期呈现不同表现方式

    As a primary part of Chinese traditional thought and culture, Confucianism indicates different forms in every historical period.


  • 东周时期(公元前770- 221)配件都是一个传统以后西周(公元前1050 - 771)开始一部分

    Jade sword fittings of the Eastern Zhou period (770-221 BC) were part of a tradition that began in the later Western Zhou (1050-771 BC).


  • 历史表明新兴市场商品消费品价格上升时期表现异常良好它们传统通货膨胀受益者

    History shows that emerging markets do exceptionally well in periods of rising commodity and consumer prices. They are a classic inflation play.


  • 同时-对外来文化传统文化反思又重新时期作品中涌动。

    At the same time, facing foreign culture, the introspection on traditional culture appeared in works in new age.


  • 托尔斯泰主义实质意义就是传统价值分崩离析的世纪交替时期建立人与人之间道德秩序与动物之间,立起“的骄傲”。

    The essence and significance of Tolstoyism was to establish moral order among people and "the pride of man" between the man and the beast at the turn of the century when traditional values broke up.


  • 虽然时期上海文学有着新的生机、新的面貌但是继承上海文学传统中仍然有着诸多的缺憾。

    Although literature of Shanghai has its new vigor and new appearance in new Period, but there are many shortcomings in inheritance of the tradition of Shanghai's literature.


  • 抗战时期路翎的作品中我们能够清楚看到中国传统文化传承苏俄文学影响

    Luling works in the War period, we can clearly see the cultural heritage of traditional Chinese literature and the impact of the Soviet Union.


  • 然后一百万年间传播欧洲亚洲是最长工具制造传统时期

    It spread to Europe and Asia and continued for well over a million years, the longest period of any toolmaking tradition.


  • 图书盗版盗版传统形式相当长一段历史时期内一直是我国盗版现象主要表现形式。

    Book piracy is traditional form of the pirate and also the main form of expression of the pirated phenomenon during a quite long historical period in our country.


  • 维多利亚时期圣诞布丁受欢迎的圣诞食物之一。依照传统人们会基督降临节前一周圣诞布丁,这一称为“唤醒星期日”。

    In Victorian times plum pudding was a Christmas favourite. It is traditionally made a week before Advent on what is known as "stir-up Sunday".


  • 不同时期中国传统绘画作品布局哪些异同之处?。

    Which similarities and differences place is there on the overall arrangement for the traditional painting works of China of different periods?


  • 时期女性主义文学中这种传统观念遭到挑战,男性逐渐女性世界中心地位移居边缘。

    In todays feminine literatures, this traditional concept has been challenged, and males gradually retrogress from center to periphery in womens world.


  • 此时诸多因素影响作用中国写实主义油画传统的写实主义逐渐地转向写实主义时期

    At this time, in the many factor of under influence and function, realism oil painting in China from tradition of realism little by little change direction new realism period.


  • 本文总结借鉴前人学术成果基础上力图使用中国传统固有之观念语言先秦时期的“和”思想文化观念一番梳理阐释

    This article which summarizes and profits from the foundation of predecessor's academic achievement, try hard to make explanations for the pre-Qin period's harmony culture.


  • 本文总结借鉴前人学术成果基础上力图使用中国传统固有之观念语言先秦时期的“和”思想文化观念一番梳理阐释

    This article which summarizes and profits from the foundation of predecessor's academic achievement, try hard to make explanations for the pre-Qin period's harmony culture.


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