• 重要目标因为一个企业中的大部分数据不是结构化的,不能存储常规RDB中

    This goal is an important one, since most of the data in an enterprise is not structured and cannot be stored in a normal RDB.


  • 由于企业提供商寻求提供解决方案基本目标就是企业IT基础结构作为一种服务来提供。

    As enterprises and cloud providers look to provide cloud solutions, their basic goal will be to enable the enterprise IT infrastructure as a service.


  • 治理关系流程结构用于指导控制适用组件,以通过平衡风险回报的情况下增加价值实现企业目标

    Governance is the structure of relationships and processes to direct and to control the applicable components to achieve the enterprise's goals by adding value while balancing risk against return.


  • 目前跨国公司目标建立IBM老板彭明盛宣称整合全球企业”–可以全球任何地方利用高效资源工作的公司。

    Today the goal is to create what Sam Palmisano, the boss of IBM, calls theglobally integrated enterprise-a single firm in which work is sourced wherever it is most efficient.


  • 监管即使银行一般危险企业中,也受到限制目标也应明确。

    Regulation, even in a business as dangerous as banking, should be restrained and targeted.


  • 主要目标保持关注点分离同时构建企业集成解决方案提供一个简单模型模型产出可维护可测试代码来说是必不可少的。

    Its primary goal is to provide a simple model for building enterprise integration solutions while maintaining the separation of concerns that is essential for producing maintainable, testable code.


  • 目标分享一切处理信息相关想法最佳实践以便人们能够了解他们企业关键区域表现

    The goal, he says, is to share ideas and best practices on everything related to handling information well, so that people can see how their enterprises are doing in critical areas.


  • SOA使信息技术企业目标保持一致方面向前迈出重要一步

    SOA is a significant step forward in aligning information technology with business goals.


  • 企业开始社会化营销之前,如果没有一个清晰目标,而只是盲目跟风一个错误的举动。

    It would be a mistake for companies to blindly jump into the social media whirlwind without first defining clear goals.


  • 部署之前未成功确立企业目标相当于没有地图目标旅行

    Failure to identify business goals prior to deployment can be compared to taking a trip without a map and a destination.


  • 将视野放宽,在企业主要市场以及竞争者区域之外选择一个三个远期目标市场区域中的竞争者。

    Choose one to three target markets outside of where you are currently operating and identify would-be competitors there.


  • 电信业领先企业为可笑的的目标偿还债务而减少

    In telecoms leading firms were reduced to indebted objects of ridicule.


  • 传统企业 (The Long Tail)市场增长目标发现自己很多小提供商竞争

    Traditional businesses are targeting The Long Tail niche markets for growth and finding themselves in competition with niche providers.


  • 3显示Registry发现服务目标运行系统中的原始企业应用程序之间映射

    Figure 3 shows the mapping between the discovered services in Registry and the original enterprise applications in their target run time systems.


  • 目标运行环境中的每个企业应用程序Registry中都表示为一个EnterpriseApplication业务模型实例

    Each enterprise application in the target run time environment is represented by an EnterpriseApplication business model instance in Registry.


  • 主要是因为RUP过程Zachman是一个框架但是反映了RUP以项目构架目标,而Zachman的重点是企业组织上

    This is primarily because RUP is a process, while Zachman is a framework, but also reflects the fact that RUP targets project architecture while Zachman focuses on the enterprise organization.


  • 接下来我们看看度量一个企业当前成熟度目标成熟度级别标准机制然后讨论各个级别如何使用ProcessServer

    Next, we will look at a standard mechanism for measuring an enterprise's current and target maturity level, and then we'll discuss how Process Server is used at each level.


  • 用户使用DB2EveryplaceSyncServer 企业系统目标移动设备之间同步数据的用户。

    User: A user who uses the DB2 Everyplace Sync Server to synchronize data between a source (the enterprise system) and a target (the mobile device).


  • 资本结构理论研究实现企业价值最大化目标企业资本结构债务资本权益资本的比例如何确定的理论。

    Theory on capital structure is the theory on how to define ratios of debt capital and equity capital of enterprise capital structure under the target of realizing maximization of enterprise value.


  • 企业中定义社会网络相关的特定目标

    Defining specific goals related to social networking in the organization.


  • 有效治理通过增添价值同时平衡风险回报从而帮助实现企业业务目标

    Effective governance helps achieve your enterprise's business goals by adding value while balancing risk and return.


  • 第二目标可能中国拥有大规模成功业务企业中国消费者目睹许多全球性企业自身获得成功增长。

    The second wave could be companies with big and successful operations in China itself, where local consumers are witnessing the successful growth of many global companies themselves.


  • 数据企业中的标准化通常想要达到的目标大多数情况下不是能够达到的目标

    Standardisation of data across an enterprise is often a goal but in most cases it is not an achievable ideal.


  • 业务战术目标——实施PCI遵从性方面通过跟踪失败登录尝试识别正常数量系统受到攻击时的非正常数量,确保企业尽到勤勉义务。

    In enforcing PCI compliance - ensure that due diligence is ensured through tracking of failed login attempts and identifying what is the normal amount and what constitutes a system under attack.


  • 因为90%企业没有营销计划,如果创建了一份属于自己的切实可行的营销计划的话,就可以保证商业竞争中更胜一筹,这样你就更能达到自己的目标

    Since 90% of small business owners do not have a plan, you'll have a leg up on your competition by crafting your personal, workable marketing plan to ensure that you reach your business goals.


  • evsibm企业目标体系结构定义主要SOA企业组件”,实际就将定义为了所有IBM的业务单位重用

    EVS is defined in IBM's Enterprise Target architecture as a key SOA "Enterprise Component", which by definition designates it for reuse by all of IBM's business units.


  • evsibm企业目标体系结构定义主要SOA企业组件”,实际就将定义为了所有IBM的业务单位重用

    EVS is defined in IBM's Enterprise Target architecture as a key SOA "Enterprise Component", which by definition designates it for reuse by all of IBM's business units.


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