• 大多数工程师开始制造产品之前进行严格问题分析并且建造被提议解决方案模型

    Most engineers apply rigorous problem analysis and build models of proposed solutions before they commit to manufacturing them.


  • NicholasGall分析增加了松耦合的一个方面

    Nicholas Gall adds another aspect of loose-coupling in his analysis.


  • 创始人之一的保罗·艾伦(不是微软创始人之一同名同姓那个)星期二Google +上发布了有关Google +增长最新分析

    Co-founder Paul Allen (not to be confused with the Microsoft co-founder of the same name) posted his most recent analysis of Google + 's growth on his Google + account Tuesday.


  • 发现不久公布穴居人基因组分析报告中。

    His findings will be published in his analysis of the Neanderthal genome shortly.


  • 我们分析结果表明,坏疽的部位已经长出来,说明这些病症生前就已经了。

    But our analysis showed that new bone growth had occurred in response to the necrosis, proving the condition was present during his lifetime.


  • 首先如果没有真正理解你们当前任务但是一个以前解决方案硬套进来,结束以前就制止针对的讨论一点一点进行分析

    First, if he does not really understand your current tasks but is trying to force-fit an old solution to them, stop him dead in his tracks and work through his discussion, point by point.


  • 深入分析联邦能力超出了本文范围记住的重要的一点,对于名开发人员自己的IDE中,只需一种API,可以使用来自任何地方的各种数据

    To dive deep into the powers of federation is out of the scope of this article, but the most important thing to keep mind is one developer in his own IDE, one API, endless data, anywhere.


  • 金融分析师们提供了某个东西工具包了其中部件方法完全不在他初衷之内。

    He supplied something, a tool kit, for financial analysts. They took one small part of it and used it in ways he had never intended.


  • 比罗曾经谈起指纹分析时,它”完全客观,绝无过错“;但现讲话就像艺术品鉴赏家,而不是科学家

    Whereas Biro had once spoken of the absolute objectivity and infallibility of fingerprint analysis, he now sounded more like a connoisseur than like a scientist.


  • 一种有效的分析方法就是如果别人,如兄弟姐妹或者朋友,当同样的发生身上时,们会怎么做。

    A good way to analyze what happened is to imagine that it happened to someone else-your sister, your brother, or a friend.


  • 实际上测试者们质量担保分析者们(QA)通常开始记录测试脚本意识这个问题。

    In fact, testers and quality assurance (QA) analysts usually become aware of this only as they start to record testing scripts.


  • 企业可以具体看到程序中发生了什么,并且可以跟踪分析性能以及时间内的资源消耗模式

    Enterprises can specifically see what is happening within their applications, as well as track and analyze performance and resource consumption patterns over time.


  • 避免家庭取暖公路运输价格大幅上涨同时,而选中了减排80%作为目标剑桥研究人员不得不们的分析报告构建套主要政策

    To avoid large price hikes in home heating and road transport while still hitting the 80 per cent target, the Cambridge researchers had to build two major policies into their analysis.


  • 福勒·汤普森一个希望另外一个有代表性群体研究分析这个关系是否们之中出现新的状况

    Fuller Thompson next wants to analyze other large representative community studies to see if the link crops up in those as well.


  • 分析回想起这样个小插曲:发表了一个“卖空“建议后,接到了一位寿司店老板恐吓电话许多快刀小巷点”。

    One analyst recalls a threatening telephone call from a sushi-restaurant owner after he issued a “sell” recommendation: “I have many sharp knives. Stay away from dark alleys, ” the man said.


  • 弗洛伊德认为这种想法幼稚在他看来,精神分析不是改变世界而是帮助人们适应世界。

    Freud found this naive, maintaining that psychoanalysis was not about changing the world, but about helping people to adapt to it.


  • 我们不会感到惊讶,当分析显示尼采相对价值批判意味着很多事情看待问题的所有文章的价值批判

    Now not surprisingly analysis shows, I think, that Nietzsche means a variety of things in his critiques of opposite values in the various passages in which he treats this thing.


  • 单独开发人员遵从自己节奏使得传统分析设计实现阶段开始变得模糊并且们的日常活动在他们自己的方式进行。

    Individual developers follow their own rhythm so that the traditional phases of analysis, design, and implementation start to blur and their daily activities come under their own direction.


  • 期望业务分析描述用户活动加入调用”活动简直是痴人说梦

    Expecting the business analyst to add "invokes" activity in between the activities he or she describes as user activities is simply dead wrong.


  • 如果看看所讲第一列出一些发达国家的名单-,根据一些人分析得出的,如姆森,马什斯坦教授2002年出版的书中都过。

    If you look at his book, again in the first chapter, he gives a list of countriesit's based on an analysis that some others — that Professors Dimson, Marsh, and Stanton used in their 2002 book.


  • “雷瑟夫总给人平庸无奇的第一印象,值得尊敬CEO之一,”伦敦瑞士联合银行分析菲利普霍乔斯

    "Reithofer was very underrated when he came in, but he's since become one of the most respected CEOs in the industry," says Philippe Houchois, an analyst with UBS in London.


  • 这个场景中开发人员执行分析规则们的代码组件内发现修复问题

    In this scenario, developers run analysis rules to find and fix problems in their component code.


  • 法内发现,有18调查符合分析标准综述中,引用了一些调查结果。

    Dr Fanelli found 18 surveys that met the criteria for his meta-analysis, and a few others that he also included in a general review.


  • 的研究中使用光谱分析。 光谱分析原理天体光源通过光谱仪,通过光谱减弱的程度,得出样品中元素含量。

    They used spectroscopy for their analysis: a technique that breaks the light from celestial objects into a spectrum with telltale emission lines indicating which elements are present.


  • 兄弟开始训练数百新的精神分析专家

    And now he and his brother begun to train hundreds of new psychiatrists.


  • 有一约会网站数据库里分析7000张相片(oktrends, 2010),为约会者用什么样的资料照片效果比较好提供了线索

    Clues to which types of profile photos work come from one online dating site which has analysed 7, 000 photographs in its database (oktrends, 2010)?


  • 还有金融公司工作领域里设个年度最差分析作品(很明显这个设想的上司否决了)。

    Another who worked in the financial industry wanted to create an annual award for the worst piece of analysis published in his field (an idea apparently rejected by his superiors). G.


  • 相信大多数实践人员将会发现Zachman们的工作便利分析参考资源。

    I still believe that most practitioners will find Zachman to be a handy analysis reference during their work.


  • ZDNetJoe McKendrick文章分析SOA失败含义坦白地讲没有听说什么失败。”

    Joe McKendrick of ZDNet examines the meaning of SOA failure in his article where he says that "Frankly, I haven't heard about any big failures.".. yet.


  • ZDNetJoe McKendrick文章分析SOA失败含义坦白地讲没有听说什么失败。”

    Joe McKendrick of ZDNet examines the meaning of SOA failure in his article where he says that "Frankly, I haven't heard about any big failures.".. yet.


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