• 犯错,是最小化编码过程参与的时候了,他们犯错之前去掉错误

    Humans make mistakes and by minimizing human involvement in the coding process you remove mistakes before they are made.


  • 最佳实践列表应该使架构师系统管理员应用程序开发人员能够避免常见错误他们解决方案最优地利用MQ

    This list of best practices should enable architects, system administrators, and application developers to avoid common mistakes and make optimal use of MQ in their solutions.


  • 大多数男性他们饮食中已经摄入了足够水化合物,错误种类专家

    Most men get enough carbs in their diets, but they tend to be the wrong kind, experts say.


  • 决定妻子错误的,狄更斯随便隔开然后强迫分居他们朋友面前嘲笑她。

    Having decided she was the wrong wife for him, Dickens literally partitioned off her bed, then forced her into a separation while mocking her to their friends.


  • 他们犯的错误中,首当其冲编写代码忽略测试

    Well, the very first mistake they usually make is not to think about testing when they start writing code.


  • 我们需要处理一些不了解错误信息要求他们指定情况下工作用户

    And we would need to deal with all the users who push back on each error case and request that it work for their specific scenario.


  • 很少有人真正他们脑子中模拟for循环因此结构中的错误不胜枚举

    Few people can really truly simulate in their minds a "for" loop, so errors in that construct are not uncommon.


  • 很多中国机构,无论是国有的还是私营的,都决定他们宣传册标志使用英文,但这些英文中往往有很多地方有待改进,下面就是个例子,摘自其他各方面都很出色的北京古建筑博物馆,错误英文的相应中文则是

    Many Chinese organizations, public and private, have decided to use English in their brochures and signs.


  • 还是保留批评因为这个愚蠢的设计他们用了长达之久- - -无论如何就算他们进行了“部分的”修改之后,他们错误中学到东西

    I am keeping my critique, because the site did feature the bad design for more than a year - and in any case you can still learn from their mistake, even after they [partly] fixed it.


  • 团队犯了一些愚蠢错误他们为此付出代价。

    His team made some boneheaded mistakes, and now they are paying for them.


  • 平均起来,开发人员他们代码中会产生100150个错误

    On average, developers make 100 to 150 errors for every thousand lines of code they write.


  • 他们适应工作任务之前帮助他们不犯重大错误,慢慢地,就将学会如何成功授权

    Keep them from making any major blunders as they get the feel of the task and you will have successfully delegated.


  • 开发人员通常将重点他们测试中的错误条件上,然而单元测试应该测试软件几个方面

    The developers often focused on error conditions in their tests, whereas unit tests should test several aspects of software.


  • 守游戏规则战士他们犯下错误废墟上生儿育女。

    Combatants who followed no rules are now raising children in the ruins of their mistakes.


  • 没有规则复制错误他们编码产生差别这些编码用来表示虚拟世界中这些阿维达人状况的好坏.

    The random copying errors create differences in their code which dictate how well, or badly, they will perform in their simulated world.


  • 任何软件项目中存一个普遍事实程序员他们软件中引入了错误

    A plain fact in any software project is that programmers introduce bugs in their software.


  • 他们发现情侣他们顾问中心提出的关于亲属关系顾问的典型问题是好莱坞电影反映浪漫错误想法。

    They found that problems typically reported by couples in relationship counseling at their counseling center reflect misconceptions about love and romance depicted in Hollywood films.


  • 他们看来这些年代错误混乱时间线,族长故事中普遍现象不是例外,明显是十分近代的作品

    These anachronisms and confused chronologies in the patriarchal stories are the rule rather than the exception in their view, and they are evidence of a very late date of composition.


  • 最终实现者可能很容易地他们工具包犯下了一些单机测试显示出来的错误

    Finally, implementers may simply have bugs in their toolkits that that do not show up during stand-alone testing.


  • 父母理解为什么他们以为都正确教导女儿还会犯这样的错误

    Parents who “did everything rightcan't understand how it happened when their daughter falls on the wrong side of the stats.


  • 但是,对魏先生发言的一个错误翻译导致公众注意力努力重建转移尚未解决问题上来:有多少孩子地震中被他们并不牢固的校舍废墟中。

    Mr. Wei’s words ended up shifting public attention from reconstruction efforts to unresolved questions about how many children perished beneath the rubble of their poorly built schools.


  • 他们根本错误他们看来他们敌人,干涉文学理解

    That's the fundamental mistake, as they see it, that their enemies of various kinds make in their understanding, in their approach to literature.


  • 多年以来银行给客户资产错误定价,难道他们正是错误定价了的劳动力吗?

    Banks were mispricing their assets for years. Could they now be mispricing Labour?


  • 使错误判断现实生活中的情况挑战乐观易于认为积极的东西他们生活出现的次数多于其他人

    Makes you misjudge real life situations and challenges optimistic people tend to think that positive things happen more often in their lives than in the lives of others.


  • 此外过去几个月来Namesys开发者(ReiserFS开发者)已经修复相当隐藏他们代码中的错误了。

    In addition, the guys at Namesys (the developers of ReiserFS) have been able to fix quite a few obscure bugs in their code over the past few months.


  • 开发人员可以遭遇失败之前他们实验性内核写下错误日志链接NWSSTG 的正运行的NWSSTGand 进行链接引导,而这个NWSSTG 包含用于事后分析检查错误日志

    Developers can write error logs from their experimental kernels prior to a crash, then link and boot up from a working NWSSTGand link to the NWSSTG with the error log for post mortem examination.


  • 孩子不能应该这样他们需要他们学习过程探索指出他们错误将会他们不敢尝试

    Children cannot and should not do this, they need to explore throughout their process of learning, and pointing out their mistakes will discourage them from trying again.


  • 快速更新会议评估意味着可以他们提交正式文件解决任何误解错误

    Recapping your meeting quickly means that you can address any miscommunication or errors before they're submitted on official documents.


  • 快速更新会议评估意味着可以他们提交正式文件解决任何误解错误

    Recapping your meeting quickly means that you can address any miscommunication or errors before they're submitted on official documents.


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