• 2007年向人们展示一种人类细胞起着关键作用LINCs后,对批评沉寂了下来。

    He silenced his critics in 2007 when he showed that one of the LINCs serves a vital function in human cells.


  • 老鼠实验使用人类细胞显示了用这种方式注视少突胶质细胞确实帮助修复重建神经细胞传递信号能力

    Tests in rats, using human cells, have shown that oligodendrocytes injected this way can indeed help repair myelin sheaths and restore the ability of nerve cells to carry signals.


  • 普金份声明假如人类细胞能够老鼠细胞一样反应的话,可以我们采用其它疗法治愈白血病赢得时间

    "If human stem cells respond in the say way as mouse cells do, it could buy us time to apply other therapies," Sipkins said in a statement.


  • 年来,科学家一直试图破解他们称为人类表观基因组”,所有200人类细胞化学开关模式

    For a decade, scientists have been trying to decipher what they call the human "epigenome", or the pattern of chemical switches in all 200 types of human cell.


  • 人类皮肤细胞初步测试获得令人欣慰的答案;伤口迅速愈合,皮肤也会稳步重生

    Initial tests on human skin cells have been encouraging; wounds do heal faster, skin grows back at an accelerated pace.


  • 会带来深远的道德上难题因为人类胚胎通常是试管—要破坏才能获得干细胞

    But the research raises profound ethical questions, because human embryos - typically conceived in vitro - are destroyed so that stem cells may be harvested.


  • 法庭这项裁决支持科学家们今年六月提交一份申诉他们认为人类胚胎细胞研究着破坏人类胚胎的活动。

    The court ruled in favor of a suit filed in June by researchers who said human embryonic stem cell research involves the destruction of human embryos.


  • 举例来说,人类,现已证明细胞因子的产生糖尿病(4,5)发病显著增加

    For instance, in humans, a significant increase in cytokine production has been shown at the onset of diabetes (4, 5).


  • 除了研究利用基因调控网络小鼠胚胎细胞优势外,深入研究必须更加直接地集人类细胞

    Despite the advantages of using mouse es cells in the study of gene regulatory networks, further research must focus more directly on human stem cells.


  • 肥胖小鼠人类脂肪还含有名为细胞其他种类免疫细胞正常体重人类动物没有

    Obese mice and people had another class of immune cells called macrophages in their fat while normal weight people and animals did not have them.


  • 此之前,人们一直认为病毒一旦进入人体,就不会受到人类免疫系统攻击,病毒进而可以细胞蔓延,进行自我复制

    It had been thought that once inside, the virus couldn't be attacked by the immune system and took over the cell to make copies of itself.


  • 前言人类细胞遗传学荧光分子技术出现带来了一些染色体研究诊断方法

    Introducetion: in human cytogenetics, the advent of fluorescence molecular techniques has brought forth new procedures for chromosome investigation and diagnosis.


  • UAB小组通过实验室培养皿培养人类健康细胞人肺癌前期细胞进行试验

    The UAB team conducted its tests by growing both healthy human-lung cells and precancerous human-lung cells in laboratory flasks.


  • 表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)人类细胞广泛表达表皮生长因子可能细胞生长必须有丝分裂原。

    Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is frequently expressed in human hepatoma cells, and EGF may be one of the mitogens that are needed for the growth of hepatoma cells.


  • 探讨细胞IGF1反应研究人员血清培养了莱氏综合症他们亲戚没有突变正常人类细胞

    To investigate the cellular responses to IGF1, researchers bathed isolated human cells in blood serum taken from Laron subjects and from relatives without the mutation.


  • DNA编码部分人体细胞抗原(HLA)人类抵抗疾病免疫系统扮演重要角色

    This part of DNA codes the so-called Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) that plays a crucial role in our body's immune system defenses against diseases.


  • 分析80种已知人类细胞因子血清水平后,研究者发现骨桥蛋白作为一种必需因子BMC的聚集以后的肿瘤生长具有重要作用。

    After analyzing the plasma levels of 80 known human cytokines, the investigators identified osteopontin as a necessary factor for recruitment of BMCs and subsequent tumor growth.


  • 然后人类酵母细胞检测这些突变对于蛋白质功能细胞生存能力影响

    Then, both human and yeast cells were used to determine the effects of these mutations on protein function and cell viability.


  • 尽管内阁联盟不断禁止人类克隆然而它们就细胞科学研究应用问题一直有分歧。

    Despite a continued ban on human cloning, however, cabinet and the Coalition remain divided on the use of stem cells in scientific research.


  • 随后人类外周血淋巴细胞建立一个稳定多色prins标记方法评估标记效率。

    We also set up a more stable method of multicolor PRINS protocol in human cultured lymphocyte metaphase cells, and evaluate its veracity.


  • 首次人类肿瘤细胞发现AKT1突变直接证据,结果是从临床样本检测到的,而肿瘤细胞尚未报道过此突变。

    This is the first evidence of direct mutation of AKT1 in human cancer tumors: it was discovered in clinical samples from cancer patients, yet has never been detected in cancer cell lines.


  • 一些常见人类自身免疫性疾病多发性硬化,并不是完全缺失这些细胞但是它们一定功能缺陷。

    In some common human autoimmune disorders, like multiple sclerosis, there's not a total lack of these cells, but there's a subtler dysfunction.


  • 人类EGFR抑制因子耐药结肠癌细胞ERBB3遗传学上被除去后,细胞死亡明显增加

    In the human colon cancer cell lines that are resistant to EGFR inhibitors, cell death increased dramatically when ERBB3 was genetically removed.


  • 结论人类滤泡树突状细胞能够增强HIV淋巴细胞中感染相关机制为FDC促进HIV淋巴细胞内的复制

    Conclusion: Human follicular dendritic cells can increase HIV infection in lymphocytes and the possible related mechanism is that FDC may promote HIV replication in lymphocytes.


  • 目的探讨人类细胞抗原HLA配型致敏受者肾脏移植临床意义

    Objective To investigate the significance of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) matching in highly sensitized recipients of renal transplantation.


  • 本篇研究我们想去调查乳酸是否会人类皮肤角质细胞产生细胞毒性作用。

    In this study, we investigated the cytotoxic effect of lactic acid on human keratinocyte cell line.


  • 本篇研究我们想去调查乳酸是否会人类皮肤角质细胞产生细胞毒性作用。

    In this study, we investigated the cytotoxic effect of lactic acid on human keratinocyte cell line.


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