• 住宅入口中层中层包括间办公室间卧室

    The property has its entrance on a middle level accommodating an office and two bedrooms.


  • 大多数流行文化集中中层人士已经不再新闻了。

    It's hardly news that most popular culture concentrates on the economic elite.


  • 她们中层管理岗位25%,高层岗位中只占19%。

    But they occupy only 25% of middle management positions and 19% of senior level positions.


  • 交往功能起居餐厅安排中层同时卧室顶层儿童底层

    The social programs: living and dining were placed on the middle floor meanwhile the master bedroom on the top and kids bedroom on the ground level.


  • 我们研究显示长期以来女性中层都坚持住只是高层出现下滑

    'Our research has shown for a long time that women hold their own in the middle levels, it's the senior levels where there's a drop-off.'


  • 我们研究显示长期以来女性中层都坚持住了,只是高层出现下滑

    'Our research has shown for a long time that women hold their own in the middle levels, it's the senior levels where there's a drop-off.


  • 近几年女性中层职位淘汰率稍微减缓但是大多数高层职位仍然仅限于男性

    The rate of attrition in the middle ranks has slowed a bit in recent years, but the most senior jobs remain almost exclusively male.


  • 垂直秩序设施体现了建筑功能——底层是流动功能,急诊中层最高住院部

    The vertical order of the facility reflects functionalityambulatory facilities are on the lower levels, acute and support zones are in the mid section, and the top two levels house inpatients;


  • 底层特征依赖作为数据模型中层用细胞元模型作几何模型,用户层用视图模型表示。

    It USES feature dependent graph as data model, cell-based model as geometric model, and view model as user interface, but it is more complex than the former system based on parameter and history.


  • 很多种鸟常常共同迁徙,但是他们停下来觅食休息的时候,就会发现不同种类有的地面上,有的中层高度,有的则顶处

    Mixed flocks of several species often travel together, but when they are feeding or resting you will spot different birds on the ground, at mid-level heights and at the tree tops.


  • 电脑越来越多地帮助中层高层管理人员,让他们没有秘书帮助的情况下准备他们自己的备忘录

    Computers increasingly aid mid and upper level managers who prepare their own memorandums without secretarial help.


  • 工程师中层主管们谈话时候,丰田章男表示公司迅速扩张已经超过一辆汽车质量可靠性的保障力。

    Talking to engineers and mid-level executives, Mr. Toyoda said the rapid expansion exceeded the company's ability to assure the quality and reliability of each model.


  • 他们发达国家分部的中层管理人员希望花得总部高层管理人员更高的报酬时,薪酬结构难以制定

    Pay structures are hard to devise when middle managers in rich-world subsidiaries expect to earn more than their seniors in head office.


  • 经销商印尼快速增长要求中层消费者中,对麝香猫咖啡的需求量还是很大。

    Retailers said demand was also high among status-conscious members of Indonesia's burgeoning middle class.


  • 许多公司职责过重时间匮乏导致很多中层管理者面临着“可能完成工作任务”。

    Overwhelmed by responsibilities, never having enough time to do the work, the middle manager's job at many companies became too complex for anyone to handle.


  • ( ——牛!作者思想境界太高了,译者)收入来说,富人中层阶级差距扩大但是快乐角度来说历史上标准相对要

    In terms of income, the gap between rich and middle class is growing, but in terms of happiness it is relatively low by broader historical standards.


  • 如今女儿就读于私立寄宿学校进入所顶尖初级中学准备入学考试。陈女士本人已经重返工作岗位,一家石油公司担任中层经理

    Now that her daughter is attending private boarding school, being groomed for entrance exams for an elite junior high school, Chen has gone back to work as a middle manager in an oil company.


  • 日常的,成熟社会认知心理能力毫不费力他人间复杂肥皂剧般的关系堆积。

    This is the type of everyday, grown-up social cognition whereby theory of mind becomes effortlessly layered in complex, soap opera-style interactions with other people.


  • 确切地包括海外工作内的中层阶级都会有至少一个通宵保安

    Virtually no member of the middle class, which includes just about all expatriate workers, is without at least one all-night guard.


  • 911恐怖袭击之后这些讨论更加深入然而有限印反恐联合工作小组每年召开次会议,给中层决策者提供对话机会。

    These discussions deepened in the wake of 9/11. Yet they remain limited: the CJWG only meets once or twice a year and provides for dialogue between mid-level policymakers from both nations.


  • 系列漫画“伯特”(Dilbert)作者ScottAdams 本人企业中层管理工作多年创作的故事人物打动公司上班的几乎一个的心。

    Scott Adams, creator of the comic-stripDilbert, spent so many years in corporate middle management that his characters and story lines resonate with just about anyone who works for a big company.


  • 极地中层称为夜光云层(noctilucent)(就是夜晚还闪光的)。这一特点张太空照片上显露无疑。

    Polar mesospheric clouds are also known as noctilucent or “night-shining” cloudsa property that is clearly visible in this astronaut photograph.


  • 成功管理者花费每个中层职位上的时间过去的管理者——平均年——要他们通往总裁的道路过去平均要做过6个职位降到5个

    Successful executives are spending less time than they used to in each intermediate job-an average of four years-and they fill five posts on the way up, down from six.


  • 根据一个纽约研究者Catalyst的调查表示,37%女性大型美国公司中层管理工作,只有28%的女性高级管理工作,仅有14%的女性董事委员会任职。

    According to Catalyst, a researcher in New York, women are 37% of the middle managers in big American firms, 28% of the senior managers and a mere 14% of executive-committee members.


  • 根据一个纽约研究者Catalyst的调查表示,37%女性大型美国公司中层管理工作,只有28%的女性高级管理工作,仅有14%的女性董事委员会任职。

    According to Catalyst, a researcher in New York, women are 37% of the middle managers in big American firms, 28% of the senior managers and a mere 14% of executive-committee members.


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