• 一个企业环境客户端的部署首要问题

    In an enterprise environment, deployment of rich clients is the primary issue.


  • 大多数企业环境管理者认为一个特定行业环境法规所有竞争者影响一致

    Among the myths taken as fact by the environmental managers of most corporations is the belief that environmental regulations affect all competitors in a given industry uniformly.


  • 一小节对于那些需要传送开发环境架构角色价值的人们、或者自己企业内部考虑这样角色的人们来说,尤其有用的

    This section is particularly useful to those needing to convey the value of the role of the development environment architect or those considering such a role within their organization.


  • 无线网络时代我们应该拥有一个公平竞争环境企业能够自己理念判断问题,不是其制造者颜色来判断。

    In the wireless age, we should be able to have a level playing field in which an idea - an entrepreneur - will be judged by the content of its concept rather than by the color of its maker.


  • 意味着扩建宽带使数百万美国公民接入,使企业无论哪都可以一个公平的环境竞争

    And it means expanding broadband access to millions of Americans, so business can compete on a level-playing field, wherever they're located.


  • 中国所有企业不分中外,建立一个公平竞争的环境,使之与其全球经济中的排名相符

    As befits its economic global rank China is providing a level playing field for all firms, domestic or foreign alike.


  • 目标运行环境中的每个企业应用程序Registry中都表示为一个EnterpriseApplication业务模型实例

    Each enterprise application in the target run time environment is represented by an EnterpriseApplication business model instance in Registry.


  • 一个典型企业SaaS环境中,用户某个特定组织员工组成的多个这个组织就是所谓租户

    In a typical enterprise SaaS application, the users are groups of employees of a particular organization and that organization is known as a tenant.


  • 许多企业ITILSOA一个封闭的环境中分别进行实施,不是利用这些项目打破组织竖井(silo)。

    Rather than use these initiatives to break through organizational silos, many companies are conducting separate ITIL and SOA efforts in a vacuum.


  • 工作工作,还是一个豪华企业环境工作?

    Do you want to work at home, outside or in a posh corporate environment?


  • 大多数情况下需要CM集成一个复杂企业环境

    In most cases, CM needs to be integrated into a complex enterprise environment.


  • 接着我们体系结构角度来快速了解一下,一个典型企业网络环境J2EE消息传递技术如何面向消息的中间件协同工作

    Next, we'll take an architectural view, with a quick look at how J2EE messaging technologies work together with message-oriented middleware in a typical enterprise network.


  • 服务概念IT应用环境这个服务模型企业实现IT服务一个抽象

    In the context of it application of the service concept, the service model is an abstraction of the it services implemented within an enterprise.


  • 我们假设作为IT架构师,非常不幸地一个一无所有的环境工作——您要环境中着手从头构建企业IT架构。

    Let's assume that as the it architect, you're not lucky enough to work in a clean environment-a place in which you get to build the enterprise it architecture from scratch.


  • 企业组织一个事业成功影响特定环境运营

    Your business or organization operates within a particular environment that has an impact on its success.


  • 最近5的时间里,大型企业硬件给定虚拟环境处理器数量10变化一次。

    For more than five years now, the number of processors in a given virtual environment can change every 10 seconds in large enterprise hardware.


  • 测试证明Linux系统时间内可靠稳定的,可以提供一个健壮的企业级的环境

    The tests demonstrate that the Linux system is reliable and stable over long durations and can provide a robust, enterprise-level environment.


  • 11中,可以看到一个其中使用SQuirreLSQLclient的典型企业环境

    In Figure 11 you can see a typical enterprise environment where the SQuirreL SQL client might be used.


  • Build Forge环境下,运行分析命令企业计算机创建一个服务器对象

    In Build Forge, create a server object for the enterprise edition computer that runs the analysis command.


  • UDDI注册中心一个遵循uddi第一版的注册中心,应用于将Web服务部署私有企业内部网环境

    UDDI registry is a UDDI Version 1-compliant registry for Web services intended for deployment to a private Intranet environment.


  • LotusNotes提供了一个安全分布式环境可以环境中创建部署应用程序以及企业级别上对进行访问

    Lotus Notes provides a secure and distributed environment within which applications can be created, deployed and accessed enterprise-wide.


  • 经济环境企业如何加强成本管理,是一个值得关注课题

    How an enterprise reinforces cost management in the new economic conditions has become a noticed project.


  • 我们相信阿里巴巴中国经验可以全球推广所有中小型企业一个透明公平市场环境参与竞争机会

    We believe the experience of Alibaba Group in China can be applied globally, giving all SMEs the opportunity to participate and compete in a transparent and fair marketplace.


  • 企业并购品牌整合复杂多变环境进行,品牌整合系统一个复杂适应系统

    Brand integration system is a complex adaptive system in which the process of brand integration after enterprises merging and acquisition is promoted in a complicated and changeable environment.


  • 面向服务架构环境ESB(企业服务总线)作为接口所有应用程序服务之间消息传递,一种耦合方式传递。

    In service Oriented Architecture environment, ESB (Enterprise service Bus) ACTS as a single interface for all messaging between applications and services in a loosely coupled manner.


  • 所有企业来说,整个市场竞争日益激烈、价格战层出不穷的环境下,如何做好客户关系管理一个非常重要课题

    In the situation where market competition is very drastic, how to treat the manage of client is a very important subject for all the enterprise.


  • 巨大机遇挑战并存面前多数企业面临一个重新认识环境自我重新定位过程

    In the face of great opportunities and challenges, most enterprises will face a re-understanding of the environment and self-re-positioning process.


  • 巨大机遇挑战并存面前多数企业面临一个重新认识环境自我重新定位过程

    In the face of great opportunities and challenges, most enterprises will face a re-understanding of the environment and self-re-positioning process.


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