• 是不说马克思乌托邦思想家傅里叶西蒙、罗伯特.欧文处一无所学。

    This is not to say that Marx learnt nothingfrom utopian thinkers like Fourier, Saint-Simon and Robert Owen.


  • 建立集合取个名字一样容易喜欢数据分析扩展主题”,当然接下来就是选择收集的附加组件了。

    Creating a collection of your own is as easy as giving it a name, like "Ken's Favorite Data Analysis Extensions" or "Halloween Themes", and choosing what add-ons you'd like in the collection.


  • 监督这些心律转复除颤器制造商华尔街分析员——波士顿科学公司犹达医疗用品等公司关注这项研究

    Wall Street analysts who monitor the makers of these implantable defibrillators - companies such as Boston Scientific, Medtronic and St. Jude Medical - paid heed to the new study.


  • 美国球队(弗朗西斯科巨人队)允许所有单人票的价格根据需求上下浮动——不受欢迎赛事票价会很便宜

    American sports teams such as the San Francisco Giants are moving to allow the prices of all individual tickets to float according to demand (which means that unpopular games become cheaper).


  • 那日铃铛必有“耶和华”的句话。耶和华殿内的锅,必祭坛前的碗一样。

    In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses, HOLINESS UNTO the LORD; and the POTS in the LORD's house shall be like the bowls before the altar.


  • 这些国家包括很多小国,基茨岛维斯,还包括了一些人口稠密国家,比孟加拉国,还有一些中等经济实力的国家,沙特阿拉伯。

    The list includes some minnows like St Kitts and Nevis, some populous countries like Bangladesh and some middle-ranking economic powers like Saudi Arabia.


  • 过去几年温格已经法甲买到了大堆球员令人惊奇几乎不从法甲强队买人,里昂马赛或者巴黎日耳曼

    Over the years, Wenger has brought a large influx of players from Ligue 1, and it's amazing to know that he hardly goes to the French powerhouses like Lyon, Marseille or PSG.


  • 充气人群”是莫尼卡一家公司,《钢铁2》、《 斗士》、《世纪疫》等电影就大量使用了这家公司提供栩栩的充气假人。

    company that supplies seas of lifelike blow-up dolls to films like Iron Man 2, The Fighter, and Contagion.


  • 大多数企业选择主题销售出售

    Most businesses pick a theme for their sale, like a Halloween sale.


  • 酒店位于博斯普鲁斯海峡允许方便地访问当地几个景点加拉塔少女住宿索菲亚

    The hotel is centrally located in Bosphorus, allowing easy access to several local attractions such as Galata, Maiden's Tower, Sultanahmet, and Hagia Sophia.


  • 日这天,许多国家美国加拿大英格兰爱尔兰苏格兰墨西哥拉丁美洲、西班牙等都会庆祝来临。

    Halloween is one of the world's oldest holidays, celebrated in several countries around the globe including the USA, Canada, England, Ireland, Scotland, Mexico, Latin America, and Spain.


  • 乔治手臂髑盒栩栩生的讲述着他的传奇故事

    The "Reliquary Arm of St George" nicely illustrates the tale.


  • 然后伴着野兽子孙们话语他们按照自己的想法建立了一个新的世界

    And they built a new world in their own image as promised by the sacred words, and spoke of the beast with their children.


  • 个叫海洋世界,它是安东尼奥的一个著名公园,它没有会海洋动物表演鲸鱼海豹海豚演出。

    Seaworld, a famous park in San Antonio, has three shows daily with sea animals, such as whales, seals, and dolphins.


  • 认为婚姻那些珍爱的东西。你珍惜婚姻,

    You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.


  • !只是祢的便生物以福祉,因此,祢千万奎师那哥文达那样名字

    O my Lord, Your holy name alone can render all benediction to living beings, and thus You have hundreds and millions of names like Krsna and Govinda.


  • 作为两个小女儿父亲知道我们会在贝纳蒂诺一样聚会上见到朋友同事

    As a father to two young daughters who are the most precious part of my life, I know that we see ourselves with friends and coworkers at a holiday party like the one in San Bernardino.


  • 实验显示先天缺陷型动物白色卡诺鸽渡边托马斯自发性动脉粥样硬化发生。

    The experiment shows that the congenital defected animal as White Carneau, Watanabe Heritable Hyperlipidemic, St. Thomas's rabbit has the risk of spontaneous atherosclerosis.


  • 他们花钱参观深圳一个主题公园世界窗”,那里以缩小比例仿建世界各地的旅游景点特色莫斯科大教堂

    They pay to visit Window of the World, a theme park in Shenzhen that features miniaturized tourist sights, like Moscow's St. Basil's Cathedral.


  • 必挥玉,超凡,文字万里无云,行文伯牙流水,阳春白雪

    It also will play its gold Pu-yu, the extraordinary people of St. , between Miles for cloud-free, reads as Boya water, spring snow.


  • 秋天元素南瓜稻草人等成为象征

    Autumn elements such as pumpkin and scarecrow, has also become a symbol of Halloween.


  • 到了今天象征形象图画巫婆黑猫,大都友善可爱滑稽

    Today, a symbol of Halloween image, picture, such as witches, black cats and other large has friendly cute and funny face.


  • 到了今天象征形象图画巫婆黑猫,大都友善可爱滑稽

    Today, a symbol of Halloween image, picture, such as witches, black cats and other large has friendly cute and funny face.


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