• 本文主要研究-结构相互作用对于基础高层建筑结构动力特性及其地震反应影响以及非线性性质对于土-桩-结构相互作用体系的地震反应的影响。

    The present paper discusses the effect of soil pile-structure interaction on high building with pile foundation and the effect of nonlinear behavior of soil on structural seismic response.


  • 主要包括方案选择结合支护结构的支护体系设计基坑开挖监控测量

    Include choice of scheme, support system design of soil-nailing wall and anchor-pile composite supporting structure, excavate and monitor measurement in excavation engineering.


  • 同时,论文还分别分析围护刚度支撑刚度、支撑预加轴以及被动区弹簧刚度围护结构内力变形影响

    And the effects of the retaining wall stiffness, strut stiffness, perforce and soil spring stiffness on the internal force and deformation of the retaining structures.


  • 采用结构方法研究公路桥梁考虑—地基—空间桥梁结构相互作用分析方法。

    A substructure method for the analysis of a highway bridge, considering interaction of group piles-soil-spaced bridge structures, is discussed in detail.


  • 结合扬子石化清净排口基坑工程介绍了水泥搅拌组合支护结构实际应用

    According to the foundation pit supporting project of Yangzi Petrochemical Company, application of the supporting structure of cement mixing piles combined with soil anchors is introduced.


  • 针对自立稳定性较本文提出钢管复合支护结构进行探讨。

    In the case of the worse self-standing soil, the structure of composite soil nailing wall with micro-pile of steel pipe is adopted and analyzed in this paper.


  • 本文把导管架海洋平台看作框架结构考虑结构动力相互作用,并把优化方法用于结构抗震设计中。

    Jacket platform was assumed as steel frame structure and the pile-soil-structure interaction was considered. Optimum method was applied to aseismic design of structure.


  • 地基上的嵌岩基础一般都认为设计时假定上部结构荷载全部承受,不考虑的承载力。

    Piles socketed in soft rock were traditionally regarded as end bearing piles, and the loads transferred from superstructure were assumed in design to be shouldered totally by the piles.


  • 分析大量现有共同作用理论分别整理了上部结构、筏板与的分析模式

    The theories of interaction are summarized and analytical models of raft, pile-soil and superstructure are settled respectively.


  • 进行地震反应分析过程中,考虑相互作用作用效应等因素对结构内力和位移反应影响

    In the course of the seismic response analysis, considered the influence of the pile-soil interaction, water dynamic effect and traveling-wave effect to the seismic response of the bridge.


  • 提出了考虑-土-结构动力相互作用输电地震反应分析方法

    The seismic response analysis method of transmission tower in consideration of pile-soil-structure dynamic interaction is presented.


  • 此外根据实际地基结构建立了卧层的固结模型分别进行求解分析

    Furthermore, according to the practical foundation shapes, the consolidation models of the soil between piles and the substratum are built and solved respectively.


  • 结构相互作用问题一直是桥梁抗震研究中的难点。

    Soil-pile-structure interaction was a difficult problem in bridge seismic engineering.


  • 研究目的本文研究路()式预应力锚索板墙柔性结构压力分布规律

    Research purposes: This paper researches the distribution mode of the earth pressure on a cable anchor tied-back pile-slab wall flexible retaining structure on an embankment's shoulder or slope.


  • 联合支护结构是由钉支护与锚支护共同构成。

    The combined support structure of soil-nailing and pile-anchor consists of the soil-nailing retaining and the pile-anchor retaining.


  • 结合扬子石化清净排口基坑工程,介绍水泥搅拌组合支护结构的实际应用。

    Study on the technology of the cement mixing pile composite foundation and the site construction management;


  • 地震作用结构动力相互作用一个学科交叉,多部门关注复杂课题。

    Research field of pile-soil-superstructure dynamic interaction under seismic loading is a complicated program involving many subjects, and also concerned by many departments.


  • 本文采用有限元分析计算超高层结构共同工作。

    In this paper, the finite element method is used for the analysis and computation of interaction between pile and soil in super-highrise frame-tube.


  • 研究--框架结构相互作用体系进行有限元建模基本问题并建立了三维-土-框架结构模型。

    To research the basic problem on pile-soil-frame structure interaction system went on finite element making model.


  • -复合结构中,钉的加固机理使主动压力减小,锚拉作用可能使产生附加压力。

    These opposite effects may lead to additional lateral pressure and make active earth pressure of soft soil bigger than the theoretical value.


  • 率先国内开展了对新型变截面-土-高层建筑结构体系动力相互作用的试验研究

    An experimental research on dynamic interaction of pile-soil-structure system was first developed in China.


  • 考虑相互作用 ,结合实例研究基坑支护结构受力变形特性

    The force and deformation properties of pile anchor support structure in deep pits are studied considering pile anchor soil interaction.


  • 通过振动台模型试验观察-土-结构体系动力相互作用现象验证掌握新型结构震害特点

    Phenomena of the dynamic interaction of the system were observed, so earthquake damage characteristics between a new type of pile and structure were verified and discovered by shaking table test.


  • 提出考虑结构动力相互作用输电塔线体系简化抗震计算模型

    The simplified aseismic calculation model for transmission tower-line system considering pile-soil dynamic interaction is given.


  • 采用挤扩支盘-土-结构体系进行振动台模型试验,了解震动激励体系抗震性能以及支盘结构体系的抗拉、抗压及抗扭曲的作用

    The dynamic interaction of pile-soil-structure in liquefiable site, especially, the seismic response on pile, are studied with the method of whole dynamic finite elements under seismic condition.


  • 最后得出CFG结构处理相互作用的相关规律,验证丰富了当前CF G复合地基理论

    At last the law of reciprocity of the pile and soil of the soft soil ground treated by pile-raft structure are obtained, which validates and enriches current theory of the CFG pile composite ground.


  • 并以模型计算实例,通过计算结果实测曲线对比识别出参数用于评价结构的完整性。

    The parameters of 'pile-soil' system are identified by comparing the calculating results with the test results, to examine the structure in…


  • 并以模型计算实例,通过计算结果实测曲线对比识别出参数用于评价结构的完整性。

    The parameters of 'pile-soil' system are identified by comparing the calculating results with the test results, to examine the structure in…


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