• 一些公共土地蕴藏石油煤炭其他自然资源

    There are still some public lands that contain oil, coal and other natural resources.


  • 比起利比亚公司美国西方石油公司它的土地感兴趣,赢家们是英国石油公司意大利国有石油公司艾尼集团

    The American firm Occidental wound up with more acreage than any other corporation in Libya, but the big winners were BP and the Italian national oil company ENI.


  • 已经漂浮海岸石油很可能会加剧土地流失,因为带状水草会石油中毒无法将海岸边细沙淤泥连在一起

    The oil that has reached the shore may exacerbate the problem of land loss by poisoning the marsh grasses that hold the delicate coastal sands and silts together.


  • 最终厄运到头新的土地得以耕种,新的石油资源墨西哥湾北海一带发现资源价格开始下跌。

    Eventually, the bad luck came to an end, new land was placed under cultivation, new sources of oil were found in the Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea, and resources got cheap again.


  • 核心就在于在西奈这荒芜土地都因人无法将势力范围触及到当地富庶的东西:半岛上的旅游业资源,石油资源大型水泥厂

    Checkpoints dotting Sinai’s rocky wastelands prevented the Bedouin from reaching their area’s main cash-cows: the peninsula’s tourist resorts, its oil installations and its giant cement factory.


  • 核心就在于在西奈这荒芜土地都因人无法将势力范围触及到当地富庶的东西:半岛上的旅游业资源,石油资源大型水泥厂

    Checkpoints dotting Sinai's rocky wastelands prevented the Bedouin from reaching their area's main cash-cows: the peninsula's tourist resorts, its oil installations and its giant cement factory.


  • 直到有一它们撞击土地-如今,它们成了化石,成了汽油石油

    Then one day, they hit the soilnow, they're fossils, gas, and oil.


  • 联合国环境规划署报告石油泄漏严重污染了土地海洋空气某些地区甚至威胁到公众健康

    A report by the UN Environment Programme said oil spills had contaminated land, sea and air to such an extent that it seriously threatened public health in some areas.


  • 伐木工石油公司开凿水道侵蚀岛上很多土地几十年防洪工程阻断了曾经通畅河流,让湿地的沉积层得不到更新。

    Channels cut by loggers and oil companies eroded much of the island, and decades of flood control efforts have kept once free-flowing rivers from replenishing the wetlands' sediments.


  • 西方党人开始降压石油天然气钻探联邦土地珍贵野生动物娱乐的机会

    Western Republicans are starting to buck against oil and gas drilling on federal lands prized for their wildlife and recreational opportunities.


  • 许多土地已经由于战争冲突,恶性堕落石油天然气煤矿以及其它原生能源大量攫取污染变得非常脏污

    There are many lands which have been made very dirty through war and conflict, through vice and depravity and through extraction of and pollution through oil, gas, coal, and other 'raw materials'.


  • 告诉如果这种面粉永远不会石油不会直到有一天上帝土地

    The Lord has told me that if you do this your jar of flour will never go empty and the jug of oil will not go dry until the day the Lord gives rain on the land.


  • 一般土地不同,用来开采获取石油矿物质或木材资源场所分为自然资源一类。

    A site acquired for the purpose of extracting or removing some valuable resource such as oil, minerals, or timber is classified as a natural resource, not as land.


  • 美国控制燃煤工厂污染限制石油天然气的开采制定了大量,这些新规同样适用联邦土地沿岸水域

    It enacted a host of new regulations governing pollution from coal-fired power plants and limiting coal mining and oil and gas drilling both on federal lands and in coastal waters.


  • 美国美孚国际石油集团正在处理全球环境问题温室气体排放以及地区问题如土地使用回收的使用空气质量

    American mobiloil group is tackling global environmental issues such as greenhouse gas emissions and regional issues such as land use, reclamation, water use and air quality.


  • 拉霍尔石油公司手里掌握6800万英亩联邦土地他们租用这些土地足以让美国石油天然气产量提高一倍,进而减少三分之一石油进口

    He says oil companies are sitting on 68 million acres of federal lands they have already leased that have the capacity to nearly double U. S. oil and gas production and cut oil imports by one-third.


  • 这块与世隔绝部落土地尤其是附近秘鲁边界一侧伐木、开矿、开采石油天然气水力发电以及毁林种地行为愈演愈烈。

    The isolated tribe's land, especially on the other side of the nearby Peruvian border, is much sought after for its lumber, oil, minerals, natural gas, and hydroelectric and farming potential.


  • 这块与世隔绝部落土地尤其是附近秘鲁边界一侧伐木、开矿、开采石油天然气水力发电以及毁林种地行为愈演愈烈。

    The isolated tribe's land, especially on the other side of the nearby Peruvian border, is much sought after for its lumber, oil, minerals, natural gas, and hydroelectric and farming potential.


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