• 为了争取迅速启动旗帜性塞浦路斯会谈报道,土耳其准备好在没有前提的情况下讨论土地交换问题。

    And in a bid to jump-start flagging Cyprus talks, Turkey is reportedly ready to discuss land swaps without preconditions.


  • 穆萨接受意大利报章《晚邮报》的访问时说:“相信在贝鲁特举行阿拉伯峰会将会一个明确一致立场土地交换和平。”

    Moussa said in an interview with the Italy newspaper 'Evening Mail', "I think the Arab League Summit to be held in Beirut will have a clear and unanimous stance. That is land-for-peace."


  • 作为交换美国糖业公司将会交出土地,但拥有其中的大部分进行权利

    In return, US Sugar will hand over the land, with the right to lease most of it back for seven years.


  • 如此一来这些定居点上居民成为以色列新国家版图的居民,巴勒斯坦则通过公平交换土地作为赔偿获得新的国土

    That way, the bulk of those settlers will come within a redrawn map of Israel, whereas the Palestinians will get new territory through equal compensating swaps of land.


  • 人谈论建立平等交换条件下土地互换细节

    The pair had been negotiating the details of land swaps based on one-for-one exchanges.


  • 以方放弃西岸部分土地或许交换土地巴拉克最后提议还要多一些他们保持有足够地方容纳80%的定居者。

    The Israelis would also give up a little more of the West Bank and probably a larger land swap than Barak's last best offer, but they would keep enough to hold at least 80 percent of the settlers.


  • 不是什么难事双方同意遵循英国当年留下边界格局南方北方拥有的土地以及北方在南方的土地可以相互交换

    That need not be a huge problem: both sides have agreed to stick to the border left behind by the British and, where land occupied by north or south is on the wrong side, they could agree to a swap.


  • 这家幸运选好他们梦想工程的地址,以帮助森林主人看守这个区域交换,主人他们提供免费土地

    The family struck lucky searching for a site for their dream project.In return for looking after the area, the owner of the woods gave them their plot for free


  • 我们交换参观了一所乡间扶轮齿轮标帜的学校面上有桌子书本那里就是因为扶轮社员慷慨解囊而识字教育兴旺

    Our team visited a rural school with a Rotary wheel over the door, a dirt floor but desks and books, where due to the generosity of Rotarians literacy flourished.


  • 英国1940年面临经济危机时,美国出让了百慕大土地用以建设空军基地,作为获得船只物资交换条件。

    C. When Britain faced a national crisis in 1940, it gave the United States land on Bermuda to build a Naval Air Station in exchange for ships and supplies.


  • 广袤土地上的生产者农民必须愿意交换他们产品获取货币。

    The manufacturer and the farmer throughout wide areas must be able and willing to exchange their products for currencies the continuing value of which is not open to question.


  • 笔者宏观微观方面结果进行分析结合社会交换理论土地换保障这一社会政策进行理论探讨。

    The author made analysis in the results from both macroeconomic and microeconomic aspects, and make theoretical explanations on Land-for-security policy with the theory of social exchange.


  • 易货,丰富发现他们必须放弃粮食交换土地房屋最终

    In barter the rich will find they must give away land and housing in exchange for food eventually.


  • 土地空气影响这些能量交换

    Land, air, water and ice each affect this energy exchange differently.


  • 作为交换部落放弃联邦私人土地的类似

    In exchange, the tribe waives claim to similar water rights on non federal and private lands.


  • 殖民者印花布交换印地安人的土地

    The colonists bartered calico for Indian land.


  • 卖官田说明土地交换价值受到重视,是国家土地产权强化的体现。

    It indicates that the exchange value of land caught people's attention.


  • 第十九土地使用权转让土地使用者土地使用权再转让行为包括出售交换赠与

    Article 19. The transfer of the right to the use of the land refers to the land user's act of re-assigning the right to the use of the land, including the sale, exchange, and donation thereof.


  • 第十九土地使用权转让土地使用者土地使用权再转让行为包括出售交换赠与

    Article 19. The transfer of the right to the use of the land refers to the land user's act of re-assigning the right to the use of the land, including the sale, exchange, and donation thereof.


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