• 还不是主流,这是让图书馆利用技术向前看另一种方式

    And, since this isn't mainstream yet, it's another way the library can look high tech and forward thinking (you know, not that we're not already).


  • 阐明图书馆利用教育素质教育一个重要环节组成部分

    Expounding that the education on using libraries is an important link and component of the quality education.


  • 论述网络环境形势加强高校大学生图书馆利用教育重要性

    Discussing the importance of strengthening the education on using colleges and universities libraries under new net circumstances;


  • 图书馆利用计算机网络进行编目时代需要,是实现文献资源共享基础

    It is the needs of times that the library USES the computer network to be made a catalogue, and is the foundation realizing the document resource sharing.


  • 文章指出了对大学生进行图书馆利用教育必要性探讨了大学生利用图书馆教育的几种形式

    The article Points out the necessity of the education that the college students should receive on the use of the library, and presents a few forms of the education.


  • 本文介绍高校合并图书馆利用VPN技术实现分馆互联数据归并、数据整合原则模式

    This paper discusses the principle and pattern of VPN technology applications in connecting the incorporate libraries, so as to realize inter-connection and data integration since university merging.


  • 图书馆进行传统图书馆利用方面的教育外,还做好大学生读者的信息素质教育人文素质教育。

    The library should carry out the information literacy education and humanist literacy education for university students in addition to the traditional education of library utilization.


  • 网络环境图书馆利用信息管理系统采集组织整理数字化文献,达到便于用户检索利用的目的。

    Libraries use computer management systems to collect, organize and arrange digital documents. Therefore the users can conveniently search the digital documents under the network environment.


  • 最后医学图书馆利用免费电子图书提出了可参考建议,结合实例演示对四种利用方式优缺点分别进行了探讨。

    And put forward several considerable Suggestions for medical libraries in the after section, and discussed the strengths and weaknesses of the four usage mode integrated with demo of the examples.


  • 论述图书馆自建数据库建设和服务过程中涉及到的知识产权问题,并图书馆利用法律保护自建数据库的自主知识产权提出若干建议。

    This article discussed the intellectual property issues about the database developed by the library itself. Some Suggestions to protect own intellectual property were given in the end.


  • 图书馆利用自己管理资源方面的优势采取了筹建自己的搜索引擎创建虚拟图书馆,建设数字图书馆方式网络信息资源进行管理。

    Having the advantage of managing resources, a library should take measures to set up its own search engine, virtual library, digital library and other ways to organize network information.


  • 复旦大学图书馆利用网络读者提供常见问题回答、读者留言板BBS多种咨询服务,为虚拟参考咨询系统建设提供有关研究服务基础

    Our construction of VRD is based on the network services of Fudan University Library (FDL), such as FAQs, Readers' Message Board, BBS and so on.


  • 简要介绍了TRS信息发布检索系统功能性能以及广东工业大学图书馆利用TRS全文数据库作为建设开发专题数据库的平台过程方法

    The paper introduces the function and capability of TRS (Text Retrieval System), and describes the process and method of special-topics database of our library with TRS.


  • PDF文档创建者阅读者提供了丰富个性化服务,本文基础上阐述了PDF文档在图书馆应用优势以及图书馆利用PDF文档开展各项服务的意义

    PDF provides abundant personalized services for the creator and the reader of the file, this paperelaborated the advantages and the significance of the application of PDF in library.


  • 鼓励员工利用图书馆提高自己专业水平。

    Staff are encouraged to use the library for professional self-development.


  • 2001年,小雷上海找到了一份工作由于收入高,开始利用业余时间书店图书馆阅读古诗相关书籍

    In 2001, the younger Lei found a job in Shanghai and began to read books related to ancient poems at bookstores or libraries in his spare time, since he didn't make much money.


  • 图书馆通过这样的网络,利用送货车来共享馆藏图书。

    Via such networks, libraries share their books with each other through the use of delivery vehicles.


  • 如果从未走进大学图书馆(就算有过),那么你需要发现并利用很多东西

    If you've never set foot in your college library (or even if you have), there's much to discover-and to use.


  • 甚至需要电脑——我可以笔记本里利用图书馆的电脑发送博客上

    I don't even need a computer - I could write in a notebook and use a computer at a library to post to my blog.


  • 她表示,国家图书馆珍藏确保它们能够得到充分利用

    The National Library would treasure them and make sure they could be fully used.


  • 青少年利用图书馆计算机,多半用来家庭作业

    The most common use of library computers by teenagers was to do homework.


  • 打算利用俱乐部影响力筹建美国第一收费图书馆的时候,清楚地知道谦逊的姿态更快筹集到资金

    When he decided to use his Junto to launch the first subscription lending library in America, he realized that a show of humility would make it easier to raise funds.


  • 比如说如果我们照片以及其他社区收藏数字化,我们需要利用图书馆以外的关于这些收藏的知识

    So, for example, as we digitize photographic and other community collections, we will want to mobilize knowledge about those collections that does not exist within the library.


  • 这些机器人常常图书馆快速阅读学习能够充分利用所学发明创造。

    Robots that go to the library frequently, read very fast and make serious use of what they've learned.


  • 图书馆一种人们经常利用的丰富资源而且免费的!

    The library is a great resource that is often under utilized - and its free!


  • 许多因素也都将给这个空前利用公共图书馆水平加速。

    Many factors are driving this unprecedented level of use of public libraries.


  • 利用自己的空闲时间当地图书馆还用齐克电脑短篇故事其中有些她还当做自传来写。

    She spends her free time going to the local library and writing short stories - some of which she passes off as autobiographical - on Zeke's computer.


  • 此外,如同某些空间局促大学图书馆,这里标本机械式的,利用马达转盘来驱动。

    And like in some cramped university libraries, motors and wheels mechanically move the shelves with the turn of a dial.


  • 此外,如同某些空间局促大学图书馆,这里标本机械式的,利用马达转盘来驱动。

    And like in some cramped university libraries, motors and wheels mechanically move the shelves with the turn of a dial.


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