• 公司以前隶属一个国际银行集团

    The company formerly belonged to an international banking group.


  • 证明一个成功模式随即定位它们最佳信息有效国际银行集团世界上。

    It proved to be a winning formula which soon positioned them as the best informed and most internationally effective banking group in the world.


  • 蒂姆·荷兰国际集团投资银行新加坡办事处首席经济学家亚洲研究部主管。

    Tim Condon is the chief economist and head of research for Asia in the Singapore offices of investment bank ING.


  • 具体来说就是说扩大它们八国集团中的参与,增强它们在国际货币基金组织世界银行世界贸易组织中的地位和角色

    This means increasing their role in the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and World Trade Organisation, as well as enlarging participation in the Group of Eight leading industrial nations.


  • 今天世界银行集团国际上带头解决富国穷国共同面临这些挑战而筹措资金管理资金。

    Today, the World Bank Group is at the forefront of international efforts to raise and administer funds to meet challenges like these that confront rich and poor countries alike.


  • 适应新的世界形势不是简单地改变国际货币基金组织世界银行集团董事会投票权

    Adapting to this new world is not about modest shifts in voting power at the IMF or world Bank Group boards.


  • 美国国际集团美国银行员工奖金,红利再次引人注目。

    Bonuses came to the fore again, as American International Group and Bank of America prepared to fork out payments to staff.


  • 就意味着其他潜在原告包括美国国际集团皇家苏格兰银行都会面临自己的官司

    That means other potential plaintiffs, including American International GroupRoyal Bank of Scotland (RBS, news, MSGS), may face cases that they can't win.


  • 美国国际集团指控美国银行兜售风险不良抵押贷款证券,不良抵押贷款即次级抵押贷款【不知理解否】是指向信用程度较差和收入不高的借款人提供的贷款。

    American International Group lodged a lawsuit against Bank of America, claiming BofA sold it low-risk securities backed by "defective" mortgages given to low-income borrowers.


  • 我们把钱迅速地投向最需要的地方。尽管世界银行集团历来一个长期项目贷款机构,但我们支付开发款项已经超过了国际货币基金组织在危机方面的支出

    Even though the World Bank Group has traditionally been a lender on long-term projects, our development disbursements have exceeded the IMF's crisis payments.


  • 上个月世界银行集团10亿美元收入转交国际开发协会,也是一项纪录

    Last month's transfer of nearly 1 billion of World Bank Group income to IDA - that is also a record.


  • 与此同时荷兰银行保险公司荷兰国际集团表示2009年缩小业务范围精简活动削减成本

    Meanwhile, Dutch banking and insurance company ing said it would narrow its market reach and cull its activities to cut costs in 2009.


  • 面对一切一些公司例如万豪国际集团,一家美国酒店集团制定了新的银行信贷额度即使他们并不急需资金

    Faced with all this, some companies such as Marriott International, an American hotel group, have drawn down bank credit lines, even though they did not need the money urgently.


  • 迄今为止由金融危机导火索引发的最大宗索赔案。美国国际集团预期会其他大型银行提起类似诉讼

    It is one of the biggest claims so far to originate from the practices that led to the financial crisis; suits against other big Banks are expected to follow.


  • 虽然花旗集团一直稳步开拓国际市场,到1960年美国几千银行只有其他设立了国外分支

    Whereas Citigroup steadily built its international presence, in 1960 only seven others of the several thousand American Banks had any foreign branches.


  • 另外一个动机就是纽约联邦储蓄银行也是诉讼案原告,原因是它救助美国国际集团(aig)的时候获得了后者所持有的证券

    So was the fact that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York was a plaintiff, thanks to securities inherited in the rescue of AIG.


  • 与此同时银行金融机构必要时予以接管这项建议也是源于美国国际集团(aig)的倒塌

    Meanwhile, the proposal for powers to seize non-bank financial institutions arose from the collapse of AIG.


  • 最好章节之一雷曼银行破产美国国际集团接管之后,其他公司生存斗争部分。

    One of the best sections comes after Lehman's bankruptcy and AIG's takeover, as other firms struggle for survival.


  • 富国银行买了信用保护,在美国国际集团卖了于是现在避险了

    I bought credit protection on Wells Fargo, and sold it on AIG, so I'm now hedged!


  • 一类国际网络银行,通常与具有国际眼光公司客户合作,许多国家业务比较局限,比如:花旗集团汇丰银行和渣打银行

    The first are the global network banks which have a limited presence in lots of countries which they use to tap internationally minded companies and consumers: Citigroup, HSBC and Standard Chartered.


  • 凭借一点加上AA的长期债券评级以及波动性较高交易业务依赖程度低于其他银行荷兰国际集团这场金融风暴中的表现要好于其他银行

    That and an AA long-term-debt rating, as well as less reliance on volatile trading businesses than other banks, had enabled ING to withstand the financial storm better than other banks.


  • 星期日华盛顿特区召开世界银行集团国际货币基金组织春季会议的新闻发布会结束时佐利克讲了话

    Zoellick spoke Sunday at the concluding press conference of the World Bank Group-International Monetary Fund's Spring Meetings in Washington, DC.


  • 银行向美国国际集团这样保险公司支付费用,由后者为承担自身资产违约风险,此举使得银行不用按照规制要求储备部分资本

    Banks paid insurers such as AIG to take on the risk that their assets would default, which saved them having to put capital aside as the regulations required.


  • ,“可以那些人脸上看出经常这里来的。”一些美国国际集团的职员,一些来自其他银行

    "I can see it on the faces of certain people who come here who are regular people -some work for AIG and other large banking houses -i can see the expression of strained concern," he said.


  • ,“可以那些人脸上看出经常这里来的。”一些美国国际集团的职员,一些来自其他银行

    "I can see it on the faces of certain people who come here who are regular people - some work for AIG and other large banking houses - I can see the expression of strained concern," he said.


  • 陷入困境美国国际集团房利房地美需要大规模援助他们不是纯粹的银行

    The failures of AIG, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac necessitated massive bailouts, but they weren't exactly banks, either.


  • 例如荷兰国际集团ING欧洲监管者要求“瘦身”,这家荷兰银行2月份将旗下庞大物业资产部门大部分给了世邦魏理仕CBRE)。

    ING, a Dutch bank that has been told to lose weight by European regulators, sold most of its huge property fund-management arm to CBRE in February, for example.


  • 但是,美国国际集团(aig)并不是银行

    But AIG wasn't a bank.


  • 但是,美国国际集团(aig)并不是银行

    But AIG wasn't a bank.


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