• 乔治华盛顿大学研究科学家卡罗琳·瓦格纳指出国际合作提供了额外的灵活性

    Caroline Wagner, a research scientist at George Washington University, notes that international collaborations offer additional flexibility.


  • 加州大学圣地亚哥分校医学院助理教授,在2007年发表了一篇关于肥胖研究报告,并且国际上引起了一阵骚动

    Fowler, an associate professor at the School of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego, created an international uproar in 2007 when they published a study on obesity.


  • 保罗·肯尼迪:帝尔沃斯历史学教授耶鲁大学国际安全研究负责人

    Paul Kennedy is Dilworth professor of history and director of international security studies at Yale University.


  • 报道,埃利克森特费尔特瑞典南部隆德大学研究地质学。 目前,他们正在撰写一有关这个发现的文章,文章完成后,发表在相关的国际杂志上

    The two are researching geology at Lund University in southern Sweden, and said they are working on an article about the find that will be published in an international magazine shortly.


  • 克里教授普林斯顿大学,威尔逊公共国际事务学院,研究国际关系动向教授,学校负责,正常授课。

    Professor Kohli is a David K.E. professor of international affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of public and international affairs at Princeton University.


  • 塔拉克·巴卡维,剑桥大学国际研究中心高级讲师

    Tarak Barkawi is a Senior Lecturer at the Centre of International Studies, University of Cambridge.


  • 西方国家能汲取教训自作聪明地缩减大学国际研究机构相关开支。

    Western countries have not learned the lesson. They have complacently cut back on the work done in universities and international institutions.


  • 这项研究论文的合作者包括来自韩国忠北国立大学加利福尼亚门罗帕克市斯坦福国际研究所的一些同事们

    Co-authors on the papers include colleagues at Chungbuk National University in South Korea and SRI International in Menlo Park, Calif.


  • 德国波恩大学儿童临床中心ArneSimon目前正负责一项国际研究蜂蜜一般药物进行比较

    Arne Simon of Bonn University Children's Clinic in Germany is now leading an international study to compare honey with existing drugs.


  • DeVarney他们公司和联合国际大学(加州·圣地亚哥)RichardGevirtz博士取得了合作,Richard Gevirtz博士开展心率可变性方面研究

    DeVarney said the company collaborated with Dr Richard Gevirtz, a professor at the Alliant International University in San Diego, California, who conducts research in heart rate variability.


  • 精华大学漫画师资包括国际知名漫画研究圈内活跃漫画作者编辑

    The teaching staff includes internationally known manga researchers and active authors and editors.


  • 剑桥大学研究想象到…他们想法已经他们赢得国际认可

    A group of graduate students at the University of Cambridge can... and their idea has won them international recognition.


  • 国际大学中国学院当代印度中国研究中印关系方面发挥独特作用

    That Chinese institute has a unique role in promoting Chinese study in modern India and China-India relationship.


  • 过去曾担任约翰•霍普金斯大学保罗h尼采高级国际研究学院(SAIS)院长国际关系教授

    He was previously Dean and Professor of International Relations at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of the Johns Hopkins University.


  • 然而选择了阿姆斯特丹大学国际商务法律专业继续进行研究深造,但是如果结婚的话,这就可能了。

    Instead, however, she has chosen to pursue a master's degree in international business law at the University of Amsterdam, something she insists would not be possible if she were already married.


  • 茨任职于威特沃特斯兰大学伯纳德·普莱斯古生物研究,他领导许多其他当地国际科学家进行这项研究

    Yates, who is based at the University of the Witwatersrand's Bernard Price Institute for Paleontological research, led the research with a number of other local and international scientists.


  • 斯坦福大学社会科学家约翰·基辛格带领一支国际研究队伍夏威夷历史进行了研究调查,调查的目的是要发现人类珊瑚礁影响可以追溯到多久以前

    An international team of researchers led by social scientist John Kittinger of Stanford University looked into the islands' history to see how far back human impacts on the reefs could be traced.


  • 此前罗格大学研究人员第233届美国化学学会国际会议上告诉与会者,蓝莓提取物可以降低大肠癌的风险

    Previously, researchers from Rutgers University told attendees at the 233rd national meeting of the American Chemical Society that extracts may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.


  • 马里兰大学媒介公共事务国际研究中心进行了此项研究

    The research was led by the University of Maryland's International Centre for Media and the Public Agenda.


  • 我们吃惊,’主导这个研究德国不来梅国际大学的杰纳瑞德·艾切赫夫

    'we were stunned,' says Gerald Echterhoff, of Jacobs University Bremen, Germany, who led the research.


  • 迈克尔·j·格林系乔治城大学国际关系副教授战略国际研究中心高级顾问日本研究首席专家。

    MICHAEL J. GREEN is Associate Professor of International Relations at Georgetown University and Senior Adviser and Japan Chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.


  • 青山学院大学(国际管理研究院)不想得到AACSB认证

    Aoyama Gakuin [Graduate School of International Management] did not want AACSB accreditation.


  • 斯考特·盖茨奥斯陆国际和平研究内战研究中心主任,同时是挪威科学技术大学教授

    Scott Gates is director of the Centre for the Study of Civil War at the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo, and a professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.


  • 北京大学国际研究副教授相信这种负面公众观点会使得关系中出现问题恶化

    Peking University International Studies Associate Professor Dong Wang says he believes such negative public opinion only exacerbates the problems in the relationship.


  • 伊斯坦布尔Sehir大学国际关系研究Muzaffer Senel解释说:“土耳其并非桥梁,而是中心。”

    Turkey is not a bridge. It’s a center, ” explained Muzaffer Senel, an international relations researcher at Istanbul Sehir University.


  • 冲绳百岁老人研究从事研究工作日本冲绳国际大学Craig Willcox说:“就所有主要健康危害而言女性自我会进行很好的保护。”

    "For all the major health hazards, women take better care of themselves," says Craig Willcox of Okinawa International University in Japan, who works on the Okinawa Centenarian Study.


  • 冲绳百岁老人研究从事研究工作日本冲绳国际大学Craig Willcox说:“就所有主要健康危害而言女性自我会进行很好的保护。”

    "For all the major health hazards, women take better care of themselves," says Craig Willcox of Okinawa International University in Japan, who works on the Okinawa Centenarian Study.


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