• 专门管理国际银行资金转帐SWIFT组织计划中立瑞士数据中心

    SWIFT, the organisation that manages international bank transfers, is planning to build a data centre in neutral Switzerland.


  • 根据国际劳工组织数据大部分贩卖人口年龄824之间

    According to figures from the International Labor Organization, the majority of trafficking victims are between the ages of 8 and 24.


  • 根据国际货币基金组织国际组织数据中国人均GDP世界排名第100位左右不到世界平均水平一半

    According to statistics from the IMF and other international organizations, China's per capita GDP ranks around 100th in the world, less than half of the world average.


  • 国际清算银行(BIS)—由各国央行组成组织已经国际银行业数据设计到期日不匹配衡量标准

    The bank for international Settlements (BIS), a club of central Banks, has used its data on international banking to develop a measure of maturity mismatch.


  • 组织国际项目将争取创建一个全球数据提供世界范围内有关氡相关疾病负担更好的全球估计。

    The WHO International radon Project also aims to create a global radon database and provide improved global estimates of the disease burden associated with radon worldwide.


  • 数据资料来源于国际劳工组织世界卫生组织联合国开发计划署

    Sources included the International Labor Organization, the World Health Organization and the United Nations Development Program.


  • 确实国际货币基金组织世界经合组织统计学家制作国与国之间的比较数据基于一个标准化定义

    True, when the statisticians at the IMF or the OECD produce comparative data, they do so on the basis of standardised definitions.


  • 联同会员国,世卫组织正在支持国际商定准则进行数据收集国家

    In co-operation with its Member States, WHO is working to support the development of internationally agreed-upon guidelines for data collection in countries.


  • 国际电信联合组织提供最近几年的数据显示,移动电话的预约用户出现了跳跃性的增长,2007年的10015人增长2008年的每100人有81人。

    The International Telecommunication Union recorded a leap in mobile subscriptions per 100 people from 15 in 2007 to 81 in 2008, the most recent year for which they have data.


  • 数据资料来源于国际劳工组织世界卫生组织联合国开发计划署

    Sources included the International Labor Organization, the World Health Organization and the United Nations Development Program. Read by Chantal Anderson.


  • 国际货币基金组织最新数据显示中国去年人均GDP3566美元排名世界第99位。

    The newly published figure by IMF shows the per capita GDP of China last year was 3566 USD, which was at the rank of 99th of the world.


  • 德国银行业不是雷曼唯一的难兄难弟国际货币基金组织数据显示(右图),比利时银行业的杠杆比率30 - 1,法国银行业是26 - 1。

    The Germans aren't alone in Lehmanville: Belgian Banks are using 30-1 leverage and French ones 26-1, the IMF Numbers (see chart, right) show.


  • 国际能源组织数据显示,沙特阿拉伯现在自己王国石油产能达到每天1208万油,自身消耗量为每天830万桶。

    The kingdom has the capacity to pump 12.08 million barrels a day, of which it is now using 8.3 million barrels a day, IEA data show.


  • 花旗银行战略规划师马特(Matt King)引用国际货币组织数据显示二十位发达国家GDP债务比重已经高出前二十位新兴市场两倍之多。

    Matt King, a strategist at Citigroup, cites IMF figures showing that the debt-to-GDP ratio of the leading 20 developed nations is already twice that of the top 20 emerging markets.


  • 国际货币基金组织数据表明今年撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲地区经济总体增长4.5%。

    According to the IMF's own figures, sub-Saharan Africa's economy will grow overall by 4.5% this year.


  • 个很可能打击来自国际货币基金组织准备4月2日伦敦召开并由布朗先生主持G20会议而于3月6日发布一些令人沮丧数据

    The likely hit was set out on March 6th in some gloomy figures from the International Monetary Fund in the run-up to the G20 summit Mr Brown is hosting in London on April 2nd.


  • 这里罗列世界上最穷十个国家,统计数据来自国际货币基金组织CIAWroldFactbook

    Here is a list of the top 10 poorest countries in the world according to data gathered by the International Monetary Fund and the CIA Wrold Factbook.


  • 根据国际货币基金组织数据,G20中9个新兴市场国家中的7个发达国家的进口较一年之前有所增加,中国为例,2008进口量中的59%来自于发达国家,2009年一比例已经剧增至66%,而印度的来源于发达国家进口量亦从2008年42%上升致去年的47%。

    Just 59% of China’s imports came from rich countries in 2008, but this rose sharply to 66% in 2009. India obtained 42% of its imports from rich countries in 2008, but last year this rose to 47%.


  • 数据资料来源于国际劳工组织世界卫生组织联合国开发计划署

    Sources included the International Labor Organization the World Health Organization and the United Nations Development Program.


  • 一个利用卫星通信国际组织提供海上电话电传传真电报数据通信海难以及保险服务项目

    An international organization using satellite communications and providing maritime telephone, telex, facsimile, telegram, data communication, distress and safety services.


  • 根据世界贸易组织统计的平均国际贸易交易涉及:20—30不同40个文件,200个数据元素(其中30至少重复30次以上)。

    According to the World trade Organization the average international trade transaction involves: 20-30 different parties, 40 documents, 200 data elements (30 of which are repeated at least 30 times).


  • 根据世界贸易组织统计的平均国际贸易交易涉及:20—30不同40个文件,200个数据元素(其中30至少重复30次以上)。

    According to the World trade Organization the average international trade transaction involves: 20-30 different parties, 40 documents, 200 data elements (30 of which are repeated at least 30 times).


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