• 国际家庭健康组织1971年以来一直致力于公共健康问题

    Family Health International has been working on public health issues since 1971.


  • UNICEF,也就是联合国儿童基金会国际家庭健康组织合作

    UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, will work with Family Health International.


  • 儿童基金会国际家庭保健组织今后它们的伙伴关系扩展更多国家

    Both UNICEF and Family Health International will expand their partnership into more countries in the future.


  • 今年国际家庭日纪念活动重点移徙世界各地家庭影响

    This year's commemoration of the International Day of families focuses on the impact of migration on families around the world.


  • 今年国际家庭赞美所有家庭成员之间纽带机会。

    This year's International Day of Families is an occasion to celebrate connections among all members of the constellation that makes up a family.


  • 今年国际家庭,正值世界许多地方家庭面临动荡悲剧时刻

    This year's International Day of Families falls at a time of upheaval and tragedy for families around the world.


  • 国际家庭护理组织谢菲尔德尽管这个目标尚未达成只要每个人付出足够努力接近目标。

    Family care International's Sheffield says even if the goal is not met, it is possible to get close if everyone works hard enough.


  • 国际家庭专家戴维德•郝德森痛心地指出,“法律起了阻止庭外和解解决作用。”

    David Hodson, an international family law specialist, notes sadly that "This law works against reconciliations and resolutions out of court."


  • 实现这样目的可以通过成员国提供有关主题信息指导技术支持以及国际家庭家禽开发网络”的支持。

    This will be achieved through the provision of topical information, guidance and technical support to member countries and support of the International Network on Family Poultry Development.


  • 托马斯伦敦一家律师事务所国际家庭法律合伙人她说过去左右时间里儿童诱拐戏剧性地增加了

    Ann Thomas, a partner with the International Family law Group, a London law firm, says child abduction has increased "dramatically" in the past three years or so.


  • 值此国际家庭我们决心家庭提供支持因为家庭抚养下一代,是家庭照顾老人,也只有家庭巩固建立宽容人人享有尊严基础上的牢固社区

    On this International Day of Families, let us resolve to support families as they nurture the young, care for the old and foster strong communities built on tolerance and dignity for all.


  • 美国20世纪福克斯(20th Century Fox)国际家庭娱乐总裁基思•费尔德曼(Keith Feldman)认为:“人们有喜好收集心态”。

    There’s a collecting mentality, ” suggests Keith Feldman, the head of international home entertainment at 20th Century Fox.


  • 这个全球化时代我们有充足的理由进行国际旅行而且一些家长表示相比家庭度假学校组织的出国旅行费用更加便宜。

    In this globalised age, there is a good case for international travel, and some parents say they can manage the cost of a school trip abroad more easily than a family holiday.


  • 即便如此这些都是国际1%的一起聚会富裕家庭媒体侵扰使越来越难以保持正确形象

    Even so, these are wealthy families who party with the international 1%, and media intrusiveness makes it increasingly difficult to maintain the right image.


  • 呼吁那些尚未批准执行保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约国家批准和执行这项《公约》。

    I call on those states that have not yet done so to ratify and implement the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers and Members of their Families.


  • 由于担忧这次试验安全问题,家庭健康国际尼日利亚发起关于同一制品另一研究停止

    A second study on the same product sponsored by Family Health International conducted in Nigeria has also been stopped because of the safety concerns in the first trial.


  • 儿童早期发育领域成功需要建立伙伴关系,这不仅是一个国际国家地区部门间的伙伴关系,而且也是世界家庭的伙伴关系。

    Success in the area of early child development requires a partnership, not only among international, national, and local agencies but, also, with the world's families.


  • 我们只不过碰到一些困难它们国际足联这个家庭内部得到解决。

    We are only in some difficulties. And they will be solved inside our family.


  • 按照国际标准这个水平的,但是却显著降低家庭财务负担

    This level is not low by international standards but would reduce the financial burden on households enormously.


  • 国际机构呼吁国家不要限制对食物出口确保家庭的粮食供应,否则,问题会日趋严重

    The international bodies called on countries not to restrict exports of food to secure supplies at home, warning that could make the problem worse.


  • 使家庭手工企业成为国际出口企业步骤简单但是回报确很多- - -记住因特网没有一个人知道公司这种几率很小的

    To turn your cottage industry into an international exporter, the steps are simple but the rewards are many - remember, on the Internet no one knows your company is just one guy and a dog.


  • 国际关怀组织,在周围的逃难家庭,有五分之一单身母亲支撑的。

    The aid agency CARE has also said that up to one-fifth of displaced families around Goma are headed by single mothers.


  • 按照国际标准,那些独居没有资格得到救济金的,只有那些拥有小孩家庭才有享受救济金的权利。

    By international standards, benefits are not lavish for people living alone. But they are for families with children.


  • Romeike夫妇律师来自法律权益保障协会,研究“家庭学校国际关系问题的负责人MikeDonnelly,该协会的总部设在(美国)弗吉尼亚州

    The Romeikes' lawyer is Mike Donnelly, director of international relations for the Home School Legal Defence Association, a group based in Virginia.


  • 一个由世界卫生组织领导的国际网络新的促进家庭处理安全储存国际网络中汇集了60多个合作组织。

    A WHO-led international network has brought together more than 60 collaborating organizations in a new international network to Promote Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage.


  • 历史显示选择条道路国家找到融入国际家庭享有的更大安全和机会

    History shows that nations that pursue this path find greater security and opportunity as an integrated member of the international community.


  • 国际可以美国其他地方一些家庭共同度过漫长寒假

    International students can spend the long winter holiday with families in other parts of the United States.


  • 国际可以美国其他地方一些家庭共同度过漫长寒假

    International students can spend the long winter holiday with families in other parts of the United States.


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