• 同样道理适用许多其他公共服务消防国防法院系统

    The same argument can be used for many other public services, such as fire protection, national defense, and the court system.


  • 第一次世界战后那些年里军方希望国防建设一个美国公路系统

    In those years, just after World War I, the military wanted to build an American highway system for national defense.


  • 反简易爆炸装置系统生产只是电子战图景一部分国防制造商忙于满足各种系统需求

    The production of counter-IED systems is only a part of the EW picture, and defense manufacturers will be busy meeting demand for various of systems.


  • AECV计划记录在案第四美国国防完全、开放型小型无人机系统竞争计划,也是AeroVironment公司获得的第四个。

    The AECV program represents the fourth U.S. Department of Defense full and open competition for a small UAS program of record, and the fourth won by AV.


  • PumaAE系统结合有与美国国防及其盟军用户相同手持地面控制装置控制“大乌鸦“黄蜂”系统

    Puma AE systems incorporate the same handheld Ground Control Unit used by U.S. Department of Defense and allied military customers to control Raven and Wasp systems.


  • 一旦他们开发可行全新密码替代系统这套系统美国“国防办公室环境”下的电脑进行测试

    Once the agency creates a workable prototype of their new password-replacement system, it will be tested on desktops in a “Department of Defense office environment.


  • 最新订单表明,国防战斗设置订购使用无人系统成为最近趋势

    This latest order adds to a recent trend of the Defense Department ordering and using the unmanned systems in battle Settings.


  • 麦金农黑客活动并不是非法访问计算机时的随机试验而是关键时刻故意破坏系统,并且留下了证据确凿损害

    She said McKinnon's hacking activities "were not random experiments in computer hacking, but a deliberate effort to breach US defence systems at a critical time which caused well-documented damage.


  • 一位代表CVRJ计划满足紧迫系统需求阻止无线电控制的IED爆炸需求上帮了国防的忙。

    The CVRJ program is helping the Department of Defense meet urgent system requirements and increased production demands to prevent the detonation of radio-controlled IEDs, says a representative.


  • 根据今年早些时候国防签署一项15商业协议BAE系统公司FSC项目的主承包商系统集成商

    Under a 15 year Terms of Business Agreement signed with the MoD earlier this year, BAE systems will be lead contractor and systems integrator for the FSC programme.


  • 俄罗斯国防使用库纳早期警戒系统,于是雷达基地成为这么多年华盛顿莫斯科谈判工具

    Russia's Defense Ministry, however, continued to rely on Skrunda's early warning system, and as a result the radar base was for years used as a negotiation tool between Washington and Moscow.


  • 这家系统公司参与去年七次国际投标中标。

    The French defense systems company competed in seven international contests last year and won all of them.


  • 目前公司支持多个国防计划包括作为生产空中发射的小型无人机系统主要承包商

    Currently, the company supports several Defense Department programs, including as a prime contractor in the production of an air-launched small expendable unmanned aircraft system (UAS).


  • MUOS地面系统在MUOS卫星美国国防地基通信网络之间提供通信控制界面

    The MUOS Ground System provides communications and controls interfaces between the MUOS satellites and U. s. Department of Defense Earth-based communication networks.


  • MUOS地面系统在MUOS卫星美国国防地基通信网络之间提供通信控制界面

    The MUOS Ground System provides communications and controls interfaces between the MUOS satellites and U.S. Department of Defense Earth-based communication networks.


  • MUOS地面系统在MUOS卫星美国国防地基通信网络之间提供通信控制界面

    The MUOS Ground System provides communications and controls interfaces between the MUOS satellites and U.S.Department of Defense Earth-based communication networks.


  • 解决这种几何学上的难题国防聘请一家位于弗罗里达工程公司——BECIndustries设计一种专用的集装箱管理系统

    To deal with this geometric puzzle the defence department paid BEC Industries, an engineering firm based in Florida, to design a special container-management system.


  • Rakel网一个新的全国性无线电通信系统用于公共安全机构例如警察救援海关海岸警卫队国防

    Rakel is a new nationwide radio system used by public safety agencies such as the police, rescue services, customs, Coast Guard and the Defense Forces.


  • 国防12月17日宣布,根据合同CACI完成工程技术帮助管理支撑服务支持NSWC机载光电系统分部

    Under the contract, CACI will furnish engineering, technical assistance and management support services to support NSWC's Airborne Electro-Optic Systems Branch, DOD said Dec. 17.


  • 2007年9月14日美国国防宣布EDO公司获得了一份订单国防交付2250套“CREW 2.1”车载电子干扰系统,交付日期为2008年4月

    On September 14, the Department of Defense announced that EDO Corporation has received orders for 2,250 additional 'CREW 2.1' vehicle-mounted electronic jammers, to be delivered by April 2008.


  • 根据份价值2610万美元的合同爱莲特技术系统公司(ATK美国国防创造出虚拟太空环境,用于空间系统硬件试验

    Alliant Techsystems Inc. (ATK) will create a virtual space environment that will be used to test space hardware for the Defense Department under a $26.1 million contract.


  • 今天美国国防宣布雷声公司授予价值5550万美元的合同,交付ATFLIR系统,合同号#0007。

    Today, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) announced that Raytheon is being awarded a $55.5 million contract for ATFLIR System Components Delivery Order #0007.


  • [据防务系统网站2011年7月7日报道]美国国防已经推出了新的试点方案联邦IT员工提供一个机会私营机构体验工作

    The Defense Department has introduced a new pilot program that will give federal IT employees a chance to experience private-sector work.


  • 这个系统接下来几年逐渐得到采用美国国防部高级研究计划局ARPAnet霸主的推动),首先是补充然后完全取代主机

    The system gained gradual adoption over the next few years (with prodding from the Arpanet overlords at Darpa), first supplementing and then entirely supplanting the host tables.


  • 美国潜在对手可能寻求利用破坏拒绝削弱美国国防赖以运行网络系统,”报告表示

    "Potential US adversaries may seek to exploit, disrupt, deny, and degrade the networks and systems that DoD depends on for its operations," the report said.


  • 本文国防科工委研究项目重要组成部分,围绕伪码调相引信实验干扰源系统的工程实现,主要开展了以下关键技术研究

    This dissertation is an important part of certain national defense project. And some key techniques of the system of experimental jamming source for PRCPM fuze are studied.


  • 本文针对国防科技领域某种武器飞行状态介绍测量其摆动角度测量系统设计思想

    Dealing mainly with the flying status of some kind of weapon in the field of Defense Science, this article introduces the ideal of designing pendulum Angle measure system.


  • 本文针对国防科技领域某种武器飞行状态介绍测量其摆动角度测量系统设计思想

    Dealing mainly with the flying status of some kind of weapon in the field of Defense Science, this article introduces the ideal of designing pendulum Angle measure system.


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