• 因此这会使得我国国民整体智力水平提升。

    Thus it will lead to the enhancement of the intelligence level in our country.


  • 高职院校入口模式职业资格证书制度我国国民整体职业素质的提高有着深远影响

    The enrolling pattern of vocational colleges and vocational credentials system have a deep effect on our Chinese whole vocational quality.


  • 人力资源开发为了提高人才队伍整体实力,而开发人才资源要以提高国民整体素质为基础。

    The exploitation of brain resources should be conducted to improve the level of the whole nation.


  • 看起来虽然性别老套形象充分的由来,但整体他们的国民不是如此。

    It seems that although gender stereotypes are well founded, on the whole their national equivalents aren't.


  • 对于每个国家国民医疗服务覆盖缺口确定整体医疗服务覆盖指数选定个别医疗服务指标

    For each country, the national coverage gap was determined for an overall health service coverage index and select individual health service indicators.


  • 英国国民信托(the national trust)调查1,294受访者一半他们生活得很快乐其中80%人热爱大自然整体

    Just under half of the 1,294 respondents surveyed by the National Trust said they were happy with their lives - but of those, 80 per cent reported having a strong connection with the natural world.


  • 家庭收入赶上整体增长速度,居民也许开始消费更多国民储蓄就会下降

    When household incomes catch up with overall growth, they will probably start consuming more and gross national savings will fall.


  • 欧盟提供主要资金的,包括德国英国法国等几个经济大国。 他们整体预算额度当前水平以下:大约占到欧盟国民总收入1%。

    Rich countries that bankroll the EU, including Germany, Britain and France, say that the next overall budget must remain no bigger than now: about 1% of overall EU national income.


  • 现在底特律车企财富状态与国民经济整体健康程度的关联度竞争对手更高。

    The Detroit firms' fortunes are even more closely linked to the general health of the economy than competitors'.


  • 尽管第三产业约占日本国民产值70%,其确是日本生产效率底下的产业。 而日本经济产业省官员形容此产业“整体都羸弱不已”了。

    Productivity is poorest in service industries, source of 70% of Japan’s output, but an official at METI describes it as “very weak across the board”.


  • 话里的说话,引言里,刚刚读过,号称“国民整体国家这个庞然大物,艺术造成

    Now, his language in that sentence that I just read from the introduction, "For by art", again, "is created that great Leviathan called a commonwealth or a state."


  • 英国国民信托(the national trust)调查了1,294受访者一半他们生活得很快乐,其中80%热爱大自然整体

    Just under half of the 1, 294 respondents surveyed by the National Trust said they were happy with their lives - but of those, 80 per cent reported having a strong connection with the natural world.


  • 宏观方面看,就是把税收作为一个整体考察或者说考察整个国民经济税收负担水平

    In respect of macro method, we study tax as a whole or study the tax burden degree of the national economy.


  • FDI不仅我国整体国民经济并且对我国区域经济增长产生重要影响

    FDI not only to our country overall national economy, and has the very important influence to our country region economy growth.


  • 首先本文讨论型钢轧机国民经济中的地位300/500机组平面布置示意图概况进行了整体的介绍。

    First, the thesis has discussed the position of the rolling mill of sharp steel in the national economy, and makes the general instruction for 300/500 unit plane arrangement.


  • 对中等职业学校人力资本充分开发直接影响国民整体素质人力资本的质量高低

    Secondary vocational schools for the full development of human resources, will directly influence to the national's overall quality and the quality height of human resources.


  • 交通运输统计国民经济核算有机结合起来,系统全面地反映我国交通运输业整体状况本文主要任务。

    The principal contribution of this paper is to combine the statistic of the transportation industry with the national economy, which reflects the situation of this field systematically.


  • 于是乎作为整体地球人类社会首先国民民众就惨了。

    As a result, human society as a whole earth and first is the mass are miserable.


  • 国民经济整体角度,对洪灾损失进行分类,确定了洪灾经济损失评估计算准则

    On the benefit of the whole national economy, the loss of flood damage is classified, and principles of evaluating the economic loss of flood damage are suggested.


  • 其次国民整体文化素质

    The second, the cultural diathesis of the whole civil is not high.


  • 控制物流成本、减少物流费用,应提高我国国民经济整体素质重要手段

    So it's a significant means to reduce logistics cost for improving the overall quality of China's economy.


  • 不同「年龄、服务年资、职务、是否参与过相关导研习活动」之基隆国民小学教育人员发展性视导整体知觉情形达显著差异。

    There were above average perception for the elementary schools educators' points of view about the ideals of teacher professional development by Developmental Supervision in Keelung City.


  • 第二部分介绍辽宁省水运国民经济重要性。通过分别介绍辽宁省水运业及其整体的经济状况,得出水运业对其国民经济的重要性。

    The first two chapters introduce the background and give an overview of literature respectively, while the rest of paper is generally divided into two parts: the CGE modeling and case implementation.


  • 这些国家的整体国民生产总值那些规模庞大财务机构所拥有的资金还要少。

    Their entire Gross National Products are smaller than the funds controlled by those largest financial institutions.


  • 这些国家的整体国民生产总值那些规模庞大财务机构所拥有的资金还要少。

    Their entire Gross National Products are smaller than the funds controlled by those largest financial institutions.


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