• 知识资本作为知识经济重要战略资源影响着国家兴衰

    Knowledge capitals which influence the rise and fall of a state are the most important strategic resources of knowledge economy.


  • 九亿农民生活命运牵系着国人关系国家兴衰

    Million peasants lives and the destiny are capturing people's heart arteries, and also relating prosperity and decline the national.


  • 使化学鹤立鸡群那些特定的分子一个国家兴衰荣辱直接关联

    What makes chemistry unique is that its defining constituents- molecules- can have a startlingly direct relationship on an individual basis with world events and the rise and fall of nations.


  • 后者自取其辱可见,“一个国家兴衰存亡都起非常重要作用

    The latter himself shame, the body dead country wu. Visible, "virtue" on a nation's thriving plays a very important role.


  • 税法作为国家提供公共物品”,质量如何不仅直接影响到纳税人切身利益而且关系到社会的安宁乃至国家的兴衰

    Tax law is regarded as the "public goods" provided by the nation, its quality not only affects taxpayer's benefit directly, but also relates prosperity of the country.


  • 余年之后法国哲学家鲍修天意论为切入点对奥古斯丁思想做了充分发挥,他认为国家兴衰神意决定的。

    One thousand years later, French philosopher Bossuet repair sorrow entry point from the God of Augustine full play, the country's prosperity is determined by the Divine.


  • 经历了这个国家的兴衰沉浮的全部近代史(Hewasthereatthebeginningand there at theend)。

    He was there at the beginning and there at the end.


  • 因为教师心理是否健康不仅影响教师本身的身体健康,而且影响教学的效果和质量甚至关系到国家民族的兴衰存亡。

    Besides that, the level of their psychological health directly affects their physique, quality of education as well, even determines the fate of our nation and county.


  • 国家兴衰系于人才,人才国家根本

    National prosperity depends on quality manpower, which is the country's fundamental.


  • 如何稳妥地解决大学生就业问题关系国家兴衰社会安定的大问题。

    How to resolve the problem properly is related closely to the national development and social stability.


  • 通过全面实施素质教育培养开发大批富于创造才能高素质人才已经成为维系国家命运和民族兴衰关键

    Education and cultivation of a sufficient number of qualified laborers and personnel through implementing personality education has become a key to the survival and development of a nation.


  • 不单人力资源重新配置问题而且是一个关系国家经济兴衰社会秩序平稳具有挑战性难题

    It is not only a human resources reconfigured problem, but also a related to the national economic ups and downs, social order smooth challenging problems.


  • 阅读不仅个人成长影响巨大的而且民族国家兴衰影响也是深远的,世界各国都十分重视阅读。

    Reading, which is emphasized all over the world, not only has much to do with personal growth, but also exerts tremendous influence on ethnic and national prosperity or weakness.


  • 名牌战略关系企业兴衰成败大问题 ,拥有名牌多少衡量一个国家地区经济实力强弱的重要标准

    The number of the famous brands is an important standard to measure the economic power of a country or an area.


  • 人文教育基础地位在于:关系到民族存亡、国家兴衰社会进退、人格高低、思维智愚、言行文野及事业成功

    Thus the humanities education is basic because it's closely related with rise and decline of a nation, ups and downs of a society and the success of one's cause.


  • 世界范围来看一个国家企业兴衰很大程度上影响国家经济实力

    From a global perspective, the prosperity and decline of enterprises in a country has influenced the national economic potentiality remarkably.


  • 吏治好坏,直接关系国家治乱兴衰

    The quality of the management is directly related to the rise and fall of the nation.


  • 长期历史进程中,国民智力禀性制度进步国家兴衰起关键性作用

    During the process of history, the intelligence and natural disposition of the state has strong influence on the development of system and the prosperity of the state.


  • 减轻中小学生负担关系国家,民族兴衰问题

    To Linhten the middle and Primary school students' load is now an important question which concerns the decline and prosperity of the country.


  • 名牌战略关系企业兴衰成败大问题,拥有名牌多少衡量一个国家地区经济实力强弱的重要标准

    Brand strategy is a key part as to the ups and downs of the enterprises. The number of the famous brands is an important standard to measure the economic power of a country or an area.


  • 蝗灾救治国家兴衰密切关系 ,姚崇灭蝗开元盛世做出了重要贡献 ;

    There are close relations between the rise and decline of the country and the cure for plague of locusts.


  • 城市兴衰记载一个国家民族孕育成长奋斗历史记载人类文明的历史进程。

    The prosperity and decline of the cities bear the weight of the breeding, growing and struggling history of a country and a nationality, and records the history of human civilization.


  • 城市兴衰记载一个国家民族孕育成长奋斗历史记载人类文明的历史进程。

    The prosperity and decline of the cities bear the weight of the breeding, growing and struggling history of a country and a nationality, and records the history of human civilization.


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