• 这个国家外国债权数十亿

    The country owes billions of dollars to foreign creditors.


  • G20财长们讨论建立自愿行为准则可能性指导债权濒临债务违约国家之间谈判

    G20 ministers also talked about the possibility of creating a "voluntary code of conduct" to govern negotiations between creditors and countries on the verge of defaulting on debt.


  • 欧元区债权人和债务人之间的战役一再上演,成本较高的国家新的金本位连在一起,其具体方式德国那样,通过出口拉动经济增长。

    This battle is about to be re-enacted in the euro zone, where higher-cost countries have tied themselves to a new gold standard, in the form of the hyper-efficient German export machine.


  • FSA要求重新确认国外银行所属国家流动性方面是否监管得力,同时确保英国债权该行破产情况不会存在劣势

    The FSA will want to be reassured both that the foreign bank’s home supervisor takes a robust approach to liquidity and that British creditors are not disadvantaged in the event of insolvency.


  • 公共债务市场影响力不大,因为大部分公共债务的债权持有高额储蓄意大利人,意味着私人借贷部分的公共债务总额欧元区其它国家的水平差不多。

    Its public debt weighs less heavily on markets because much of it is owned by Italians, whose high savings mean that aggregate public plus private borrowing is in line with other euro-area countries.


  • 债权国家,尤其是德国,处在进退两难境地。

    Creditor governments, most of all Germany, face a dilemma.


  • 政策制定者经济学家们自然美国的惩罚关税政策难以认同,很多人认为一个中国负债累累的国家债权国提出威胁实在是不智之举。

    Its policymakers and economists are, of course, united in their distaste for America’s tariff talk.


  • 当然不是所有国家债权

    Not all nations can be creditors, of course.


  • 私营机构极其厌恶风险,不再持有债权只能依靠国家接手所有的债权

    Only the state is reliable enough to take on all debt, which private institutions are too risk-intolerant to hold.


  • 国家公司不同,不能正式破产因此债权不能明确破产框架受益

    Unlike companies, countries cannot officially go bust so their creditors don't have the benefit of a clear insolvency framework.


  • 只要三个国家谈判中达成自己承诺,那么德国为首欧洲债权国家,将乐意其提供援助资金

    As long as the three live up to their side of the bargain, the European creditor nations, led by Germany, have been prepared to provide bridging finance.


  • 债权无法避免一个交易国家资本公司成本显著上升

    In countries where creditors cannot avoid a raw deal, companies' cost of capital could rise sharply.


  • 这次事件中东亚受到影响较小是因为多数国家债权

    In this case, East Asia has been less affected because most countries there are net creditors.


  • 某些德国人要求下,后者立场已经趋于软化任何国家寻求救助时债务问题债权重新举行谈判。

    The latter proposals have been softened from demands by some Germans that any country seeking a bail-out should renegotiate its debt with creditors.


  • 如果债权要求,债务国必须黄金偿还债务,如果允许自由流通,黄金通常流向(1)最安全的国家(2)有利可图国家

    Nations must pay their debts in gold (if asked) and, allowed to choose its home, free gold will always go where (1) it will be safest and (2) make the most money.


  • 希腊不是唯一面临悲惨的债务负担试图出售国有土地其他财产偿还债权人的国家

    Greece is not the only modern nation that has faced calamitous budget shortfalls and needed to sell state-controlled land and other assets to keep creditors away.


  • 哈萨克斯坦重组不同寻常之处在于国家没有提供任何担保BTA银行——问题严重银行——的多数债权一起分担痛苦

    The Kazakh restructuring, completed in September this year, is unusual because instead of getting a state guarantee, the majority of the creditors of BTA Bank, the biggest problem, shared the pain.


  • 根据欧盟公司请求某个具有主要利益中心”的国家申请破产,债权努力争取避免这些最坏制度

    According to European Union law, a company can request to file for bankruptcy in the country where it has its "centre of main interest", and creditors will fight to avoid the worst regimes.


  • 阿尔及利亚尼日利亚俄罗斯为主一小部分国家偿还官方债权外债

    A handful of countries, led by Algeria, Nigeria and Russia, repaid their external debt to official creditors.


  • 政客们紧急存款人银行债权提出各种方式的担保时,他们承诺存在疑问:他们国家公众金融系统能够承担这些责任吗?

    AS POLITICIANS hurry to offer guarantees to depositors and to Banks 'other creditors, their promises raise a question: can their countries 'public finances shoulder these new responsibilities?


  • 破产造成损失损害德国法国其他国家大量银行其他债权方的资产

    The resulting losses would destroy large amounts of the capital of banks and other creditors in Germany, France and other countries.


  • 迪拜金融危机爆发之后海湾地区债权可能会钟情于那些依靠石油天然气这类“实际资产国家

    In the wake of the Dubai debacle, lenders to the Gulf may favour those states that can fall back on "real assets", such as gas and oil.


  • 因此迫使债权遭受损失的话,将会导致外围国家公共部门债务危机蔓延核心国家金融行业

    So, forcing the creditors to take a hit will transfer the crisis from the public sector of the peripheral countries to the financial sectors of the core ones.


  • 绝大多数国家竭尽全力监管者提供法律工具来讲损失算债权身上。

    Here most countries are doing their best to provide regulators with the legal tools to put losses onto creditors.


  • 而且欧元区其它国家提供帮助暂时性计划胡乱拼凑而成,错误百出特别是偏向个体债权利益。

    And the temporary support scheme cobbled together for the rest of the euro zone was equally flawed: in particular, it was too easy on private creditors.


  • 第二需要货币基金组织或者欧盟这样国家组织,处理债权提起的诉讼参与调解

    Second, it would need a supranational institution, such as the IMF or the European Commission, to oversee creditors' claims and co-ordinate agreement on a settlement.


  • 大多数新兴市场,土耳其墨西哥基于法国拿破仑法规可能限制债权,在没收借债人资产抵债时,获得在其他奉行惯例法的国家所能获得的数额。

    In some countries, such as Turkey and Mexico, the law is based on the French Napoleonic model where secured creditors may not collect as much as in common-law countries.


  • 一些债权担心倘若国家违约机构贷款首先偿还

    Some creditors fret that the facility's loans will be repaid first in the event of a sovereign default.


  • 一些债权担心倘若国家违约机构贷款首先偿还

    Some creditors fret that the facility's loans will be repaid first in the event of a sovereign default.


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