• 第一次发表政策性讲话时说,决心要为成立巴勒斯坦进行谈判不过华盛顿在年底前达成和平协议目标表示怀疑

    In her first policy speech, Livni said she is committed to negotiations on the creation of a Palestinian state, though she cast doubt on Washington's goal of a peace agreement by the end of the year.


  • 虽然瑟利很大把握赢得明年选举,但是这个西非,非洲大陆最早共和里,不能完全按照自己想法施政。

    Though Ms Sirleaf is favourite to win next year's election, she will not have it all her own way in this small west African country, the continent's oldest republic.


  • 梅德维谈到改善合作前景即使一些领域存在分歧,仍然可以讨论很多共同关心的问题。

    Speaking in Russian, he talked about the prospects for improving cooperation, saying there are many concerns the two countries can address together, even though they have differences in other areas.


  • 李明博鸠山由纪开辟了两走向未来关系”之

    Mr Lee said Mr Hatoyama had opened the way for “future-oriented relations”.


  • 赫鲁绍·斯基,斯中两包括议会在内领域交往活跃,两关系拥有良好前景

    Hrusovsky said that bilateral exchanges in various areas including those between parliaments are dynamic and bilateral relations enjoy sound prospect.


  • 股神巴菲特,大师卡斯帕罗,再到“老虎”伍兹所有超级成功者都经历了漫长刻意练习达到了胜利的巅峰

    From Warren Buffet to grand chess master Gary Kasparov to golfer Tiger Woods, all super performers reached the heights only after long drawn out periods of deliberate practice.


  • 工业化集团领导人峰会正在日本举行,布什和梅德韦杰这个机会进行了会面

    The two leaders met on the sidelines of the annual meeting of the Group of Eight leading industrialized nations.


  • 当时俄罗斯苏联最大的加盟共和叶利钦迫使戈尔巴乔宣读政令所有俄罗斯境内的苏联资产移交俄管理。

    Yeltsin forced Gorbachev to read decrees that, among other things, turned all Soviet property in Russia over to the Russian state, at that time the largest republic comprising the Soviet Union.


  • 五角大楼新闻秘书莫瑞尔表示,(美伊)谈判达成初步协定高层官员仍对内容进行评估

    Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell says negotiators have reached a draft accord, which senior officials in both countries are now evaluating.


  • 巴拉克支持建立一个巴勒斯坦,但是内塔尼亚胡则表示反对。

    Livni and Barak support the creation of a Palestinian state; Netanyahu does not.


  • 利马坚持莫斯科不能接受北约组织承担波兰匈牙利捷克共和防御义务——正是这几个五十年前被强行纳入苏维埃

    Primakov was insisting that Moscow could not accept a NATO committed to the defense of Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic — the very states forced into the Soviet empire 50 years ago.


  • 哈佛大学经济学家、曾任货币基金组织(IMF)首席经济学家罗格(Kenneth Rogoff)其他G20成员传递一个信息:现在轮到你们采取行动了。

    'China is saying to the rest of the G-20,' It's your move, "says Harvard economist Kenneth Rogoff, a former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund."


  • 梅德韦杰加强战略磋商问题有关和平安全世界各地亚太地区

    Medvedev said the two countries should strengthen strategic consultation on issues relating to peace and security across the world and in the Asia-Pacific region.


  • 除了鸠山由纪“东亚共同体”的设想,日本已经决定共同探讨签订自由贸易协定可能性

    In addition to Hatoyama's EAC proposal, China, Japan, and Korea have initiated a joint study on a possible FTA among them.


  • 一致认为,增强务实行动和加强协调和地区事务

    Yang and Lavrov also agreed that the two countries should boost their pragmatic operation and enhance coordination in international and regional affairs.


  • 波兰捷克共和匈牙利欧洲游客趋之若鹜,使得克拉布拉格和布达佩斯的物价上扬不过几个乡下地区物价还是非常平民化

    Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary: So popular with European tourists that prices in Krakow, Prague and Budapest have risen. But the countryside in these nations is still very affordable.


  • ·古斯塔森负责联合粮农组织华盛顿办事处

    Dan Gustafson heads the Washington office of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.


  • 先生后来表示避免进一步伤害之间关系绝对有必要的。

    Lavrov later said it was "absolutely necessary" to avoid steps that could further harm relations between the two countries.


  • :可不是,顾拜亲自起草了运动员宣誓誓词,一般主办著名运动员宣读誓词。

    Jeff: Of course. Mr. Baron DE Coubertin wrote the oath for the athletes, and a famous athlete from the host country will read that out.


  • 每天早晨,迪欧要去海边恳求那些堵上自己性命寻找欧洲黄金年轻人们不要出海

    Every morning Madam Duff goes on to the beach to plead with young men intent of gambling their lives in a quest for an eldorado in Europe.


  • 每天早晨,迪欧要去海边恳求那些堵上自己性命寻找欧洲黄金年轻人们不要出海

    Every morning Madam Duff goes on to the beach to plead with young men intent of gambling their lives in a quest for an eldorado in Europe.


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